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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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Wingate1217;1540036; said:
Hey, Hey watch it! My son played for CSU and they play great football. Who would have thought Florida would beat them.....I mean we were favored by 72 ro something. And the shock of losing to Florida had a residual effect as we lost today's game too. 0-2 to start the year hasn't happened around here since well last year...:biggrin:

Yeah, Florida could have played a cremepuff like USC beat the played CSU. Yep shows some real balls on their part....

Don't get me wrong, Charleston got over 300 yard on them. I'm surrounded by SEC fans, so I enjoyed that. I've just never heard of them, and I got a ton of flack after OSU played Youngstown state for the opener. Now Fl. plays division 2 (or 3?) teams two weeks in a row?

Enough said about Flor-duh
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Dryden;1540018; said:
Well, Ohio Stadium has ghosts too. Those ghosts show up when Chris Gamble picks off a Zack Mills pass, or Will Allen saves the bacon against San Diego State, or Rolle reels off a Pick-2 against Navy. Those ghosts moved the goalposts on Mike Lantry in '74, then helped Nuge drill a 54 yarder to beat Marshall 30 years later.

Well, where the [censored] are the ghosts when we're playing Texas or USC?!?!?! :smash:

I bolded what I think are the answers above. Big difference between SDSU, Marshall, and USC, Texas.

Then again, JT is .500 during his time here against teams in the top 5. I would have to assume that's about what you should expect in battles of top 5 teams.

Now the current trend of losing 6 straight is troubling. Not sure how that can be explained away
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Dryden;1540030; said:
We are apparently cursed in a sick intertwined twist of fate with Oklahoma. Some day soon we're going to play Oklahoma in a BCS title game that ends in a tie.

I cannot think of any other explanation.

I wonder sometimes who is winning all these titles. In over 40 years we have only won 1 title. How does that happen? HOW?!?!?! Who are winning these titles and why are they beating us?

Great coaching: Check
Great recrutining: Check
Great Fanbase: Check

It has to be a mild curse. I dont mean to sound spoiled, but why cant we beat Texas and USC!!! Also fuck the SEC.

I'm not ungrateful, but when it comes to evenly matched teams vs tOSU the other team seems to have a "it" factor that we miss. The Miami win must have been a sick tease from a Michigan grad who is the devils right hand man

I'm out of it tonight. I feel light headed.
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By the way, being disappointed isn't being a "fair weather fan." A fair weather fan abandons the team. I think most of the people complaining are probably great fans, just expressing disappointment. If they all started talking up scUM or something than that is different. At this point it was an incredibly disappointing end to an otherwise amazing college football experience.
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This one's on the coaching staff. I know Pryor didn't play his best but it ultimately came down to some poor coaching decisions that cost us this game.

I think this is a valid question...... Will we ever see Pryor's true potential with the way this coaching staff calls games on the offensive side of the ball?????

We dominated this game on defense. We dominated field position and for the most part played very smart with few penalties......i thought the Oline finally stepped up and played a solid game too. Why then can't we move the flippin ball and get into the endzone?

Does anyone else notice....seems like when we need to be conservative we aren't and it costs us.....and when we need to be aggressive we aren't and it costs us....

Very proud of how we fought till the end in this game........but I'm [censored]ing over the lack of productivity we are getting on offense and I don't blame the players at all.....
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cbrian815;1540051; said:
This is my problem.......I watch a poised Focier and a Poised Barkley today, both only playing in their second game. TP has TO many starts to look so lost. I don`t know if he is to blame or the coaches but that is just a problem that should have been fixed last year.....very bad problem. JT calls 3 running plays to end the first half and calls a running play on 3rd down and kicks a fieldgoal we still win despite our bad offense. Go Bucks

Jt didnt call 3 running plays at end of half... 2 passing and 1 running play that stoped the clock in return lead to field goal by USC
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Posted this before the season on the other SC thread:

The thing that worries me the most is that fans go into the game with the same expectations at QB that we had going into the UT game in '05, but the light didn't switch on until mid-season.

Troy Smith's stats in the first few games of '05:

vs. Texas: 5/11 for 78yds, 1td, 2 sacks
vs. SDST: 14/26 for 149yds, 0td, 1 int.
vs. Iowa: 13/19 for 191 yds, 2tds (Better).
vs. PSU: 13/25 for 139 yds, 0td, 1 int, 5 sacks.

Both Smith and Pryor took over for the underperforming/and injured incumbents at QB and both had relatively successful first year campaigns. Both showed enough for the fans to believe that they were going to play like AAs. Smith ran into a wall vs. UT, and it's still to be seen if Pryor will do better vs. USC.

Pryor showed flashes of brilliance, but he has also shown that he is far from a finished product. It's amazing that he is on the same level as Smith in his sophomore year, but we just have to be patient before he becomes the finished product that Troy was his senior year.
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cbrian815;1540051; said:
This is my problem.......I watch a poised Focier and a Poised Barkley today, both only playing in their second game. TP has TO many starts to look so lost. I don`t know if he is to blame or the coaches but that is just a problem that should have been fixed last year.....very bad problem. JT calls 3 running plays to end the first half and calls a running play on 3rd down and kicks a fieldgoal we still win despite our bad offense. Go Bucks

Pryor is a completely different kind of QB than Forcier and Barkley. And Barkley didn't look that poised. Not sure why you brought him up. If he outplayed Pryor, it wasn't by much..

Forcier played Notre Dame while we played USC, also. I'm not even going to elaborate on that thought.
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