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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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kippy1040;1833164; said:
I watched McFadden run up & down and thru the Jaguars defense yesterday for alot of yardage against a somewhat good defense for the Jags. The other ex-razorback over with the Browns (Hillis) is have a pretty good year too, which makes me think that the Razorbacks must have a good stable of running backs over there to compliment thier system in the passing game.
What do two tailbacks, who played at Arkansas under a diffrent regime, preforming well in the NFL have anything to do with the current Arkansas team?

That would be like looking at Tom Brady & Chad Henne and saying, well M*ch*g*n must have a good pocket passing QB on their roster.
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scarletngray;1833166; said:
Yeah, and Malcom Jenkins and Nate Clements both had INT yesterday, one was a pick 6.
They should defend Mallett well, and Nugent should come up big if OSU needs a FG. Hopefully Dantonio can call a good game. I'm not sure if Spielman has the range to defend the pass though. At least Tatum will make them pay if they do haul it in.
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jwinslow;1833170; said:
They should defend Mallett well, and Nugent should come up big if OSU needs a FG. Hopefully Dantonio can call a good game. I'm not sure if Spielman has the range to defend the pass though. At least Tatum will make them pay if they do haul it in.

I'll take Archie and Pete Johnson over their RB's any day of the week...

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i personally cannot wait for this game. high powered offense vs. smash mouth defense. this is how football is supposed to be played. the only that is missing is the 20 below weather. this game should be a classic.
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jwinslow;1833170; said:
They should defend Mallett well, and Nugent should come up big if OSU needs a FG. Hopefully Dantonio can call a good game. I'm not sure if Spielman has the range to defend the pass though. At least Tatum will make them pay if they do haul it in.

I heard Tatum has been suspended. He has been having a hard time comprehending the term "defenseless receiver".
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A Pac;1833175; said:
i personally cannot wait for this game. high powered offense vs. smash mouth defense. this is how football is supposed to be played. the only that is missing is the 20 below weather. this game should be a classic.
:cheers: I'd settle for 25 degrees, 15 mph winds & and steady snow :banger:
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Jake;1833146; said:

As if you had no idea what I meant. Fine, if you want to act clueless, I'll spell it out for you. Ohio State is 0-9 in bowl games versus SEC teams. I'm shocked you hadn't heard that until now. :roll1:

It doesn't mean we can't win, but I haven't seen people around here reject history when it reflects positively on us. Pretending you're unaware of it is just silly.

There's a few things wrong with this.

1.) Arkansas has never beaten a Big10 team in a bowl game.
2.) John Cooper is no longer our coach.
3.) The history we use is regarding defensive performance within the past 4 years which has stayed pretty consistent over those 4 years.
4.) We're 7-11-2 against the SEC....it's not like we've never beaten them before to say history shows we can't beat an SEC team.
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Poe McKnoe;1833088; said:
Which semi-valid arguments did make? Even his co-host called him for picking against Ohio State for not playing anyone, but then picking TCU to upset Wisconsin when TCU REALLY hasn't played anyone.

McShay compared our schedule against Arkansas'. We have no wins against anyone currenty ranked...none. Arkansas has wins against #11 LSU and #19 South Carolina. He also mentioned that since they also have played against Alabama and Auburn, they've played against four top-20 teams whilst we have played against only one (loss at Wisconsin) and thus they are more "battle-tested" (his exact phrase)...I would agree with that. Just because his logic in his TCU-Wiscy pick may be flawed doesn't mean his logic for his pick in our game is also flawed.
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MililaniBuckeye;1833364; said:
McShay compared our schedule against Arkansas'. We have no wins against anyone currenty ranked...none. Arkansas has wins against #11 LSU and #19 South Carolina. He also mentioned that since they also have played against Alabama and Auburn, they've played against four top-20 teams whilst we have played against only one (loss at Wisconsin) and thus they are more "battle-tested" (his exact phrase)...I would agree with that. Just because his logic in his TCU-Wiscy pick may be flawed
doesn't mean his logic for his pick in our game is also flawed.

@Miss St as well who is currently ranked.
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RBLtoHOG;1824129; said:
I can't speak for everyone, nor do I know Bobby P's true intentions, but from what I've heard he always wanted to Coach in the SEC. Now he is hear, taking our program to a place it hasn't been in decades, and it would cost a lot of money for him to head somewhere else in the SEC. I think he is here to stay and do good things.

I hope CBP intends to build his legacy at the UofA. Everything is certainly on the right track.
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MililaniBuckeye;1833364; said:
McShay compared our schedule against Arkansas'. We have no wins against anyone currenty ranked...none. Arkansas has wins against #11 LSU and #19 South Carolina. He also mentioned that since they also have played against Alabama and Auburn, they've played against four top-20 teams whilst we have played against only one (loss at Wisconsin) and thus they are more "battle-tested" (his exact phrase)...I would agree with that. Just because his logic in his TCU-Wiscy pick may be flawed doesn't mean his logic for his pick in our game is also flawed.

I believe Texas A&M is also currently ranked.
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Yes Osu is 0-9 against the SEC in Bowls..the 2010 team is 0-0..History means squat..this years team probably can't tell you a third of the losses..and probably could care less. History is for the fans like me who've been a fan since 67.
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