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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

Could someone please explain why all three schools' insiders believe that they will get him? Been following recruiting for years and these stories usually end in the same way. Bad. For eveyone involved. Yet Tajh seems like a good kid so colored me confused.
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What I find interesting is that the OSU sources of info I have talked to have connections at both Clemson and Oregon...one is still very optimistic about OSU's chances and the other is adamant that OSU lands him. I will trust them based on what I know about the situation until I hear something credible otherwise...

As for heisman27's questions, we'll know more and be able to tell everyone more after Tajh goes public...
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heisman27;1391067; said:
Could someone please explain why all three schools' insiders believe that they will get him? Been following recruiting for years and these stories usually end in the same way. Bad. For eveyone involved. Yet Tajh seems like a good kid so colored me confused.

Because all 3 have good reasons to think they will get him. That is not a smart mouthed answer, all three have been given indication that they are going to win the race. By who, I have no idea.
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heisman27;1391067; said:
Could someone please explain why all three schools' insiders believe that they will get him? Been following recruiting for years and these stories usually end in the same way. Bad. For eveyone involved. Yet Tajh seems like a good kid so colored me confused.

Folanator;1391070; said:
Because all 3 have good reasons to think they will get him. That is not a smart assed answer, all three have been given indication that they are going to win the race. By who, I have no idea.

My guess is Tajh has not really given out too much info to the recruiting sites, he seems to be playing things very close to the vest. All he has done is give positive remarks about the 3 remaining schools and not really given a leader. All he ever says is All 3 schools are very close.

The kid seems really torn between the three schools and is a really good kid (from all accounts) so I can easily see him giving off good vibes to each of the 3 schools meaning all of the 'insiders' get those good vibes from their sources and thus why it seems like everyone thinks they are getting him.

Or at least that is my view.

In any case, we will all find out tomorrow night/ LOI day.
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heisman27;1391067; said:
Could someone please explain why all three schools' insiders believe that they will get him? Been following recruiting for years and these stories usually end in the same way. Bad. For eveyone involved. Yet Tajh seems like a good kid so colored me confused.

1. The kid speaks positively about each of the schools.

2. Fans and 'insiders' want to land their guys on their target lists

3. Some of them are guessing and hoping to be right.
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Piney;1391094; said:
My guess is Tajh has not really given out too much info to the recruiting sites, he seems to be playing things very close to the vest. All he has done is give positive remarks about the 3 remaining schools and not really given a leader. All he ever says is All 3 schools are very close.

The kid seems really torn between the three schools and is a really good kid (from all accounts) so I can easily see him giving off good vibes to each of the 3 schools meaning all of the 'insiders' get those good vibes from their sources and thus why it seems like everyone thinks they are getting him.

Or at least that is my view.

In any case, we will all find out tomorrow night/ LOI day.

I read back through since this post:

osugrad21;1390262; said:

Announcement is scheduled for 5pm tomorrow.

BG predicting tOSU

and never saw anything confirming it for today or tomorrow at 5.....was it ever confirmed one way or another?
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Bucky Katt;1391100; said:
I read back through since this post:

and never saw anything confirming it for today or tomorrow at 5.....was it ever confirmed one way or another?

The local paper, The Daily Press, reported today that it was originally scheduled for 5:00 today, but was then switched to 5:00 tomorrow.

Boyd, arguably the top uncommitted quarterback in the nation, has scheduled a 5 p.m. news conference, originally set for today, at the school Tuesday to announce his choice. It will be one of three schools: Clemson, Ohio State or Oregon.

Link: Source
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Update from Bill K off the Bucknuts free board. Too short to bother with linking...

Very, Very Latest From Boyd
Moments ago Tajh Boyd had plenty of good things to say about Ohio State. He talked about Troy Smith being someone he followed and really liked. Everything sounded good. When asked about the chances of Buckeye fans being happy on Tuesday night, he said 50/50. I would say at least that.
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cataboy3;1391134; said:
bad news.

same source though. i'm not a subscriber so i can't read it all.

Monday Mid-Morning Tajh Boyd Update
[SIZE=-1]Clemson Tigers Insider - 7 hours ago[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Confirming everything we had last night, Ohio State appears to be out of it. Tajh eliminated the Buckeyes yesterday according to sources close to his ...[/SIZE]
That's from a Clemson board. Apparently all three schools have insiders who believe they are "the one". Who knows.

Putting on my Thomas Beaver hat, I'd say our chances are somewhere between 33.3% and 33.4%.

We'll know in about 24 hours, even then, I wouldn't set anything in stone until Feb. 4th...
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