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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

gracelhink;1383902; said:
Have to wonder when this article was written (old news) or is the author missing the decommit from WVU, commit to Tenn, decommit, and open recruiting.
That was from October 19th.

ysubuck - I'm wondering if the Clemson visit is as much about his mother's need to be sure as it is about Tajh's mindset:

Boyd plans to spend the weekend seeing Clemson's campus and meeting new Tigers head coach Dabo Swinney. Boyd and his family were to begin driving south Friday afternoon.

"We decided to go this morning," said Boyd's mother, Carla.

"We were thinking about it, but nothing was set in stone until today. The idea is, it's better safe than sorry, so we're going to go ahead and take that last visit."
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BuckeyeNation27;1383947; said:
Am I the only one thinking it's a gigantic waste of time trying to read the mind and dissect every single word/action the kid makes? No?
Not if you are one of BP's resident mind readers, crystal ball gazers, tarot card readers and chicken littles.
Mr Boyd will make up his own mind in time and that will
be that, It's not as if we will curl up and die as a team if he goes elsewhere. Sure it would be nice to have him but I don't hold my breath about these recruits.
We are Ohio State.
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billmac91;1383909; said:
I wonder if Tee Martin to New Mexcico paved the way for a Clemson visit?? For some reason, it seems like tOSU is a fall-back option at this point. It's a good option but he'd rather go somewhere without Terrelle Pryor.

Hope I'm wrong.
I think you're right on target. People say that players should not be afraid of competition but when you are looking at a guy who could be starting here for 3 more years you really have to think about that. Everyone wants to play but sometimes you have to be realistic.
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BuckeyeNation27;1383947; said:
Am I the only one thinking it's a gigantic waste of time trying to read the mind and dissect every single word/action the kid makes? No?


No, you're not the only one.
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LitlBuck;1383959; said:
I think you're right on target. People say that players should not be afraid of competition but when you are looking at a guy who could be starting here for 3 more years you really have to think about that. Everyone wants to play but sometimes you have to be realistic.

Yeah, you're right, everywhere except SouthernCal, where they bring in 3-5stars per position, it almost seems. Those kids don't seem to care about depth charts and immediate playing time. :(
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osugrad21;1384653; said:
Unless he has everyone fooled on the trip, look for Clemson to be in that finalists list when interviews come out. Tajh was given the royal treatment and was CJ Spiller's personal project for the weekend.

I agree. This ends up:

either Clemson or Oregon #1 or #2 and tOSU #3
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bobcat84;1384684; said:
I agree. This ends up:

either Clemson or Oregon #1 or #2 and tOSU #3

I think Clemson makes the most sense (depth chart/location to home). I hope for Boyd's sake they get the program turned around. He seems like a great kid.

Unfortunately for the Bucks, he doesn't seem interested in redshirting, even after coming off knee surgery. He wants to compete right away, which does make Terrelle a stumbling block.

I hope he doesn't rush his knee, for the sake of playing time as a freshmen. He has a long future in front of him.
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