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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

cataboy3;1390628; said:
don't know if this means anything.

but i searched "tajh boyd" under "news" in google.

and according to this really short blurb under search results it says this (from Clemson's scout website)

Scout.com: The Tajh Boyd Update You've Been Waiting On

We've got the latest on five-star quarterback Tajh Boyd and I'm here to tell ... According to our sources, Ohio State is now out of the picture and this has ...


cataboy3;1391134; said:
bad news.

same source though. i'm not a subscriber so i can't read it all.

Monday Mid-Morning Tajh Boyd Update
[SIZE=-1]Clemson Tigers Insider - 7 hours ago[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Confirming everything we had last night, Ohio State appears to be out of it. Tajh eliminated the Buckeyes yesterday according to sources close to his ...[/SIZE]

Why post this stuff if you can't read it? Two posts by you in this entire thread and they're both doom-and-gloom. You had best hope he does indeed commit to Clemson...
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To be completely honest, I'm not going to be broken up if Boyd doesn't come to tOSU. Unlike last year, where we would have had to play against Pryor every year, I doubt we would have to play against Boyd (though I guess if he goes to Oregon, we could face him in the Rose Bowl.) That being said, I really like Boyd as a player, and it seems that he has a good head on his shoulders. Good luck to him no matter what.
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Let's clarify...OSUBucks22, osugrad21, LordJeffBuck and I have been talking with several sources throughout the day...a Clemson source (not Scout), Oregon sources, OSU sources...and not one of those that we spoke to thinks OSU is out of it. The Oregon and Clemson sources we spoke to agree that as of Sunday morning OSU was in a very strong position.

We will give you concrete info when we have it...and a recap of what we knew to be true once this is all over. In the mean time, as Mili said, you can save your doom and gloom links to the Clemson Scout board...if that is who you go to for your OSU-related info then I'm not sure what you are doing here.

It will be a cold day south of the equator before I see this thread turn into the Pryor fiasco of last year...with constant posting of half truths, inuendos and misinformation.
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I do know 100% fact that two staffs are feeling confident based on conversations with Tajh. He has been in contact with those staffs over the last 2 days and has told both promising news.

If you are looking for a concrete answer right now, you will just have to choose your source and trust them.
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I like our chances here, but hopefully if Tajh decides to go elsewhere we leave the "meltdowns" to the other boards where they belong. Next year Bauserman is a much more than capable QB to backup TP and after that tOSU is in great position on both Devin Gardner in '10 and Braxton Miller in '11. Tajh would be an amazing get, but he is by no means a "must get" recruit. If you feel bad about tOSU missing out on him (if it happens), go look at the rest of this fantastic class that the staff has already assembled.
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January 26, 2009

Clemson Recruiters Visiting Boyd

By Phil Kornblut
Clemson recruiters Billy Napier and Danny Pearman are making an in home visit Monday afternoon with QB Tajh Boyd (6-1 208) of Hampton, VA. The pair arrived at the Boyd house shortly after 5:00 PM. Clemson is one of the final three for Boyd who will announce Tuesday at 5:00 PM for the Tigers, Oregon or Ohio State. His father, Tim Boyd, announced his preference Monday afternoon. "I prefer Clemson," Mr. Boyd said. "But, he might like Oregon because he always liked it growing up. And he was always a Troy Smith (Ohio State) fan growing up, but we know who's there (at quarterback). Oregon is far away. Maybe down the line we'll be out there as a family. But the three days he was there on his official visit he was homesick. Seven hours down the road (is Clemson) and we can choose to stay here in Virginia or we can move. No one has established himself there (at quarterback). I think at the end of the day he'll end up picking Clemson. I'll be surprised if he doesn't. If he doesn't it's because he liked the other programs for his own personal reasons. Coach Swinney coming and saying Tajh is his guy and he wants to come in with a top caliber quarterback is important. Feeling comfortable in that situation and they've been on him hard and making him feel like he's needed there. You want to feel like you're needed and not just wanted."
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I don't see why he wouldn't choose Clemson. His dad obviously wants him to go there. He has a good chance, if healthy, to start from day one. There were reports of having family close nearby. I think all signs point to Clemson. I'd be more than ecstatic if he came here, just don't know if he will.
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I don't like that Clemson did that. Let the kid alone and give him some time to make his decision don't send people to his door the day before he is to make his decision. You were just there friday let him sort it all out in his head.
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dragurd;1391227; said:
I don't like that Clemson did that. Let the kid alone and give him some time to make his decision don't send people to his door the day before he is to make his decision. You were just there friday let him sort it all out in his head.

That's the beauty of recruiting, my friend. Whoever's fresh in his head, most likely wins. Nothing wrong with what they did. Jim Tressel agrees with you, I'm sure.
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