Just remembered this thread...
I was born in 1979, in a lil town called Nerk, Ahia.
I have been a Buckeye fan since I can remember. Saturday mornings in the fall meant being with my Uncle Jeff, and my favorite cousins. As the years went on, those cousins became more like brothers to me. I always dreamed one day I would play for tOSU, but, alas, It was not meant to be. But, I figured, I could attend tOSU...no again.
Been out of High School for almost 9 years now, how the time flies. I spent roughly 3 years right out of HS traveling the country, as a merchandiser. Got to see alot of things and places I always wanted to see. But always finding myself in arguments with "the locals" about college football.
I then went on to Installing fence. I got to see damn near the whole state of OHIO. Not a bad gig. I loved the labor, and being outside in all weather.
Couldn't find a job in Nerk, so I packed up, and headed south. My dad has a place in WR, GA, and said there were jobs, so I came down here.
Not a day goes by that I don't miss being in ohio, and it hurts more than ever being away from the center of the college football universe. But thanks to BP, I am hanging on....till that great day when I move back to...