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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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TJnTN;1540065; said:
I think this is a valid question...... Will we ever see Pryor's true potential with the way this coaching staff calls games on the offensive side of the ball?????

Would you not say that TP is like Troy Smith? runner, gets out of bad situations... etc etc.

Troy won the Heisman under this coaching staff.

I say its on TP to show us what he can do.
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I love Ohio State. I love my school. I love my state.

Oh come, let's sing Ohio's praise,
And songs to alma mater raise,
while our hearts rebounding thrill,
a joy which death alone can still,
Summer's heat or Winter's cold,
the time's will pass, the year's will roll,
Time and change will surely show,
How firm thy friendship,


I had tears in my eyes listening to the men sing this song at the end of the game! I've had a few beers and a few drinks, and undoubtedly will have a few more. But Goddamnit I love this school and this town. Goddamnit I love these players. Goddamnit I'm going to miss this place when I graduate.

No amount of negativity will jade my love for this school, I will be here whether its 13-0 and MNC champs or 0-13 and the very bottom of the barrel.

Anyyone want ttoo come drink with me?
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BuckeyeMike80;1540085; said:
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
And songs to Alma Mater raise

While our hearts rebounding thrill

With joy which death alone can still

Summer's heat or winter's cold

The seasons pass the years will roll

Time and change will surely show

How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!


And on that note...I'm out too! Goodnight Buckeye Nation....the sun will still rise tomorrow...and we'll still be thankful to be Buckeyes!!!
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MANofTROY;1540092; said:
GG buckeyes, i have to admit this loss is on on your coaching staff but also give credit where credit is due, Barkley looked like a senior the last drive of the 1st half and the 2nd half you cant say he wasnt poised it was his decision making that led to usc's victory. Regardless these two teams were a defensive battle and showed that DEFENSE wins games not fuckin big12 air it out every single down and get owned by a real defensive team ALA Okie State. We are both going to have an amaizing year and depending what happens over in CAL,Oregon,Notre dame we could very well be meeting again at the end of the year and that game could very well be bigger then the national championship GG buckeye's hats off to the two biggest NFL factories in college football now when you guys face my wolverines thats gonna be interesting there spread attack is going to be even better at the end of the year!!

Good game, and congratulations. I disagree on a few points, but it doesn't matter.
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Good lord. Thanks for this board being here... Any other boards all you hear is "Tressel should be fired" "Bench TP" "Conservative play calling"... The sky isn't falling! If anything this game is a building block. I just feel like Tressel would have come in with a more aggressive game plan if this offense was ready for one. This offense is still young, and has ALOT of improvements to make. But that will come with time, and game by game, they will improve. They were leaps and bounds better than they were to start the season last year. I don't see it being any different this season. Nothing to hang our heads about.
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LordJeffBuck is rocking the cleanup efforts.

The thing I was really enjoying about this game right up until that last score was that for the vast majority of the night, the Buckeyes maintained control of the game. When we pushed, we moved ahead, when we faltered, USC snuck in. There have been other games that felt as though we were reacting the whole time, but not tonight. It's unfortunate that the final push to seal a victory wasn't there, and that's the concern I take from this game, moreso than any technical problems by this or that position. Have to be able to focus and push through right to the end. But after tonight, I feel the rest of the season should be well in hand, and I'm proud of our Buckeyes.
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MANofTROY;1540092; said:
...also give credit where credit is due, Barkley looked like a senior the last drive of the 1st half and the 2nd half you cant say he wasnt poised it was his decision making that led to usc's victory.

Beg to differ. Barkley played well, but without McKnight's efforts, you don't win. Barkley did what he needed to do- turn around and hand off, or dump it to #4.

See you in Pasadena- please try not to drop a game against Washington State, so that our rematch will be for the NC.
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Buckeye89Fan;1540098; said:
Good lord. Thanks for this board being here... Any other boards all you hear is "Tressel should be fired" "Bench TP" "Conservative play calling"... The sky isn't falling! If anything this game is a building block. I just feel like Tressel would have come in with a more aggressive game plan if this offense was ready for one. This offense is still young, and has ALOT of improvements to make. But that will come with time, and game by game, they will improve. They were leaps and bounds better than they were to start the season last year. I don't see it being any different this season. Nothing to hang our heads about.

There are other boards??
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TJnTN;1540065; said:
This one's on the coaching staff. I know Pryor didn't play his best but it ultimately came down to some poor coaching decisions that cost us this game.

I think this is a valid question...... Will we ever see Pryor's true potential with the way this coaching staff calls games on the offensive side of the ball?????

We dominated this game on defense. We dominated field position and for the most part played very smart with few penalties......i thought the Oline finally stepped up and played a solid game too. Why then can't we move the flippin ball and get into the endzone?

Does anyone else notice....seems like when we need to be conservative we aren't and it costs us.....and when we need to be aggressive we aren't and it costs us....

Very proud of how we fought till the end in this game........but I'm [censored]ing over the lack of productivity we are getting on offense and I don't blame the players at all.....

I'll bet my house that the coaches aren't telling him to throw the ball high and to throw where the defensive backs can make a play on it. TP is a playmaker with his legs and that's about it. All of the criticism that he recieved about being a passer is waranted, He needs a ton of work as a passer.
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I agree 100%

LordJeffBuck;1539947; said:
If JT needs to learn one thing, it is this - you can't use Tresselball to beat teams that are better than you are.

Great game, bad result, it happens.

This one hangs squarely on the coaching calls. The cancer that is tresselball has spread to the defensive play calling. Boom up the middle 500 times was bad enough but it pales in comparison to the late refusal to go after barkley in any way shape or form. The entire 2nd half we rattled him at will when we sent 5 after him... JUST 5... Well until "the drive" when we sent 4 and the rest of the D was handcuffed by the pussy-prevent D the staff kept calling. You can't stop anyone when you are 30-35 yards down field... And with 5+ mins left?!? Unforgivable in my eyes. I prefer to avoid another high profile out of conference game so as to avoid putting us ALL through this again. Pure tresselball is pure suicide in these situations. This game is just killing me, and tressel didn't own any of it in post game (or put any of it on his d coordinator). I just hope he does not take the same line with all the stellar recruits who were present. IMHO they need to hear that tonights loss was due to the errors on the coaching staff and those same errors will not repeat themselves if they choose to come to C-Bus.

[Edit - also infracted - just marking 'em as examples]
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