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Game Thread Sparty at tOSU, Oct 1, 3:30 ET, ABC/ESPN

Brandon26841;2003708; said:
I agree. I don't care if a walk-on is the guy, I just want the best one out there. I can see why they're going with Miller since they hope he's the "QB of the future" and they're going to see what he's got, but I'm guessing a lot of it has to do with what goes on in practice. I think at this point if Graham and Guiton were good enough to play they'd be getting a chance, because this passing attack couldn't get much worse. Also, it's not really like Miller passed Bauserman on the depth chart because of his performance. Bauserman sort of played his way out of the #1 spot.

Well if you recall after the Toledo game every fan clamored for Braxton start. No one was screaming for Guiton or Graham to come in. Why? Because Braxton had some kick ass HIGH SCHOOL stats and looked great in a scrimage against his own team (Spring Game)...Up til now thats all we knew about Braxton to beg for his offensive involvement as a starter.
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I know some will laugh and others will roll their eyes, but why hasnt Taylor Graham or Kenny Guiton gotten any meaningful PT?
Because Taylor is an absolute sitting duck (a horrendous idea with today's protection) & Kenny is a poor man's Braxton?

Fickell would kill for Todd Boeckman right now.
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jwinslow;2003721; said:
Because Taylor is an absolute sitting duck (a horrendous idea with today's protection) & Kenny is a poor man's Braxton?

Fickell would kill for Todd Boeckman right now.
I agree with you but... Kenny has been in the "system" for several years now he should have a bigger playbook than Braxton... I put "system" in quotes because I'm not sure we have a system on offense... we're in limbo between Pro-Style I Formation and the Spread....
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SEREbuckeye;2003717; said:
Well if you recall after the Toledo game every fan clamored for Braxton start. No one was screaming for Guiton or Graham to come in. Why? Because Braxton had some kick ass HIGH SCHOOL stats and looked great in a scrimage against his own team (Spring Game)...Up til now thats all we knew about Braxton to beg for his offensive involvement as a starter.

I see what you're trying to say, but what has Guiton and Graham showed up to this point? About as much as Braxton = not much. Does him being one of the top recruits in the country help him see the field quicker? Of course. But I'm guessing the coaches know who should be out there and who shouldn't better than us.
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SEREbuckeye;2003717; said:
Well if you recall after the Toledo game every fan clamored for Braxton start. No one was screaming for Guiton or Graham to come in. Why? Because Braxton had some kick ass HIGH SCHOOL stats and looked great in a scrimage against his own team (Spring Game)...Up til now thats all we knew about Braxton to beg for his offensive involvement as a starter.

You would be trying to convince us a one-star walk on should be starting over the other guys, so your arguments don't hold much water to me. I wanted Braxton because we recruited him for a reason, and considering his high ranking, why should we have doubted his ability?
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jwinslow;2003721; said:
Because Taylor is an absolute sitting duck (a horrendous idea with today's protection) & Kenny is a poor man's Braxton?

Fickell would kill for Todd Boeckman right now.

How do you know that Kenny is a "poor mans Braxton"? Have you seem him in meaningful playing time - not a scrimmage - that will lead you to believe he can do worse than 15-29, 235 yp, 3 TD, 1 INT, 4 sacks, and 100 yards rushing for the season?

Braxton isnt exactly tearing it up out there, he doesnt look confident and certainly didnt have a solid vision today. I think its pretty unfair for you to say that Kenny is just emulating what Braxton is attempting to be. At this point you cant exactly say anyone is worse than Braxton if we havent seen them.

Again man, 5 star high school doesnt equal automatic 4 year starter bar none.
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Sorry for the loss, guys. I watched a little bit early, and saw Miller make a completion or two. so I thought they'd handle Sparty.

New coach, changes that accompany it, personnel changes - hang tough - brighter days ahead.
I know I felt like [Mark May] last week, but then the Vodka makes the pain go away. For a little while, at least.

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scarletmike;2003735; said:
You would be trying to convince us a one-star walk on should be starting over the other guys, so your arguments don't hold much water to me. I wanted Braxton because we recruited him for a reason, and considering his high ranking, why should we have doubted his ability?

Please, please, please lets not go down the road of top-ranked players that were brought in to help the Buckeyes but became busts. Remember Zwick? That right there should be enough to seal this argument before it begins.
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Ok, but what are you going to pound on if TG and KG come in and stink it up, too? We have to pick one to develop and focus on, and obviously the coaches feel that is Braxton. I felt that way too, and so did most everyone else.
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Bucky Katt;2002897; said:
Are the coaches committing false starts? Missing blocks? Snapping the ball along the ground? Dropping interceptions? Letting balls be ripped from their hands? There is plenty of blame to go around.

I'm sure as shit not happy with the play calling, but the players aren't playing very well, either.

Plenty of blame to go around. But...

Yeah, like I said, when the coaches don't put players in position to be successful they put pressure on the lineman, linebackers, and QB etc... and the staff needs to be held directly responsible for not fixing the same mistakes over and over and over again. I'm not saying the players are without blame. When you're players continue to make the same mistakes (being out of position or otherwise thinking too much) and you don't correct it, that's coaching. We all have challenges in life and this is just another one. This is on all of them. However, the coaches are responsible for fixing it not the fans. 7 fucking points? really? That's all on the players? Is there nobody fucking watching from the coaches booth able to make an adjustment?

Screen pass. Draw. Counter play. something? change the freshman QB... JFC

Back to being cautiously optimistic.:pissed:
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SEREbuckeye;2003752; said:
Please, please, please lets not go down the road of top-ranked players that were brought in to help the Buckeyes but became busts. Remember Zwick? That right there should be enough to seal this argument before it begins.

Zwick was passed in the depth chart by a heisman winner. I don't think there's a comparison to be made here.
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Woody1968;2003780; said:
Zwick was passed in the depth chart by a heisman winner. I don't think there's a comparison to be made here.

It doesnt matter, it was still a top-ranked player that was brought in with high hopes just like others that were recruited to help the program in a certain area but were busts.

I dont think this is the right thread for this debate, but we can "PM it out" lol if you'd like.
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Woody1968;2003780; said:
Zwick was passed in the depth chart by a heisman winner. I don't think there's a comparison to be made here.

Sorry but the comparison is valid... Zwick was the starter because he was better in practice in 04.. they rotated for the first few games that year... because of this.....Smith eventually passed him by getting his act together in practice and he was obviously better in the game.

But when it was Smith vs Zwick... no one called Smith was going to be a Heisman... so you can take that out of the equation....
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