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Game Thread Sparty at tOSU, Oct 1, 3:30 ET, ABC/ESPN

AuTX Buckeye;2003793; said:
Sorry but the comparison is valid... Zwick was the starter because he was better in practice in 04.. they rotated for the first few games that year... because of this.....Smith eventually passed him by getting his act together in practice and he was obviously better in the game.

But when it was Smith vs Zwick... no one called Smith was going to be a Heisman... so you can take that out of the equation....

Again, Zwick was passed by a future heisman winner. It's pretty unfair to refer to him as a "bust" since we never saw how much he developed. He certainly wasn't Austin Moherman.
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Just got back from the game. Michigan State did EVERYTHING they could to give us that game. I have never seen a team play so poorly, yet win so easily. MSU's offense was crap. They did nothing special, they were given great field position all game, and our defense played great, but had to be tired as hell. Yet still, MSU did nothing. They got a fluke TD, that should have been defended, and a prayer FG that I still can't believe was good. They did nothing special on defense except send 5 or 6, and run right by our blockers. The route running wasn't very good, and when we did run a good route, their defenders left guys wide open. Yet somehow, even though they only won by 3, the game was never in doubt nor close. Our offense was not on the same page all day. It really looked like a big mess, and I think that blame needs to go on the coaching staff. It was too much for Miller to handle, but is that his fault? We had protection issues on EVERY passing play. Something needs to change. We've played two good defenses, and been exposed in both games. Something needs to change in our preparation and game-plan. We can't just keep approaching games this same way, because the next three defenses we see are going to be just as good. I hope nobody is trying to say that MSU's defense is just that good. It's not. It's good, but it isn't even top three in the Big Ten. There are seven games left, so we still have time to turn the ship around. Hopefully the staff can come together and figure this thing out before we have further embarrassment.

On a side not, I felt extremely bad for our defense. They played their hearts out...quite an effort!!! They made plays, never quit, and even though I did not agree with some of the coverage that the coaches called, they executed everything that they were told to do! And they kept doing it, again and again and again, even after the offense seemed to just move backwards. And even the offense fought their asses off...they didn't quit. Nobody quit, so at least we can say that. There have been games where I've seen us quit before, and that makes me angry. This game we did not quit...we just played awful. That makes me more sad, than angry.
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JXC;2003825; said:
Just got back from the game. Michigan State did EVERYTHING they could to give us that game. I have never seen a team play so poorly, yet win so easily. MSU's offense was crap. They did nothing special, they were given great field position all game, and our defense played great, but had to be tired as hell. Yet still, MSU did nothing. They got a fluke TD, that should have been defended, and a prayer FG that I still can't believe was good. They did nothing special on defense except send 5 or 6, and run right by our blockers. The route running wasn't very good, and when we did run a good route, their defenders left guys wide open. Yet somehow, even though they only won by 3, the game was never in doubt nor close. Our offense was not on the same page all day. It really looked like a big mess, and I think that blame needs to go on the coaching staff. It was too much for Miller to handle, but is that his fault? We had protection issues on EVERY passing play. Something needs to change. We've played two good defenses, and been exposed in both games. Something needs to change in our preparation and game-plan. We can't just keep approaching games this same way, because the next three defenses we see are going to be just as good. I hope nobody is trying to say that MSU's defense is just that good. It's not. It's good, but it isn't even top three in the Big Ten. There are seven games left, so we still have time to turn the ship around. Hopefully the staff can come together and figure this thing out before we have further embarrassment.

On a side not, I felt extremely bad for our defense. They played their hearts out...quite an effort!!! They made plays, never quit, and even though I did not agree with some of the coverage that the coaches called, they executed everything that they were told to do! And they kept doing it, again and again and again, even after the offense seemed to just move backwards. And even the offense fought their asses off...they didn't quit. Nobody quit, so at least we can say that. There have been games where I've seen us quit before, and that makes me angry. This game we did not quit...we just played awful. That makes me more sad, than angry.

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