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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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I know this is of little interest to most of you

Bobby Petrino just signed a $25 million/7 year deal to coach The Razorbacks through 2017.

It includes a buyout that starts at $18 million for 2011/2012; drops to $17.975/2013; $14.525/2014; $10.825/2015; $7.375/2016; and $3.925/2017.

It also includes a no-compete clause for every other team in the SEC.


Looks like everyone is serious about him staying put for a while.
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Bobby Petrino just signed a $25 million/7 year deal to coach The Razorbacks through 2017.

It includes a buyout that starts at $18 million for 2011/2012; drops to $17.975/2013; $14.525/2014; $10.825/2015; $7.375/2016; and $3.925/2017.

It also includes a no-compete clause for every other team in the SEC.


Looks like everyone is serious about him staying put for a while.
That shows a huge commitment from Arkansas, but does it necessitate the same level of commitment from Petrino? I don't know the language of the contract. Honestly, from what I know (which is essentially nothing) I get the vibe that Petrino is your guy for a long time. He can own the in-state recruiting (though its not an uber-productive state it does make some solid prospects) he is in the SEC so he's got some national appeal, and he has a successful scheme that Arkansas is well established to use and succeed with.

Only problem is: it's not one of the few preeminent position in major college football and when the siren calls, it'd be difficult to pass up. Also, it is going to be difficult to win the SEC even once. Arkansas is simply not Alabama, Florida or LSU in terms of access to great recruits and resources.
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Diego-Bucks;1832516; said:
That shows a huge commitment from Arkansas, but does it necessitate the same level of commitment from Petrino? I don't know the language of the contract. Honestly, from what I know (which is essentially nothing) I get the vibe that Petrino is your guy for a long time. He can own the in-state recruiting (though its not an uber-productive state it does make some solid prospects) he is in the SEC so he's got some national appeal, and he has a successful scheme that Arkansas is well established to use and succeed with.

Only problem is: it's not one of the few preeminent position in major college football and when the siren calls, it'd be difficult to pass up. Also, it is going to be difficult to win the SEC even once. Arkansas is simply not Alabama, Florida or LSU in terms of access to great recruits and resources.

I think the buyout he agreed to shows his commitment. Starts at a mind boggling $18 million for the first couple of years and drops to a still enormous $4 million in the seventh year.

That looks pretty committed to me.

I've said since day one, if he builds a serious contender at Arkansas, there aren't a handful of programs that would be a genuine step up, and he's already proving that he can recruit nationally.

Arkansas is not a bad situation.
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SmoovP;1832510; said:
I guess you've heard it's Muschamp?

Yep. I was hoping for Cincinnati's OC, but he kept on insisting that we get him a car that was "new". F-in' prima donna :shake:

So we'll have to settle for our first real door into Texas HS recruiting we've ever had. :paranoid: Now, the OC is the bazillion dollah ? mark.
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I think the buyout he agreed to shows his commitment. Starts at a mind boggling $18 million for the first couple of years and drops to a still enormous $4 million in the seventh year.

That looks pretty committed to me.

I've said since day one, if he builds a serious contender at Arkansas, there aren't a handful of programs that would be a genuine step up, and he's already proving that he can recruit nationally.

Arkansas is not a bad situation.
Isn't the buyout if Arkansas fires him for unjust reasons then the University has to pay him X amount? I thought that the contract language classified it as something different if Petrino chooses to leave the program: escape clause? retention package? I don't fucking know, I'm no caveman lawyer.
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Diego-Bucks;1832531; said:
Isn't the buyout if Arkansas fires him for unjust reasons then the University has to pay him X amount? I thought that the contract language classified it as something different if Petrino chooses to leave the program: escape clause? retention package? I don't [censored]ing know, I'm no caveman lawyer.

That's not my understanding, but neither am I a simple caveman attorney.

My understanding is that if another program tries to hire him, he (or they) have to pay the UofA the buyout amount.

AND!, he has a no-compete clause with the entire SEC.

Considering that he has no real ties to any other college, and the NFL door is likely closed forever, I think we're stuck with one another. Which is nice.
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SmoovP;1832513; said:
Bobby Petrino just signed a $25 million/7 year deal to coach The Razorbacks through 2017.

It includes a buyout that starts at $18 million for 2011/2012; drops to $17.975/2013; $14.525/2014; $10.825/2015; $7.375/2016; and $3.925/2017.

It also includes a no-compete clause for every other team in the SEC.


Looks like everyone is serious about him staying put for a while.

As I said in an earlier post, his family loves NW Arkansas! BP is feeling real good about where he has the program going and the facilities are first class already and still are improving. Plus, his recruiting class will be one of the highest ranked that Arkansas has ever had. Of course, it will be lower than what OSU will have this year. But, all in all, we are headed in the right direction and he knows he has a good thing going.
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Steve19;1832441; said:
Bitch can steal my fish whenever she pleases.
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