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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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And I don't know about you guys, but I couldn't give 2 shits if the media talked about us "being competitive all game as opposed to last year."

We were more than competitive; we were better. We aren't fucking Toledo, we are THE Ohio State University, and I'm not into being OK with just being "in" a game. Thats passing up the greater for the lesser.

BTW, I don't mean that against anyoe personally. I'm goddamn angry right now.
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I thought our OL and DL played exceptional.

We should have won this game. We had it in hand. USC had one good drive the entire night and it was the last drive. I'm still shaking my head in unbelief.

I was so excited to see TP shine on a national stage. Poor guy just seemed rattled and off for much of the night. He also seemed to be locked into Posey on almost every passing play. I'm sure nobody is more disaapointed than he is.

This one really stings.....

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1. Defense was stellar - thought guys like Torrence and Hewyard really stepped up.
2. Even though Boom didn't have huge yards, I thought O-line did its job and held up well.

1. Pryor's INT - just a killer
2. Pryor taking the sack in the 4th quarter - made the decision to try a FG that much harder.
3. Pryor NOT seeing a WIDE-OPEN (I mean seriously wide open) Duron during the last drive.
4. We didn't seem to make adustments to THEIR adjustments - after first qurter I think we had 110 total yards of offense.

Not saying TP was the reason we lost - I thought he had some brilliant moments, but those three imo were just HUGE!!

Overall, just like Texas, great effort. But, just like Texas, doesn't make our big game streak futility any easier to swallow.

my 2 cents
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The thing that worried me all week was a late game drive for USC. As amazing as the defense played, I didn't know if they would create the pressure to force mistakes against the stout USC line. That was my concern, and it happened. But whatever, Toledo is next week, and that's all that matters.
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Texas '05. It was the same exact story. Controlled the game with the defense, but couldn't close it out due to poor execution in the redzone/inside SC territory, and got stabbed with the dagger in the end.

1). This defense is miles better than last year's defense. The line controlled the game against one of the better OLs in the nation and applied good pressure. Rolle, Heyward, Torrence and Gibson really made their presence known.

2). Posey is starting to come out.


1). Like Smith vs. UT in '05, we are seeing some growing pains with Pryor. The time will come when Pryor becomes a Heisman contender, but we have to be patient in the meantime.

2). Poor execution in the redzone. I don't know why you would run a play that takes a while to develop at the one. Herron was swamped by two defenders by the time the guard had pulled to his position. There was zero chance that he was getting to the endzone. Did not try to use Stoneburner's size to create matchups.

3). Playcalling inside SC's territory was questionable. The plays were confusing to watch and tough to execute, and they didn't help the offense get into any kind of rhythm. I'm sure Pryor's youth had a lot to do with it, but I hope they design some crisper plays out there.

4). Was it me or did Sanzo not have his name called against after the long catch?
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I'll always be a proud alumnus, a financial supporter of the university and a fan of the Buckeyes. It's just that it gets too hard to pour my heart and soul into it. The last few years have started to feel a lot like the mid to late 90s. For older alums, it must feel a lot like the 70s.

Just can't close the deal when it counts.
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Derek2k3;1539940; said:
USC may have had that late drive, but it doesn't mean shit if TP gets it done on even ONE second half drive.

Don't put it all on TP. The O-line was not moving bodies and getting holes for Boom to run through. I agree that TP started to fall back into the habit of throwing off the back foot. This might have been because there were Trojans in his face all game.
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I think we need to start calling out some positives on our Defense...let's talk about what a phenomenal game these guys played. Torrence grew up tonight! Amos and Chekwa did their jobs. The d-line...especially Hayward and Thad! Beasts man. As many questions we had coming out of the Navy game...this D answered them tonight! Silver Bullets were flying tonight!
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God damn I'm proud of that team.

You bearded sonsabitchin' OL/DL. Played your asses off.

Boom...trucked Taylor Mays. You made a dream of mine come true. Thank you.

Defense as a whole...dirty motherfuckers. I mean that in the nasty, respectfull way. You played like champs the majority of the night. Can't ask for more heart out there.

Offense...still need a few areas improved upon...but still...so much fire. THAT'S ALL I'VE EVER NEEDED TO SEE FROM MY BUCKEYES! Wins come along with losses. It's part of the game. The FIRE is what pulls me to college football. You, as an entire team, showed more of that tonight than in the past two years combined. Damn I love that shit.

JT...still wouldn't trade you for any coach in football, college or pro, dead or alive.

Fans that were fortunate enough to be there...made me so fucking proud.

USC...you didn't do what you thought you would, did ya? :lol:

McKnight..."easy"...not so much there buddy.

Barkley...i bet walking up the ramp after the game was the hardest part of the night, especially after getting tossed around for most of the game you cocky fuck. I've never rooted against a player as hard as I'm going to root against you for the rest of your career. You're a bitch.



We aren't promised any more games in our lives. I'm thankfull I got to see that one.
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This is what I take away from this game..

I'm pretty excited about our defense. They played with a lot of heart tonight. Gave up only one TD drive tonight. The first TD was just a tough spot for them to be in, especially that early in the game. I was really concerned about our secondary. Chekwa was a big question mark for me after the Texas game. I thought he looked better. Torrence and Amos had some huge plays, especially Torrence. The safeties were quiet tonight, but USC did a good job of keeping the plays to the outside and keeping them away from Kurt. They had very few big plays; we did GREAT against them. 18 points against that team is damn impressive. The d-line had some big plays against a very good offensive line, but we still need to get more pressure.

We have great special teams, like usual. Punting was great.

Offense needs a lot of work. The line played above and beyond my expectations, but the fourth quarter was a bit of a letdown. The USC d-line was getting a lot of penetration, mainly in the middle, which was a bit of a surprise. I was really confident that we'd be able to get a few yards running behind Boren and Brewster, but they were blowing up those plays in the second half.

Pryor has some work to do. I still worry that we're trying to turn him into a passer too much and taking away his best strength. He's big and he's fast, but he doesn't run much. He's growing as a QB mentally and physically, but we need him to run.

Better get the boys working on two-minute drills. I know we only had a minute and one timeout left at the end of the game, but it was pathetic what was going on out there. I was shocked to see it end like that.

Anyone who says our coach is an idiot, get your head out of your fucking ass. No stupid coach is going to give up only 18 points to a team that always lights up the scoreboard. Barkley is a freshman, but he's still super-talented, and everyone else on that offense was not a freshman. 18 points. The execution was not there on offense.
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Sportsbuck28;1539948; said:
IThere is one big choice that still sticks out to me. 3rd and goal at the 1 in the second quarter... and we pull a guard and Boom gets stuffed. Why even try that? Why not just have Pryor lean forward? We run that same play on every short yardage situation, and USC definately caught on.

It did seem like Ohio STate had 3 basic running plays....

a pulling guard play

a straight ahead play

an option play

the option was never run aggressively enough IMO. 4-5 yards was consistently there if they hit it up.

I'm very proud of the defense... they battled hard all game long and outside of the last drive they played phenominal.

Special teams was outstanding... putting pressure on the punter, Thoma had a a great game and we controlled the field position game.

Special teams are important in every close game.

Ohio STate's defense is going to be one of the best for a while I think. The D-Line is aggressive and the LBers are both good in coverage and good tacklers.

A couple more turnovers would be nice, but that wasn't on the D tonight.

Boom fought hard for every inch... he trucked the shit out of Taylor Mays on his first carry I believe. Saine came in and looked great as an option out of the backfield in the passing game.

And Mays wasn't the same all night long after that.

I was very impressed with Posey, when Pryor got the ball in his hands you were just waiting for something to happen, kid is going to be something special here.

We need to develop some other weapons at WR though, Pryor locked on to Posey almost all night.

Sanz is there. Lamar Thomas is young, but he'll be ok by the end of the year.

The TEs are important IMO.
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