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Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

Welcome to BP Grant and Co!

I had some friends a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago that lived in The Bottoms. Had some fun times walking over to Franklin Stadium (I think it was Franklin) to catch Clippers games. Especially on $0.50 beer or $0.25 hotdog nights.

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First Post

Good morning! I am somewhat of an anomaly. Born and raised in Michigan, attended Western Michigan for college, currently working\living in Madison, WI. Despite all of that I bleed scarlet and gray and am a die hard fan! Nothing gets my blood pumping more than watching our Buckeyes!

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BUCKINGFRONCO;2050229; said:
Good morning! I am somewhat of an anomaly. Born and raised in Michigan, attended Western Michigan for college, currently working\living in Madison, WI. Despite all of that I bleed scarlet and gray and am a die hard fan! Nothing gets my blood pumping more than watching our Buckeyes!


Welcome to BP - I like the username.

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Hey all,
Long time lurker but the excitement of the last few days has me jumping in. I haven't lived in OH in nearly 30 years (and if anyone needs fuel to bash the OR Ducks let me know) but Buckeye football has been my one connection to the homeland. All I needed to hear from Meyer was a reference to the "I"--as long as there's a fullback on the roster I'm down with the spread (kind of a provincial thing). Cheers everyone.

(Now I need to find that thread where Pinkell got bashed for being from Kenmore--he's a few years older but we're from the same hood.)
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Don't mind me I'm just a walk on....

Hey all happy to be here...Long time Buckeye finding my way home...What a Great site this is with all the awesome info I'm always looking for about our beloved Buckeyes. Not to mention the bashing of


This is certainly the place for me.

Ok so a little about me...I gotta be honest...I don't know if I've ever been this excited all at once being a BUCKEYE. What a week it has been.

So First..Let me say...85-63..How sweet that was..Now it's over, practice hard and don't lose focus..If you don't win the tourney this year..you take half of my dream away. And that's not acceptable. The only lines I enjoy hearing from anyone at espn are.."Undefeated Ohio State" "#1 Ohio State" or "National Champion Ohio State". Anything else uttered from those tools is probably, at the very least speculation..but more than likely it's a total lie.

And second..not so much to all of you but to Coach Meyer...Welcome aboard Coach. Now I don't know if you've noticed but scUM fans think they are back. Even some of the more cunning ones, those acting like you and coach choke are equals and it's going to be another 10 year war need to be put down asap. Nothing hurts my head more than to listen to this nonsense..hopefully they will be good enough for you to have the joy of beating them twice a year and this will end sooner rather than later. Just one more thing coach..I still love The Vest. We can talk all day about his dominance overscUM and I'd enjoy it. However few things make me happier than hearing canes fans still crying about the Fiesta Bowl..please provide these kind of wins and we are all good.

Well guys I think you get the idea about me..I have loved going through and reading alot of your posts. I want the BBall team to win it all...But Man :osu: Man I can't wait till spring ball.

Oh and by the way..have you ever noticed how bama and bear bryant started to matter at the same time chain gangs were done away with? Coincidence? I think not. Hence,
Later I'm Out.:oh:
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I had others...

TooTallMenardo;2054917; said:
Welcome Expat, Randall, BuckeyeFan, and HorseshoeFetish (wtf? :lol:)


Other names I had considered...annBOMBarbor, ILuvWolverineTears, and LOLbradyCHOKEera..However 105,708 (- those goth kids) True Scarlet Blooded Heroic Americans Cheering against ttun in 2006...well hell yeah that excites me...GO Bucks!
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