Wonderful idea for a thread. Born in Columbus, Dad was on campus, and the first song I learned was Carmen Ohio. Have a precocious 11 year old daughter, and one of the names considered (until nixed by my bride of 17 years was 'Carmen'). Matriculated at Miami, out to California, then back to tOSU to collect an MBA. Back to California, where been (except for a 5 year stop in Texas) since 1971. Avid Buckeye, my father says I am a 'fanatic', and this coming from an ex-alumni president who has dotted the i. Interested in all things OSU, and this site gives me all sports, and sooner. We on the left coast don't get as much Buckeye stuff (unless it's bad news on ESPiN). Have paid first class postage to Buckeye Sports Bulletin forever, and do GamePlan because I'll see the Bucks 7-9 games.
Live in the Central Valley (San Joaquin Valley), a bit between Fresno and Bakersfield. Grew up as a member of the Scarlet & Gray courses, and still play golf out here. My family, wife and daughter, snow ski at Tahoe, camp at Pismo Beach, and generally try to enjoy each other and life. We get back to Ohio at Thanksgiving to visit parents and brothers who still live in Columbus. Am in education, as a senior administrator for a school district.
Was part of the Alumni club in San Francisco when lived there (and while in Texas), but there's zip in the middle of the State. So now follow daughter, who swims year round, travel team for basketball, plus many church activities. Daughter (when about 5), came in while a game was on, yelled, 'Go Michigan', and got sent to her room for a time-out.
Took wife to a game in the Shoe (Wyoming I think), enjoyed it, but brought her to a OSU-Meatchicken game, and she just looked around, and said, "Now I understand", so don't get much flack when the Bucks play, she just tolerates me. (They also like it when OSU wins, because I tend to get 'grumpy' when they lose).
Dad had season tickets for 50 years, and I've seen quite a few of the great ones. Have been to 6 Rose Bowls and all the Buckeye bashs, and truly enjoyed the Super Sophs (1968-72), and marvel at how many pros came from that team. Probably have to say enjoyed Rex Kern ( magician with the ball), Tatum, (hardest hitter), Champ Henson (a true warrior), Katzenmoyer (if only he'd stayed healthy - great football IQ), and .....Birtho Arnold. As a kid was 'trained' by the phys ed majors at OSU natorium, and had Havlicek and Larry Siegfried, Birtho, Jim Houston, and many of the 'old' legends.
Post infrequently, mostly to get the answer to some Buckeye question, and have really gotten great support from y'all. I enjoy watching the banter, and the 'war' with the Texas crew. Plenty of respect on each side, and informative also. Hope we see the same leading up to this future Buckeye win. Not a real 'techie' (fortunately have much smarter people at work who do this for me), so don't know how to manipulate avatars, or even post where I am from.
Truly enjoy recruiting, and spend couple of hundred dollars each year on the mags that come out (best way to get OSU slant in California) (who cares about the Pac 10). Boss and minister both USC grads, don't get much amusement when I call it 'University of Second Choice'.
All I can say is :gobucks3: :osu4: