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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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This is one game, early in the year, with a young team that wasn't a serious national championship contender. Look big picture for a minute. On Southern Cal's final drive, true freshman Johnny Simon was manning the nose, and true sophomore Etienne Sabino was at outside linebacker. Excellent experience for guys who will be stalwarts of the defense some day ... for guys who are shedding Ohio State's image as a big, slow, plodding, etc. team that can't compete with USC and the SEC.

And by the way, IF the Buckeyes run the table in impressive fashion - and there is no reason that they can't do so - then they will be in NC contention in December.

2009 is a repeat of 2005 ... 2010 is our year.
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BUKEsqBuck;1540107; said:
This one hangs squarely on the coaching calls. The cancer that is tresselball has spread to the defensive play calling. Boom up the middle 500 times was bad enough but it pales in comparison to the late refusal to go after barkley in any way shape or form. The entire 2nd half we rattled him at will when we sent 5 after him... JUST 5... Well until "the drive" when we sent 4 and the rest of the D was handcuffed by the pussy-prevent D the staff kept calling. You can't stop anyone when you are 30-35 yards down field... And with 5+ mins left?!? Unforgivable in my eyes. I prefer to avoid another high profile out of conference game so as to avoid putting us ALL through this again. Pure tresselball is pure suicide in these situations. This game is just killing me, and tressel didn't own any of it in post game (or put any of it on his d coordinator). I just hope he does not take the same line with all the stellar recruits who were present. IMHO they need to hear that tonights loss was due to the errors on the coaching staff and those same errors will not repeat themselves if they choose to come to C-Bus.
Were we watching the same drive?

Heacock brought the pressure on that drive, but McKnight burned them in the cutback lanes.
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well, we lost. I thought we would. Then i thought we had em. Then I said NO WAY we GOT THIS. Then i went wow, "here we go again" - DMX

Everyone close to me has brought me down, i mean DOWN. Cali, Philly, the Burgh, Dallas and Canada peeps are giving me shit and you know what, Step up, swallow it, fight the fukking tears that come to your eye and say, I'm and Ohio State Fan! I Love Ohio State and will DIE an Ohio State fan. I'm here for the good, the ok and the BAD that this team will bring me. What makes me happy even after a loss like this, is that i know there are a lot of people that feel the same way I do. I am not alone! And you are not either. Let's keep the faith fellow buckeye fans. Have we lost all the big ones latey??? yes. Have we beat Meatchicken years in row??? yes! will my children see another NC.............. FUK YES


I Bleed Scarlet and Grey, Do you???
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1 we need a offensive mind on the coaching staff theres just no way we should be this bad on offense

2 brandon saine needed more touches this game we didnt use him enough.

3 what happend to the te ? we threw to jake once and thats it

4 the last drive we should have have had 4 dl in the game they kept getting the 4&1 sneak we should have crowded the line wit more ppl
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[censored] USC. It's like Deja Vu I'm not going to go through the whole we played our hearts out, we shoulda won I love the effort rant. You know why there comes a point it doesn't [censored]ing cut it anymore. We should have won this game and blew it. I love Ohio State and I'll always be rooting but I can't say I really feel that bad for the team, after Texas I felt so bad for the team but this time they let USC go 90 yards right up our ass and we fell apart. I think Jim Tressel called a HELL of a game but his team let him out to dry a bit. No one can say Tressel didn't call a good game. I don't know what the [censored] it is. Someday... Ohio State will rule the NCAA again but for now we're still in this awkward stage where we could and should be the best team but find a way to let it slip away. Beat Penn State... [censored] USC.

Matt Barkley is a douche to the max BTW, Pete Carroll is a dick and that INT at the start of the game really sucked now that I think about it. The defense was the best I've seen in along time except for that last drive.
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NextBuck;1540023; said:
Why do I always feel like their is something fundamentally wrong with the program but I dont know what it is. One title since 1970, and heartbreak after heartbreak since. It's like tOSU is a beautiful mansion, but there is a mold in it that we cant find. Is it just bad luck? On paper we seem to have a great program with a great foundation, but besides 2002 we fall just short.

It must be bad luck, but ughhhhhh....

I don't know. I'm just frustrated. Sorry guys if I sound like a dick. I'm just [censored]ed.

I still think we have a great shot at a BCS bowl this year and National Title next year.

Relax, I think we regained a lot of respect nationally tonight. People have to remember that winning a NC in college is very, very difficult which IMHO makes it interesting.

Ask yourself when was the last time these programs won a National Championship?
-Oklahoma, UCLA, Tennessee, Alabama, Nebraska, Texas (before 2005), Penn State, scUM, Georgia, etc. It's been 5 years since USC won their last championship...

That is the cream of the crop of college football, hands down, and those teams struggle every year to even be considered for the National Championship. Many of those teams have not won a championship in decades.

We should be thankful that we are among the elite. The stars will align again sometime soon just like they did in 2002, just 7 short years ago. Until then enjoy the ride!
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OSUFAN84;1540121; said:
1 we need a offensive mind on the coaching staff theres just no way we should be this bad on offense

2 brandon saine needed more touches this game we didnt use him enough.

3 what happend to the te ? we threw to jake once and thats it

4 the last drive we should have have had 4 dl in the game they kept getting the 4&1 sneak we should have crowded the line wit more ppl

Hind sight is twenty twenty if they would have tossed on fourth down you could have said we should have blitzed the cb
Just remember one game in the grand spectrum is nothing we are down but we will be back.
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Bobby Hoying;1540123; said:
Ask yourself when was the last time these programs won a National Championship?
-Oklahoma, UCLA, Tennessee, Alabama, Nebraska, Texas (before 2005), Penn State, scUM, Georgia, etc. It's been 5 years since USC won their last championship...
Oklahoma - 2000
UCLA - 1954 (UPI only, their only NC in football)
Alabama - 1992
Nebraska - 1997 (UPI only)
Texas (prior to 2005) - 1970 (UPI only)
Penn State - 1986
Michigan - 1997 (AP only)
Georgia - 1980

Do I get a cookie? :biggrin:

Bobby Hoying;1540123; said:
That is the cream of the crop of college football, hands down, and those teams struggle every year to even be considered for the National Championship. Many of those teams have not won a championship in decades.

We should be thankful that we are among the elite. The stars will align again sometime soon just like they did in 2002, just 7 short years ago. Until then enjoy the ride!
Good post.
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Bobby Hoying;1540123; said:
Relax, I think we regained a lot of respect nationally tonight. People have to remember that winning a NC in college is very, very difficult which IMHO makes it interesting.

Ask yourself when was the last time these programs won a National Championship?
-Oklahoma, UCLA, Tennessee, Alabama, Nebraska, Texas (before 2005), Penn State, scUM, Georgia, etc. It's been 5 years since USC won their last championship...

That is the cream of the crop of college football, hands down, and those teams struggle every year to even be considered for the National Championship. Many of those teams have not won a championship in decades.

We should be thankful that we are among the elite. The stars will align again sometime soon just like they did in 2002, just 7 short years ago. Until then enjoy the ride!

Only 136 and great wisdom, my thoughts exactly. long season ill be a buckeye fan my whole life no matter what dont care what media or public say. Im there through thick and thin mostly thin lately but so what still nice to have something in your life thats always there for you and will never go away,
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