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Game Thread Sparty at tOSU, Oct 1, 3:30 ET, ABC/ESPN

BuckeyeMike80;2003516; said:
One huge bright spot this team has is a good defense and decent special teams. They were put in bad spot after bad spot today and came through almost every single time.


Defense ok, I agree with you but the Punting is horrible. My 7 yr old son could punt better than that guy.

just saying
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haueyman;2003518; said:
Well brothers and sisters, this is officially the start of a long season. The thing that really makes me mad is I still remember the cooper years and I feel that TSUN is going to screw us hard like they did Minny. Well maybe this will help get Meyer.

Not going to happen. scUM has done the same shit they've done last year. The only difference is they've masked their shitty defence against mediocre teams.
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Bucky Katt;2003534; said:
Really? I did not know that.

Have you heard the rumor about AJ Hawk and Brady Quinn's sister?

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TooTallMenardo;2003526; said:
Wait... It didn't start in Miami? It's already been a long season. Now let's KEEP Miller in the game, and try to boost his confidence a bit. Once he feels like he's enjoying himself out there, the sooner we'll see that dynamic QB we all saw while he was in HS.

Hopefully things will change with the players coming back this week. I turned the TV off in the early 4th then said to my son, i have to watch even if they are getting beat.

I hate my love for the buckeyes on days like these
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haueyman;2003538; said:
Hopefully things will change with the players coming back this week. I turned the TV off in the early 4th then said to my son, i have to watch even if they are getting beat.

I hate my love for the buckeyes on days like these

Same here... The only time I really wanted to watch, was when the defense was on the field.
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