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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

Capping this class with Boyd would be

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Awesome news. Honestly I never lost faith. Thought that we were too good of a fit to pass up. As much hemming and hawing that went on, the people involved wanted to find the best situation for him, and we are it.

As a bonus, this has to help with Brown.
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Boyd still debates choice
Phoebus quarterback Tajh Boyd is expected to announce his decision at 5 p.m. Tuesday.
By DAVE JOHNSON | 247-4649
January 25, 2009

As of mid-afternoon Sunday, Phoebus quarterback Tajh Boyd insisted he hadn't made a final decision as to which college he wants to attend. But by Tuesday evening, he expects to know.

Boyd, arguably the top uncommitted quarterback in the nation, has scheduled a 5 p.m. press conference at the school Tuesday to announce his choice. It will be one of three schools: Clemson, Ohio State or Oregon.

"It's been very tough," Boyd said Sunday afternoon. "I've been debating back and forth which schools I should go to and I know that whether I make my decision tomorrow or next week it's not going to make any difference. I'll still be debating it.

"It's going to (be) how I feel at the moment, and I'll stick with that. I don't want to have any regrets."

Boyd's press conference is set for the Blue Phantom Inn, a restaurant at the high school. He says he plans to put three hats in front of him and choose one.

"All the schools are great and I like all the coaches," he said. "It's been a tough process so far. I never thought I'd have as many offers as I did. I've been blessed, and I want to keep being blessed."

Boyd still debates choice -- dailypress.com
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January 25, 2009
Boyd Sets Tuesday News Conference
By Phil Kornblut

QB Tajh Boyd (6-1 208) of Hampton, VA will hold a news conference at his school Tuesday afternoon at 5:00 PM to announce his college choice his father said Sunday afternoon. Boyd is choosing from Clemson, Ohio State and Oregon. "Thirty minutes ago it was one school, and 15 minutes ago it was another," Tim Boyd said. "The longer he waits, he's going to change his mind. I can't tell you. His head is floating everywhere. Until he puts the had on, I won't really know." Mr. Boyd said the family has discussed the pros and cons of each school. "We looked at the distance factor concerning Oregon," he said. "We don't want him all the way on the West Cost by himself. He's from a close knit family. Picking up and moving like that is very expensive. We've also been looking at the offense Oregon runs and if it's the right offense for Tajh. We look at Ohio State as being a big time program but at the same time you've got a quarterback whose already established himself for the future. Playing time is a question mark at Ohio State. Clemson is close knit with its players and coaches. Coach Swinney is very family oriented. Where he came from and the things he went thru growing up speaks volumes. You'd want a kid playing for a coach like that. He can't help but teach a kid the good things in life. He's a Christian guy. You can't go wrong by committing to Clemson. And they don't have a quarterback who has established himselft. It's a big time program and it's not too far off. The fans care about the team and they care about winning. I like that and that's what Tajh is all about.

PalmettoSports.com | South Carolina Recruiting | Phil Kornblut | GoUpstate.com
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DSelwyn;1390382; said:
OSU Rivals = 5PM Monday
Clemson Rivals = 5PM Tuesday


Calm yourself...word is the announcement will be on Tuesday according to two different sources but as soon as we are 100% sure we will let you know.
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