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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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Amazing Game

I am disappointed as hell but it was an awesome game none the less. We had the almighty U$C beat the entire game minus the last drive... Thats still a major step in the right direction for the under-preforming Big Ten teams.

I am so proud of our D-Line and O-Line....Those boys stepped up BIG time. USC has the best O-line in college and we manhandled them most of the game!

I do however blame this loss squarely on the Coaches shoulders. I think Tressel has a few major philosophy issues. Our offense was stagnet because they need more REPS!! Tressel plays "nice" against the weaker teams we play and doesnt allow TP to run up the score....Which = Less experience. TP had little rhythm with his wide-outs.

Also, JT could have kicked a FG at the 35....instead he played tressel ball against the #3 best team in the country when that team was in a do or die drive. Top 5 teams arnt going to give you the win, USC played that drive like death was at the door and instead of tie us for overtime... they won the game.

Prettrey can kick from 60...I dont think a 45-50 yarder was "out of range"

None the less, i am shocked with pride of our boys in the trenches. They kept us in that game all the way. Go Bucks!
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Damn, that was a tough one to swallow. Remember in the early JT days when we would win those close ones??? Just some things I noticed;

1. TP is just isn't at the level he should be. Too inconsistent. Reminds me of Juice from Illinios, talented but never in control.

2. JT needs to grab his balls and use his big boy voice. Less than a yard to the endzone and we settle for three. Bullshit....put it in for six damn it!

3. Near the end of the 3rd, I heard the announcer say "That is the SPEED you get from Rolle." What??? According to all the other announcers we just don't have the speed to match up with the big boys. Hmmmmm....which is it guys???? The defense played their hearts out. The offense needs to get it together and put up some stinking points.

Anyways.... Go Bucks!!! There is always the Big-10 title and scum.
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In our last 3 games we lead #2 Tex and #3 USC late in the game.
To be great you have to face great teams. We do. We are so close on this. I think after tonight we can win the Big Ten. I think we will be very very good as the season rolls on. And we don't lose to joke teams like Stanford or Oregon State. I'm so so proud to be a Buckeye fan!

However, whether you look at the big plays that changed the game or the many dud plays that can be fixed, we scored 1 touchdown.

Even though I believe we have a 2 star o coordinator(JB) coaching 4 and 5 star players and the Herron up the middle play can just be thrown out, we still can win it all with Tweaks. Terrelle didn't suddenly forget how to play. I reapeat WE LOST THE #3 TEAM IN THE COUNTRY BY 3 POINTS. If you want to see blow outs we can schedule Youngstown state again.

GO Bucks!!!!
looking forward to next week.
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:osu:Respect for the program, YES!! Satisfaction, NO. I, like most of the Buckeye Nation, are not happy with 'good 'nuf'. It will have to do for now. Great game. Not in the cards for the good guys, though. Gotta hand it to the fans tonight, they were the 12th man. In it to the end. Way to go!!!:oh:
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OSUFAN84;1540121; said:
1 we need a offensive mind on the coaching staff theres just no way we should be this bad on offense

i would have liked to have seen us throw more of first down. but other than that... pryor just had a bad game. its hard to knock the play calling when the qb isn't executing. usc gave us throwing lanes all day. we just couldn't take advantage.

2 brandon saine needed more touches this game we didnt use him enough.

agreed. saine has already exceeded my expectations for this year. the kid is flat out good! better than i thought he would be this season.

3 what happend to the te ? we threw to jake once and thats it

same thing that happened to sanzo and carter and stoney... and everyone else not named posey. they were open all game. we just couldn't get them the ball. the deep slants? sanzo was open every time. i didn't see anyone cover him affectively on that play all game. i remember one play where stoney went across the middle against a lb. had him beat by atleast 3 yards with no safety over the top. a baby lob ball would have gone for 30+ before support could have gotten there. it was there the entire game. we just didn't execute. sucks hard but this is how you learn. when pryor looks at the game film his stomach is going to do back flips.

4 the last drive we should have have had 4 dl in the game they kept getting the 4&1 sneak we should have crowded the line wit more ppl

the oline usc has, stopping them on 4th and 1 is a pretty tall order for anyone. besides, lets say you pinch in and the play is a sweep to mcknight...?
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I reapeat WE LOST THE #3 TEAM IN THE COUNTRY BY 3 POINTS. If you want to see blow outs we can schedule Youngstown state again.

boy more "moral victories"..........

you have the ball at basically the 1/2 yard line and settle for 3 points, when you have a 6'6 235 pound QB, even in the event you dont get it USC is pinned inside the 1

when you play not to lose.....you lose, and thats exactly what happened tonight
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AM Genius hit it on the head...our 2-star O-coordinator and game plan maybe leaves something to be desired....Maybe JT calls all the shots and the coordinator is only a figurehead...but where is it written we can't drive our "sports cars" like sports cars instead of driving them like mini vans???
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milkman21;1540137; said:
You know that scene in Saving Private Ryan when the American guy gets stabbed really, really slowly by the German guy?

The last drive felt like that. :sad:

Great analogy

but later, when it looks like the german is going to get away again, Upham shoots him dead :) So I take that as a future win over a team that has one of those slow TD drives and OSU comes back with a quick strike winning TD to put it away.
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martinss01;1540140; said:
the oline usc has, stopping them on 4th and 1 is a pretty tall order for anyone. besides, lets say you pinch in and the play is a sweep to mcknight...?
This is one of the keys to the USC mystique for the past 50-years. 4th and 1 is a lot harder to defense when you have to respect Student Body Right burning you for an easy (and embarrassing) TD.
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