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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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sparcboxbuck;1539933; said:

Are you fucking kidding me? Des H in the post game? Are you fucking kidding me? Is there anything else that eSPiN can fucking do to be more insulting?

FUCKING FUCK FUCKING FUCK... I'm fucking done with ESPN and fucking ABC... Fuck that God damn mouse from Florida too... Fuck? Des fucking Howard? Fucking fucking fucking fuck. Fuck ESPN and Herbie can suck Des' fucking ass from now on... I don't want that bitch sucking my ass any more.

Fucking fuck Des Howard and fuck ESPN.

You need to calm down.
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Four plays determined the outcome of this game.

1) The interception on the first series. Gave USC 7 points.
2) The 29 yard run by USC at the end of the first half when they were simply trying to get to halftime. A gift 3 points.
3) The pass to McKnight on the last drive for USC. A huge gain that got them out of trouble.
4) If Schwartz went all out and went for the punter it's game, set and match to OSU. No knock on him. He did what he thought was right on the play.

Ohio State can play toe to toe with any team in the country.
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IThere is one big choice that still sticks out to me. 3rd and goal at the 1 in the second quarter... and we pull a guard and Boom gets stuffed. Why even try that? Why not just have Pryor lean forward? We run that same play on every short yardage situation, and USC definately caught on.

I'm very proud of the defense... they battled hard all game long and outside of the last drive they played phenominal.

Special teams was outstanding... putting pressure on the punter, Thoma had a a great game and we controlled the field position game.

Boom fought hard for every inch... he trucked the shit out of Taylor Mays on his first carry I believe. Saine came in and looked great as an option out of the backfield in the passing game.

I was very impressed with Posey, when Pryor got the ball in his hands you were just waiting for something to happen, kid is going to be something special here.

We need to develop some other weapons at WR though, Pryor locked on to Posey almost all night.
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I for one am so damn proud of my Buckeye's tonight. Sure the loss hurts and all but damnit lets be proud of how hard we played tonight. Our offense didn't look great tonight and the defense broke at the wrong time. This is a long season folks and these kids have a tons of potential. So lets keep our heads up because there is always next week.

Oh yeah, FUCK SCUM.
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Tough game to lose tonight. Although, some positives to take from the game. This defense stepped up, HUGE, and will only improve. The offense is still a work in progress and can't wait for Duron and Sanz to get more looks. Ohio State laid it all out on the field and came up just short. Game over. Move on. Bring on the Rockets! LET'S GO BUCKS!
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Bill Lucas;1539945; said:
Four plays determined the outcome of this game.

1) The interception on the first series. Gave USC 7 points.
2) The 29 yard run by USC at the end of the first half when they were simply trying to get to halftime. A gift 3 points.
3) The pass to McKnight on the last drive for USC. A huge gain that got them out of trouble.
4) If Schwartz went all out and went for the punter it's game, set and match to OSU. No knock on him. He did what he thought was right on the play.

Ohio State can play toe to toe with any team in the country.

I'd throw in the sack of TP on the second to last drive that made us punt and not kick the field goal too. That was huge. Pettrey has been money so I couldn't believe we didn't at least get a 3 there
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NextBuck;1539934; said:
We lost to a very talented team, but we should have won this. People are going to keep saying the Buckeyes cant win the big game. AGRGHGFFGHGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH

We better win our bowl!!!

Well until we win one what can we expect. This was a game that we no doubt had every opportunity to win, just like against Texas in the bowl game, but yet we still can't find the way or the will to do it....until we do the headlines and the talk aren't going to change...
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Gothmog8;1539936; said:
I think the game boils down to:

1/5 USC on the last drive
1/5 OSU coaching miscues
3/5 OSU's lack of execution on Offense

how many errant passes did TP throw? if they were better placed or caught.. this game would have been over a long time ago.

He did not seem to get into rhythm at all and I didn't hear any receiver's name called after the 1st Q other than Posey. What, no one else ever got open or was he just the fav?

Good game, but obviously not the W we had in hand.

He has to stop throwing off his back foot when pressured. His footwork is still not there and he has to still improve his reads. He has work to do but he'll get it done.
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All in all I think it was a good game. Damn sure wanted to win....especially living out here in USC country. Much better tha last year and I think they played smart. They weren't predictable and what I mean by that is always having Pryor run the ball. THe defense did really good and I think JT got a little out coached with that last USC TD drive, but I don't think anyone can say it was a blow out or anything along thos e lines.

Now just loking forward to the rest of the season. I'm still a pround BUCKEYE and won't be peeling the stickers off my truck any time sooon.
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MondayAMGenius;1539937; said:
Yep, the media, yes even herbie, get all tingly for young quarterbacks. They already gave the kid at meatchicken the lead of every sports cut a way tonight.

Well, that kid from Michigan looked great today. He was poised and used his legs when he had to. He took control of that UM team today.

TP looked completely lost tonight. He looked like the true freshman playing under the lights for the first time.
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I didn't get this in time for the other thread...

ORD_Buckeye;1539902; said:
This has nothing to do with these players or coaches, but Ohio State is just plain jinxed and has been since 1969. It transcends any individual coach or team. 2002 was simply an aberration to tease us rather than any fundamental change of fortune.

I'm seriously wondering whether Woody sold his (and the program's) soul to the devil for that '68 NC.

I've said this so many times it's not even funny. Seriously, I don't think any other program has had their hearts ripped out any more than ours during that time period. It's like the devil told Woody you can have this one with these sophs, but I will be there to torment your program at every turn from this point forward. There's an article on here, I apologize that I don't remember who wrote it, but it's agonizing to read.
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