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Game Thread Sparty at tOSU, Oct 1, 3:30 ET, ABC/ESPN

Tonyank;2003620; said:

Play calling, Oline and indecision at QB (both) are my big 3.

This fake hand off bull[Mark May] is for the birds. Not once when it happened (on 3 and 17 inside our own 5) did i see a LB bite. I dont like it.

Oline got manhandled. Point blank.

Braxton, there will be another day.

Agree with all of this. That play-action handoff is terrible, mainly because the QB's are so awful at selling it and they do it way too much. It's not going to fool anybody basically, and it just turns these two raw, at-the-moment-not-very-good QBs' backs to the defense which they don't need. Combine that with the bad pass protection by the OL, the indecisiveness of the QB's and... well you're seeing the result. This offense, even with the terrible playcalling, wasn't going to do much this season anyway. I just hope the team starts pulling together and righting this ship, because they could 3-5 real quick with this tough stretch coming up.

Also didn't like how far off the DB's were playing off the receivers... they were literally giving them a 15 yard cushion on plays.
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Tonyank;2003620; said:

Play calling, Oline and indecision at QB (both) are my big 3.

This fake hand off bullshit is for the birds. Not once when it happened (on 3 and 17 inside our own 5) did i see a LB bite. I dont like it.

Oline got manhandled. Point blank.

Braxton, there will be another day.
Maybe if you wouldn't have let those tickets go to waste...
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Against the only two respectable, talented teams we have played not only have we lost but we have gotten dominated.

Braxton didnt look good against Miami and he didnt look good today against Michigan State. I know after every game we will say "its okay, he will do better next time", up until he actually does look like a whole QB. Bauserman didnt look great in against Toledo, Braxton hasnt looked great since hes been starting. We really need to figure this QB situation out fast.

The o-line wasnt impressive in this game which was heart-felt because we really needed those guys to come and play with young talent lined up behind them.

Defense didnt allow much score but man did they have issues at tackling. The last two games they have done nothing but try to strip the ball instead of utilizing a solid, waist-height tackle.

The team as a whole looks uninspired. Noone seems to be having fun and cheering their teammates on. Its almost a house divided that is just going through the motions. I understand the season is young and so are the players but this is Big Ten football, we need to get some sort of spark before its too late and we catch fire while playing in the Papa Johns Pizza Bowl.
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From my view in C deck I saw receivers open on every route in the second half. I watched the quarterbacks dropping back in the first half but that became too painful so I focused on receivers after halftime.

There are open receivers. The ball is not coming their way.

If you'd told me last year that Sparty was coming into Ohio Stadium and that they'd have 10 points at the end of the game I would have predicted an Ohio State blowout. Who'd have known.
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Bill Lucas;2003662; said:
From my view in C deck I saw receivers open on every route in the second half. I watched the quarterbacks dropping back in the first half but that became too painful so I focused on receivers after halftime.

There are open receivers. The ball is not coming their way.

If you'd told me last year that Sparty was coming into Ohio Stadium and that they'd have 10 points at the end of the game I would have predicted an Ohio State blowout. Who'd have known.

This. I don't know what it is but both QB's seem really hesitant to throw the ball
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There will be better days...hopefully sooner rather than later. I'm not going to complain; there has been enough of that, and rightfully so.

Considering the amount of time that they had to spend on the field, I am really happy with how the defense played. Kick coverage has really come a long way since the first couple of games too. I also really appreciate the heart and effort that guys lime John Simon and Jordan Hall show, even late in a game that was as frustrating as this one.....100% effort every single play. Much respect.
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I have too many things going through my head about this game and this team. I will use this handy liquid by my side to continue to try to clear it by erasing most of what I just saw.

Was I wrong to cringe most of the game when we got the ball back?

Well at least it wasn't a shutout and I hope everyone involved from the watergirl to Fickle took really good notes on this game and will make some serious changes for next week, especially in the playbook.
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SEREbuckeye;2003654; said:
Braxton didnt look good against Miami and he didnt look good today against Michigan State. I know after every game we will say "its okay, he will do better next time", up until he actually does look like a whole QB. Bauserman didnt look great in against Toledo, Braxton hasnt looked great since hes been starting. We really need to figure this QB situation out fast.

Bauserman didn't exactly light it up against Miami either. It appears there's no solution to that problem, unfortunately. This is just going to be an abysmal passing attack no matters who's at QB. Neither QB is really starter material at the moment, but... what else are you going to do? Run J. Hall in the wildcat the whole game? They've just got to perform better.
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Bill Lucas;2003662; said:
From my view in C deck I saw receivers open on every route in the second half. I watched the quarterbacks dropping back in the first half but that became too painful so I focused on receivers after halftime.

There are open receivers. The ball is not coming their way.

If you'd told me last year that Sparty was coming into Ohio Stadium and that they'd have 10 points at the end of the game I would have predicted an Ohio State blowout. Who'd have known.
Thanks for the insight. I have been wondering whether the receivers were getting open. Was that on the deep and intermediate routes?
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don't even say "bauserman got the offense rolling"; braxton was not given the opportunity to throw it deep until he was already flustered due to bollman's blockhead playcalling and the offensive line's decision to have a picnic on the field.
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Poe McKnoe;2003657; said:
What exactly does Bollman have to do to be relieved of his duties?

Wake up on November 27th 2011.

I am given to hyperbole from time to time so I'll try and reign myself in a little.

Defense played great. Definitely played well enough to win the ball game. As young as they are I am very excited about the next couple of years.

The offense was as bad as I can remember it being since I've watched Ohio State. I have complained about Bollman as much as the next guy, but it truly looked like the offense didn't practice this past week. They are not getting any better and there doesn't seem to be much of a plan in place to counter anything that the opponent is doing.

A screen is a fairly routine play in college football and there wasn't one thrown today despite the fact that MSU was bringing the house on almost every play. The strength of the Ohio State offense was supposed to be the O line and they got mauled today. The O line has been a question mark for most of the Tressel era and it's rearing it's ugly head yet again. The play calling was atrocious. Not sure what Bollman does all week but it isn't preparing a game plan.

I said after the Miami game that Luke should be able to lean on these offensive assistants that have been at Ohio State forever. It looks more and more like cronyism has been running rampant on the Ohio State staff for the last 10 years. What we are seeing now is the offensive reigns being fully handed over to Jim Bollman and he doesn't know what to do with them.

Not sure why a program at the level of Ohio State is having these problems, but they are. Here's hoping they get turned around in the next 6 days.
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