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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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DaveyBoy;1832763; said:
It has learned from its mistake. This year's version is smarter...therefore the odds of accuracy are greater


Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye...
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swopes6;1832852; said:

I like the simulation scores. I don't think either team will win by more than 10. I see the game being 27-24 or 24-21. When was the last time we scored more than 30 in a bowl game? 2006 fiesta wasn't it?

By simulated do you mean estimated or played on something like NCAA 11 (Which is a downright horrible representation of college football if you ask me)
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Nicknam4;1832895; said:
By simulated do you mean estimated or played on something like NCAA 11 (Which is a downright horrible representation of college football if you ask me)

ESPN Insider has a pretty legitimate score simulator based on an algorithm of all sorts of factors. It was linked to a few posts up, but unless you're an In$ider you shan't be privy to it.
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Nicknam4;1832895; said:
By simulated do you mean estimated or played on something like NCAA 11 (Which is a downright horrible representation of college football if you ask me)

Video games are 100% accurate.

Why I remember using a throwback team of the Browns for an entire season.

Bernie Kosar was the leading rusher in the NFL that season.
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Coqui;1832934; said:
Video games are 100% accurate.

Why I remember using a throwback team of the Browns for an entire season.

Bernie Kosar was the leading rusher in the NFL that season.

I remember playing Madden '93, and LeShon Johnson rushing for 1,000 yards...in a GAME.
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Nicknam4;1832895; said:
By simulated do you mean estimated or played on something like NCAA 11 (Which is a downright horrible representation of college football if you ask me)

Coqui;1832934; said:
Video games are 100% accurate.

Why I remember using a throwback team of the Browns for an entire season.

Bernie Kosar was the leading rusher in the NFL that season.

Funny you should mention NCAA 11 simulations...

I know many here hope the results of this playoff simulation would be accurate.
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Poe McKnoe;1833000; said:
Todd McShay picks Arkansas.

God, I hate Todd McShay.

Unfortunately, history is on his side until the Bucks do something to change it.

Hopefully, that "something" occurs on January 4, 2011. :)
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