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Some BCS facts for your SEC friends

Gatorubet;970530; said:
I just noticed that you have Riley Cooper at 4.53. Uh-uh. He is a 4.4 type guy, one of the fastest guys on the team, as fast as Caldwell and almost as fast as Harvin. He ran a a 6.25 60-yard dash at a professional baseball combine before his senior season at Clearwater Central Catholic, and was a projected first round pick.

I found this quote... "I've not coached that many with that speed," UF coach Urban Meyer said. "I've coached some fast big receivers, but not with the top-end speed he has. If he gets quicker out of the shoot, he could be one of the better (wide receivers) in America. He has blazing speed."

How that gets to a 4.53 on the site you found I do not know, but I question that. You did a great piece of work and it took time and I thank you, but if it was not accurate info through no fault of your own, then WTF?:(
I am not saying those numbers you gave on Cooper are wrong, because I trust you them, as well as the quotes, but if you go back and look at NFL combine numbers vs. the player's numbers on their profiles (which is where I go the numbers I used), they are pretty much identical. Now, I am not sure if they go back and update these number after the combine, and I do not know how they figure out the times of the guys in college right now who have never been to the combine, but I would have to imagine they are about as accurate as they get.

Now, you seem to know your stuff, and these numbers weren't exactly meant to start an argument, but more to show how fast we are when you compare the Buckeyes to most other elite teams, especially the SEC because of all of the comments about the speed in your conference... and we compare very favorably to all of them. You seem like a very knowledgeable and level-headed Gator fan, and I am sure we both come across fans of each team that give others like us a bad name, so I respect your insight.
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This is my most up to date one, with a few minor adjustments.

-- I took out Tebow from Florida's backfield and replaced him with Jarred Fayson, a WR but gets a lot of carries from as a RB... I then replaced Fayson in the WR category with David Nelson, the next most productive WR for the Gators this year. I also took out Jacob Hester from the LSU backfield, as he could be considered a FB, even though he gets a lot of carries as an RB, it seemed to skew the numbers a bit. Anyways, this resulted in a a push between Ohio State and LSU at an average time of 4.46 in the backfield, and an edge to Florida over Ohio State by a 0.01 margin of 4.45 for UF and 4.46 for OSU.

-- I corrected the average times for the TEs so the set of numbers being calculated right.

-- I added another DT for each team becuse DL rotation at the position is so widely used. I added Nader Abdallah for Ohio State, Torrey David for Florida and Al Woods for LSU. The averages changed a bit, but I believe the edge stayed the same for each comparison (Ohio State over LSU and Florida over Ohio State).

-- Gatorubet: If you would like me to adjust the chart for Florida to reflect players that get more PT than the ones listed, let me know. I chose the players based upon the depth chart each school provides.


The point of this chart is to show how compareable the two schools are in terms of speed. Living in SEC country myself (Orlando, FL), it gets tiring having to defend myself, so I guess this gives me somewhere to direct those that try to argue this as fact :).
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BGriffBuckeye;970990; said:
The point of this chart is to show how compareable the two schools are in terms of speed.

Hell, that is some good stuff you are doing. And you are preaching to the choir, as I think we are all about the same skill wise at the top of the conferences, although I do think that Vandy and the Misses would give your lower ranked B10 teams some problems. In any event, I was not trying to criticize your excellent job, just pointing out how hard it is to compare when not everyone runs the same offensive schemes. Who cares if you have a 4.28 guy on the bench if he is not used, and who cares if he plays but never gets the ball in your scheme.

Living in SEC country myself (Orlando, FL), it gets tiring having to defend myself, so I guess this gives me somewhere to direct those that try to argue this as fact :).

Yeah. You and JaxBuck - I feel your pain.:biggrin:
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Gatorubet;971173; said:
Hell, that is some good stuff you are doing. And you are preaching to the choir, as I think we are all about the same skill wise at the top of the conferences, although I do think that Vandy and the Misses would give your lower ranked B10 teams some problems. In any event, I was not trying to criticize your excellent job, just pointing out how hard it is to compare when not everyone runs the same offensive schemes. Who cares if you have a 4.28 guy on the bench if he is not used, and who cares if he plays but never gets the ball in your scheme.

Yeah. You and JaxBuck - I feel your pain.:biggrin:

Thanks, I appreciate it. Also, the last comment about the "who cares if you have 4.28 guys on the bench if they don't play/get the ball," it's precisely why I did not add Deonte Thompson to your list of WRs. BTW, he was listed with a 4.38 on the site, NFLDraftScout.com.

MD Buckeye;971181; said:
tOSU > *



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Wingate1217;970697; said:
Since we do not have any head to head match-ups with the Big Ten (BT)and the SEC this year one of the ways to compare the two is to look at who they have played. As of last week's games here are the respective conferences records against out of conference foes (OOC).

SEC 30-5 86% win percentage
Big Ten 32-8 80% win percentage

As you see the SEC has the better record to date although the SEC has 13 more OOC games compared to only four for the BT. In addition the records (through 10/20) of their OCC opponents and future games is W134-L143. But before you start pointing a finger the BT's opponents record is even worse at W106-L150. On paper it looks like the SEC has the upper hand again, right?

To answer that question one has to dig deeper into the numbers. Who have they (the conferences) really played? Have they played traditional powers, at lot of mid majors or Football Champion Subdivision(FCS) (formerly Div I-AA). I broke it down into three parts, BCS Division Schools (Big Ten, SEC, ACC, Pac Ten, Big 12, Big East and ND), Other Division 1 (Sun Belt, MAC, WAC, Mt. West, C-USA, other independants). Here are the numbers through (10/20):

BCS Schools
SEC 5-5 .500
Big Ten 9-4 .692

Other Div. 1
SEC 18-0 1.000
Big Ten 18-2 .900

SEC 7-0 1.000
Big Ten 5-2 .714 (Thanks Michigan and Minny)

Games remaining SEC (13) 4 BCS, 6 Other, 3 FCS
Big Ten (4) 4 Other

One could make a leap and state that the SEC has built it's reputation on scheduling the little guys and when they do step up to the "big boys" their results are rather pedestrian and worse than the Big Ten. To be fair the winning/lossrecords of the SEC foes at the BCS level is a stellar 61-26 (S. Florida 6-1, VT 6-1, WVU 6-1, Missouri 6-1, Cal 5-2). By the way the SEC was 1-4 in those games. The Big Ten is at 18-41 (ND 1-7, Duke 1-6, Syracuse 2-6, Iowa St. 1-7). What does all this mean? Is the SEC a paper tiger or are they the monster the W/L records suggest? Is the Big Ten really this hopeless or are they a victim of bad press and embarassing losses (see Michigan, Minny and NW at Duke)? Guess we will have to wait till Bowl season.....
Not trying to make a case one way or another just thought I would add this piece for discussion......

The BCS record isn't accurate.

The SEC is 5-5 and the Big 10 9-4 against BCS conferences that receive automatic bids. The SEC is actually 21-5 against all BCS conferences.

BCS conferences from the BCS website:

Big East
Big Ten
Big 12
Conference USA
Mountain West
Sun Belt
Notre Dame independent
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Bill Lucas;971562; said:
The BCS record isn't accurate. The SEC is 5-5 and the Big 10 9-4 against BCS conferences that receive automatic bids. The SEC is actually 21-5 against all BCS conferences. BCS conferences from the BCS website:
while that is the case, whenever a pundit discusses the bcs conferences in this regard, it is just those bcs conferences that receive automatic bids that they discuss.
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Through 8 weeks...........(remaining schedule)

Bowl Eligible Teams in the Big Ten:
Ohio State
Penn State

Teams 1 Win Away from being Bowl Eligible:
Illinois (vs. Ball St, @ Minn, @ tOSU, vs. N'Western)
Northwestern (@ Purdue, vs. Iowa, vs. Indiana, @ Illinois)
Indiana (@ Wisc, vs. Ball St, @ N'Western, vs. Purude)
Michigan State (@ Iowa, vs. scUM, @ Purdue, vs. Penn St)

Teams Still With an Outside Chance:
Iowa (vs. Mich St, @ N'Western, vs. Minn, vs. W Mich)

No Chance In Hell:
Minnesota (@ scUM, vs. Illinois, @ Iowa, vs. Wisc)

Bowl Eligible Teams in the SEC:
South Carolina

Teams 1 Win Away from being Bowl Eligible:
Florida (vs. Georgia, vs. Vandy, @ South Car, vs. FAU, vs. Florida St)
Georgia (vs. Florida, vs. Troy, vs. Auburn, vs. Kentucky, @ Ga Tech)
Auburn (vs. Miss, vs. Tenn Tech, @ Georgia, vs. Alabama)

Teams 2 Wins Away from being Bowl Eligible:
Tennessee (vs. South Car, vs. La Lafayette, vs. Arkansas, vs. Vandy, @ Kentucky)
Vanderbilt (vs. Miami (OH), @ Florida, vs. Kentucky, @ Tenn, vs. Wake Forest)
Arkansas (vs. Fla Int'l, vs. South Car, @ Tenn, vs. Miss St, @ LSU)
Mississippi State (@ Kentucky, vs. Bama, @ Arkansas, vs. Miss)

No Chance in Hell:
Mississippi (@ Auburn, vs. N'West St, vs. LSU, @ Miss St)

So really, every team in the Big Ten with the exception of Minnesota has a chance or is already Bowl Eligible. If Iowa doesn't win today, I think they'll easily win their last 3 games. On to the SEC.....All the teams with 1 win away should be able to win atleast 1 of their remaining. The teams with two wins away, all of them has a chance of NOT making it. They still have a tough road ahead of them. So the Big Ten has an excellent chance of having more bowl eligible teams than the SEC. However, in SEC fan's eyes, it will show the "strength of the SEC because they just beat up on eachother"....but I guess the Big Ten doesn't.
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