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Tajh Boyd (official thread)

I know that this is going to sound like a friend of a friend told me... so you can take it or leave it, but.... close friend of mine just texted me that Boyd committed to the coaches tonight. He can't and won't tell me who his source is (I don't even ask anymore) but the only one I ever remember him being wrong about is Gwaltney and we all remember how that one unfolded. Looks very good.
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don't know if this means anything.

but i searched "tajh boyd" under "news" in google.

and according to this really short blurb under search results it says this (from Clemson's scout website)

Scout.com: The Tajh Boyd Update You've Been Waiting On

We've got the latest on five-star quarterback Tajh Boyd and I'm here to tell ... According to our sources, Ohio State is now out of the picture and this has ...

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cataboy3;1390628; said:
don't know if this means anything.

but i searched "tajh boyd" under "news" in google.

and according to this really short blurb under search results it says this (from Clemson's scout website)

Scout.com: The Tajh Boyd Update You've Been Waiting On

We've got the latest on five-star quarterback Tajh Boyd and I'm here to tell ... According to our sources, Ohio State is now out of the picture and this has ...

He had a long conversation with Swinney yesterday...but I don't buy that anyone is out yet.
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gost8;1390825; said:
He actually told me where he got this info and he is very credible. I would be surprised if Boyd goes anywhere else.

TheIronColonel;1390849; said:
I would be surprised if a city bus ran me over, but that doesn't mean it's unlikely to happen. He'll make his decision public when he's ready; it's just time to wait and forget the speculation.

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TheIronColonel;1390849; said:
I would be surprised if a city bus ran me over, but that doesn't mean it's unlikely to happen. He'll make his decision public when he's ready; it's just time to wait and forget the speculation.
Didn't say it would be impossible to go elsewhere. I would have bet the farm Gwaltney was coming here too, but he didn't. The information I got is from someone that is close to the program so I think it is pretty credible. But kids do change their minds. (That is what is so great about being a kid... you can do that.)
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Oregon insiders definitely feel like they are the team to beat, and their info is pretty solid...so basically we have three schools thinking they have the inside track and/or have him locked up. Where does he end up? Stay tuned...
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wadc45;1391031; said:
Oregon insiders definitely feel like they are the team to beat, and their info is pretty solid...so basically we have three schools thinking they have the inside track and/or have him locked up. Where does he end up? Stay tuned...

Trying to think happy thoughts about rainbows and puppies...

Things are so calm over here, almost Zen like, compared the melt-down that is happening elsewhere. :biggrin:
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