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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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Why do I always feel like their is something fundamentally wrong with the program but I dont know what it is. One title since 1970, and heartbreak after heartbreak since. It's like tOSU is a beautiful mansion, but there is a mold in it that we cant find. Is it just bad luck? On paper we seem to have a great program with a great foundation, but besides 2002 we fall just short.

It must be bad luck, but ughhhhhh....

I don't know. I'm just frustrated. Sorry guys if I sound like a dick. I'm just pissed.

I still think we have a great shot at a BCS bowl this year and National Title next year.
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Pryor didn't seem right tonight. The first and second drives of the game he was floating passing, making beautiful plays. The interception and execution on simple things like setting his feet didn't seem to be there tonight. Maybe it was nerves, maybe it was a mad desire to win a game we had WON for 57 goddamn minutes. Whatever it was, I didn't see the same quarterback I have seen impress me time after time. There is so much potential for him, lets hope he reaches it before he steps out of a Buckeye uniform for the last time. Tonight he could've won himself a Heisman, in my mind he might've put himself one year away tonight. Good game for him, but he has played better, and I would've traded one of those performances for tonight in a heartbeat.

USC had no business winning this game. And if you listen closely, you can hear ESPN choking on the cock of USC and Barkley.

A comeback for the ages is right, all 5 points he came back from. Musberger must've wet Herbie with cum 5 times on that last drive tonight.
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Gothmog8;1540015; said:
McKnight = good.
rest of USC = mediocre

OSU O = mediocre
OSU D = stellar

still think we lost vs USC won.

A mediocre team didn't beat us. That was a battle between two close teams. A very good offense vs. a very good defense, and an average offense with a lot of talent vs. an average defense with a lot of talent. If one team is mediocre, so is the other. Neither are.

USC deserves it. They beat us by driving down the field and winning. They didn't beat us by us letting them drive down the field and giving them points. They converted on third downs, fourth downs, and didn't make mistakes. Give them credit. They deserve it.
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The difference in my opinion came down to o-line play. O'Dowd was nasty on that last drive for them, if they needed a yard, they got that yard and then some because of those guys. Our defensive line had a hell of a performance today I thought until that last drive, that o-line is probably the best in the country.

AS far as Pryor is concerned, I thought he was just inconsistent. He made some really great throws today, that were just out of the reach of the defenders, he also made some poor decisions (like on the option where he was going down and decided to pitch it which resulted in a fumble). Its part of the learning experience, as was the PSU game last year. Hope fully this game will drive him more. With more experience, he might see Duron Carter wide open on that play on our last possesion where they brought the house and it ended up being intentional grounding. That could have been huge.

The encouraging thing was the intensity in this game. They really got up for it, and I loved the emotion that was shown by our guys and our coaches. Kind of reminded me of the 03 championship game in that respect.

Hey, its just a game. These guys played their hearts out tonight on both sides. Ohio State football isn't going to end anytime soon. We will have plenty of chances to get our time in the spotlight and win big games. We will come back and win big games. These things come in cycles. Good luck to USC the rest of the year, and our season is not over by any stretch of the imagination. Hell we might even see these guys in the Rose Bowl.

Go Bucks
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NextBuck;1540023; said:
Why do I always feel like their is something fundamentally wrong with the program but I dont know what it is. One title since 1970, and heartbreak after heartbreak since. It's like tOSU is a beautiful mansion, but there is a mold in it that we cant find. Is it just bad luck? On paper we seem to have a great program with a great foundation, but besides 2002 we fall just short.

It must be bad luck, but ughhhhhh....

I don't know. I'm just frustrated. Sorry guys if I sound like a dick. I'm just pissed.

I still think we have a great shot at a BCS bowl this year and National Title next year.
We are apparently cursed in a sick intertwined twist of fate with Oklahoma. Some day soon we're going to play Oklahoma in a BCS title game that ends in a tie.

I cannot think of any other explanation.
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iOSU;1540021; said:
I did. I counted 5 straight first downs when we ran it for 0-2 yards, wasting a down. Just put us in a hole every time. Or at the very least qb sneak it with your 6'6" QB on goal and 2 to go.


You do realize that sometimes you have to run plays to set up other plays right?

you DO realize that Ohio STate ran the option with Pryor and yet the yards weren't there

You DO realize Pryor took more snaps in the shotgun than he did under center tonight.

You don't have a point to respond too really and honestly I'm amazed you haven't been banhammered yet.

It wasn't the play calling at all. the Oline wasn't a problem and the defense completely played its ass off. execution needs some work but this is an entirely new offense essentially.

Lighten up francis.
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3074326;1540025; said:
A mediocre team didn't beat us. That was a battle between two close teams. A very good offense vs. a very good defense, and an average offense with a lot of talent vs. an average defense with a lot of talent. If one team is mediocre, so is the other. Neither are.

USC deserves it. They beat us by driving down the field and winning. They didn't beat us by us letting them drive down the field and giving them points. They converted on third downs, fourth downs, and didn't make mistakes. Give them credit. They deserve it.

Ok, let me rephrase. "Mediocre playing" Great, good, whatever, but I think neither team played their A game tonight.
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NextBuck;1540023; said:
Why do I always feel like their is something fundamentally wrong with the program but I dont know what it is. One title since 1970, and heartbreak after heartbreak since. It's like tOSU is a beautiful mansion, but there is a mold in it that we cant find. Is it just bad luck? On paper we seem to have a great program with a great foundation, but besides 2002 we fall just short.

That's why I says it's coaching - new players, similar results. What's the constant? I love Tressel, but he needs someone in the box giving him plays. All the big programs have gone to that system. Time to enter the 21st century...
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NW_Buckeye;1540020; said:
Yep. The hype has been too much from the beginning for Pryor. The whole team is young, and they'll only improve. Much like the Texas game in '05, they we're in sync by the 2nd game.

I'm glad they've had a real schedule, unlike other teams. Southern Charleston? Give me a break...

Hey, Hey watch it! My son played for CSU and they play great football. Who would have thought Florida would beat them.....I mean we were favored by 72 or something. And the shock of losing to Florida had a residual effect as we lost today's game too. 0-2 to start the year hasn't happened around here since well last year...:biggrin:

Yeah, Florida could have played a cremepuff like USC but they played CSU. Yep shows some real balls on their part....
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