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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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Gothmog8;1540033; said:
Ok, let me rephrase. "Mediocre playing" Great, good, whatever, but I think neither team played their A game tonight.

I'm not sure that U$C will get much better than that with Barkley this year. He's good, but they're trying to let him develop the same way we did/do with TP.

Plus, they won't see a defense as good as our until the bowl game- and then, they might see ours again.
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NW_Buckeye;1540035; said:
That's why I says it's coaching - new players, similar results. What's the constant? I love Tressel, but he needs someone in the box giving him plays. All the big programs have gone to that system. Time to enter the 21st century...

FFS it wasn't the play calling you damned noobs.
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Dryden;1540030; said:
We are apparently cursed in a sick intertwined twist of fate with Oklahoma. Some day soon we're going to play Oklahoma in a BCS title game that ends in a tie.

I cannot think of any other explanation.

At least it can be argued that Oklahoma is paying for Barry Switzer's sins. What the hell did we do to deserve the torment?
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Im with NF here, Im trying to go to sleep on good terms here thinking "Wow we have a great team this year, We just didnt play as well as USC"

But all these trolls and fair weather fans are getting to me, so im gonna go to bed, Wake up tommorow and head to cincy to watch the Bengals play.

Good night all, Heres a hardy :oh: to the rest of the season, and an :io: to getting to another bowl game.

Go bucks and gob bless
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And as pissed as I am, great job Deety on keeping shit together. I had no issues until right when the game ended; mad props my friend.

As far as the idiot who created an account to say "hookem". How about "shootem...in the face." Fucking piece of shit.
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My heart is broken. But I can see the groundwork being laid for a dominant defense with this team. USC had two real drives. They scored 11 points on their own. The first touchdown was not the defenses fault, especially after they stopped them the first 3 downs. I hurt for the defense. Holding the #3 team in the country to 18 points, where 7 were almost impossible to stop, along with getting a safety. The offense should have been able to put up the points necessary to win. That last drive, the defense was extremely gassed. You could tell.

The offense seems to be a bit of a patchwork offense at this point. They never really seemed comfortable. It was a mix of big plays and lost yardage, no real sustained drives to tire out USC's defense. Boom and Saine played great. Terrelle threw a couple great balls that he wouldnt have been able to complete last year. The offensive line did a MUCH better than expected job. But the cohesiveness, the glue plays that patch together in between the big plays, don't seem to be here yet. I'm talking about the 5 yard slant to improve 3rd down chances, or the 6 yard carry to give you a bevy of options on 2nd and short. Those plays weren't there. So it was either big play, or predictable third down situation.

All in all I'm proud of the way our guys fought. We are a few glue plays away from sustaining drives and killing out the clock. The talent is there, we can hang with any team in the country in that regard. I just don't think that our guys (mostly young) have been able to fulfill their potential as of yet.

I emplore the buckeye fan base to stay postive with this game. Sure, it leaves a sour taste in our mouths. But, this lays the ground work for an even sweeter vindication when it comes. We are Ohio State. Vindication is coming. Until then, it is our duty as a fan base to be proud and to support the young men that put their all into this game.

Go Bucks!
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buckeyboy;1539953; said:
He has to stop throwing off his back foot when pressured. His footwork is still not there and he has to still improve his reads. He has work to do but he'll get it done.

This is my problem.......I watch a poised Focier and a Poised Barkley today, both only playing in their second game. TP has TO many starts to look so lost. I don`t know if he is to blame or the coaches but that is just a problem that should have been fixed last year.....very bad problem. JT calls 3 running plays to end the first half and calls a running play on 3rd down and kicks a fieldgoal we still win despite our bad offense. Go Bucks
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Steve19;1539989; said:
Guys, we are all frustrated. A reminder that we do not bash players or coaches on BP.

dont think anyone has bashed anyone.... People are just giving their opinions on what they watched. I think the players played their hearts out and should of won it. However when you watch the past 5 big games and you have the same out come and everyone is scratching their heads wondering why tressel called that play or didnt call that play..that leads most of us to believe that their is a problem.
How many 4th and 1 did USC have 6 and they ran the same play.. Tell the truth on the 4,5 and 6th time you were saying to your self QB sneak.... and you looked at the d line and you had a 4 man front with no one over center....?
Not bashing him he is a wonderfull coach, recruiter its just a problem thats fixable, and if its not we will all be sitting here next time talking about the same thing..
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