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Game Thread Sparty at tOSU, Oct 1, 3:30 ET, ABC/ESPN

Anybody feel like we are running the wrong offense considering who we have?

I just don't see the I-formation being what fits us. Wisconsin I can see...But us? Kind of hoping to see a few bubble screens or quick outs but hard to do when your in the I...
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Brandon26841;2003670; said:
Bauserman didn't exactly light it up against Miami either. It appears there's no solution to that problem, unfortunately. This is just going to be an abysmal passing attack no matters who's at QB. Neither QB is really starter material at the moment, but... what else are you going to do? Run J. Hall in the wildcat the whole game? They've just got to perform better.

I know some will laugh and others will roll their eyes, but why hasnt Taylor Graham or Kenny Guiton gotten any meaningful PT?

Im sorry but 5 stars in High School should NOT equate to an entire program investing in the player for four years.

We have other QBs sitting on our bench that obviously have talent or they wouldnt be at OSU on a scholarship. We need to keep an open mind on who should be QB'ing.
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Elephant;2003680; said:
Anybody feel like we are running the wrong offense considering who we have?

I just don't see the I-formation being what fits us. Wisconsin I can see...But us? Kind of hoping to see a few bubble screens or quick outs but hard to do when your in the I...

Or some quick slants. I haven't seen an attempted slant in a few games. We have some athletes. I would like to see what they can do if they are actually moving downfield when they catch he ball.
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SEREbuckeye;2003689; said:
I know some will laugh and others will roll their eyes, but why hasnt Taylor Graham or Kenny Guiton gotten any meaningful PT?

Im sorry but 5 stars in High School should NOT equate to an entire program investing in the player for four years.

We have other QBs sitting on our bench that obviously have talent or they wouldnt be at OSU on a scholarship. We need to keep an open mind on who should be QB'ing.

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Elephant;2003680; said:
Anybody feel like we are running the wrong offense considering who we have?

I just don't see the I-formation being what fits us. Wisconsin I can see...But us? Kind of hoping to see a few bubble screens or quick outs but hard to do when your in the I...

They just don't know who they want to be on offense.

They recruited these raw athletes at the QB position (Pryor and Miller), and then essentially try to jam a square peg into a round hole by putting them in this I-formation, "smashmouth" somewhat pro-style offense. If that's who they want to be, why not recruit accurate, efficient pocket passing QB's instead of trying to mold these guys into legit QB's? Just because it eventually worked with Troy Smith doesn't mean it'll work for everyone. They just have no identity on offense. They need to pick an offense and recruit exclusively for it.
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SEREbuckeye;2003689; said:
I know some will laugh and others will roll their eyes, but why hasnt Taylor Graham or Kenny Guiton gotten any meaningful PT?

Im sorry but 5 stars in High School should NOT equate to an entire program investing in the player for four years.

We have other QBs sitting on our bench that obviously have talent or they wouldnt be at OSU on a scholarship. We need to keep an open mind on who should be QB'ing.

because it really isn't the quarterback. or, at least, it wasn't this game. what's the point of having a QB if we hide him behind a wall of sleeping giants.
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To me the offense needs to be focused on plays that develop in a hurry. Quick hitting everything and once in a while try to get them to bite on the short stuff and go for the out and up type of routes. Make the quarterbacks make quick decisions because they clearly aren't comfortable taking 3 or more seconds to make decisions.

Kudos to the defense. They played their asses off and if they had been able to hold on to the 1-2 gift pick sixes the game might have had a different outcome despite the inept offense.
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Bucknut24;2003679; said:
not sure if its because Braxton isn't trusting the reads, or because the oline wasn't able to protect he was getting happy feeet

Or maybe, just maybe Braxton doesnt have great vision right now. Maybe Braxton doesnt have a great COLLEGIATE QB mindset.

Questioning whether or not Braxton is trusting receivers or if he has happy feet automatically assumes he has all the needed to tools to win a game of this magnitude and shifts blame elsewhere. I personally just think hes not advanced as the fans want and think he is.
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Play calling isn't that hard..but breaking down a D and developing a game plan is I realized JT was the play caller but watching this O struggle this year seems we don't have a plan or the D's are doing things our coaches haven't seen ...or they have overated our own talent ..
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SEREbuckeye;2003689; said:
I know some will laugh and others will roll their eyes, but why hasnt Taylor Graham or Kenny Guiton gotten any meaningful PT?

Im sorry but 5 stars in High School should NOT equate to an entire program investing in the player for four years.

We have other QBs sitting on our bench that obviously have talent or they wouldnt be at OSU on a scholarship. We need to keep an open mind on who should be QB'ing.

I agree. I don't care if a walk-on is the guy, I just want the best one out there. I can see why they're going with Miller since they hope he's the "QB of the future" and they're going to see what he's got, but I'm guessing a lot of it has to do with what goes on in practice. I think at this point if Graham and Guiton were good enough to play they'd be getting a chance, because this passing attack couldn't get much worse. Also, it's not really like Miller passed Bauserman on the depth chart because of his performance. Bauserman sort of played his way out of the #1 spot.

Miller has not been put in a good situation in the least bit, but I think people (myself included) were underestimating just how raw he really is. With a career completion percentage of somewhere around 53% or so in high school... it's going to take a while. Especially with this playcalling, these receivers, and that o-line.
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