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Some BCS facts for your SEC friends

Gatorubet;969259; said:
Honestly, the tops are equals, with the depth of the SEC a little deeper. This January aside, it is clear to me that we are competitive. Recent Iowa games with UF and a loss to Michigan State demonstrated that. One more thing to argue about I suppose, but to say that you are better or we are better is meaningless sans a top to bottom head and head. That would be great for the fans, but it will never happen.

Dead on. And I would add the caveat that its a moving target, some years one is better than the other but its never as absolute or as long as some would like to believe.

Also, I agree wholeheartedly with using the current SEC time frame or the BCS era to compare conferences today, specifically the BCS era. Its the time we are in, it's relevant and its just long enough now to be a decent sample size.

And just in case anyone was wondering... head to head in Bowl games during the BCS era the B10 leads the SEC 13-11. :wink2:
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SNIPER26;969806; said:
A nice find. However, your numbers are off. LSU and Florida play in the SEC, and that takes off .5 off their 40 times and adds .5 to yours . So Trindon Holliday is really running a 3.72 and Mo Wells, the fastest guy from what I saw (I quickly skimmed) really runs a 4.92. Silly Big 10 homer
:rofl:Even if you are a scUMmer, that was pretty funny.

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;969812; said:
Cool, must have missed the note at the bottom.... did you change it :wink2: :p
:) No it was there the whole time.
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BGriffBuckeye;969800; said:
Yeah, I said int he note at the bottom, and what you said is basically the reason. He is their leading rusher, and they don't even use James in the running game all that often, if at all, so they are lucky I threw him in there too.

Well, those are just the stop watch times. When you sign a letter of intent with the SEC school you get a secret e-mail telling you how to access the on-the-field SEC speed, which you are sworn to keep secret. Every couple of OOC games we have to turn it off, so as not to raise suspicion.

Don't tell anyone.:biggrin:
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Excellent work--give that man a medal!

Excellent work, BGriff. I started spreading this around, including to some press contacts. This should prove to be the defining factor in helping me win drinks in bar bets.


BGriffBuckeye;969789; said:
Here is a more updated graphic comparing our speed to that of the 2 tops dogs in the SEC: LSU and Florida. I got the numbers from NFLDarftScout.com, which are updated throughout the player's stay at the university and are more accurate than the previous numbers I used from Rivals when they were recruits, which are rarely ever right. Anyways, take a look and come to your own conclusions. I used the guys that see the most PT, not the whole depth at the position. The kid can be fast as heck, but if they don't get on the field they don't count. Personally, I am blown away at the speed we have in the secondary and I was amazed how favorably we matched up with their DE speed.


Note: I used Torrence in stead of Sanzenbacher because he was next in line as far as WR stats go, since I could not find the Great Dane's NFL DS profile. The only QB I used was Tebow, for obvious reasons, since he is their leading rusher. I also could not find the time for Florida DT Clint McMillan or LSU DE Rahim Allen, but they start so I threw them in there, so their avg. times at each position could be a little misleading. Also, I wanted to throw Larimore in there for us but I could not find his NFL DS profile, either.
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Gatorubet;970056; said:
Well, those are just the stop watch times. When you sign a letter of intent with the SEC school you get a secret e-mail telling you how to access the on-the-field SEC speed, which you are sworn to keep secret. Every couple of OOC games we have to turn it off, so as not to raise suspicion.

Don't tell anyone.:biggrin:

Well... that's a good weapon to have... the secret speed....

I don't have time to find this again... but.. in '02 (they call it "Florida Speed" when you're playing Miami :wink2:) I remember all the Canes talking about this and that...

Of course, Andre Johnson had won the Big East 100m Championship the preivious spring...

Of course that sounds impressive... and... I think this was mentioned in some presser... and... one of the Ohio State Players replied, "Oh, I didn't know that, whatever, I bet they don't have anyone as fast as Drew Carter... "

I don't remember the times... but... turns out Carter finished 6th or 7th in the Big Ten 100m....not too bad... of course, as it happens Johnson's winning time in the Big East wouldn't have qualified him for the Big 10 finals.

I'm sure it was a "down" year for Miami sprinters. :lol:

At any rate... there was a trend for a long while to sacrifice size for speed in the SEC in years past... (and conversely speed for size in the Big Ten)... but... by "in years past" I mean back when we were running option, primarily... and... now its sort of evened out... as there are more spreads in the Big Ten than anything else... and.. .in top shelf programs... there is gonna be both big and fast.

I remember when Spielman was too small and slow to be a big ten LB.... nevermind an LB in the NFL... at 6'0" 230 ish... but... that's when the "proto LB" was more like Pepper Johnson at 6'3" 260ish... Spielman is at least an average College LB these days.

I only mention LB's because I always felt like the SEC was playing a bunch of Safeties at that position.... for a while... and... those 3 guys switched from guys who can engage teh Line of scrimmage to 3 guys who can play in space makes a lot fo fast guys out there.

What's Highsmith go? 6'0" 225 or so? I'd guess the Ohio State LB's are probably still a bit bigger accross the board than the Florida/LSU guys... but... not with the disparity there once was when the Big Ten Guys were built to stop power running games and take on OL's on every play... but... its still gonna take a long time to change that perception.
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Flash TarHusky;970086; said:
Excellent work, BGriff. I started spreading this around, including to some press contacts. This should prove to be the defining factor in helping me win drinks in bar bets.


Course, comparing fullback (Hester and Tebow) times to halfbacks times, and putting Harvin (who carries the ball more as a slot back than a wr) as a wr instead of a back will skew the numbers, just as having four LSU backs to three of TOSU and UF, etc.

To me it is all bullshit. We are all - at the top of our conferences - vitually indistinguishable from a talent standpoint. From where we sit talent wise, it is game day strategy, injuries, emotion...and luck...that will determine a winner when teams like this meet.

But I applaud your decision to leave out the speedy Ohio State offensive tackle times:biggrin:
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AKAKBUCK;970102; said:
Of course, Andre Johnson had won the Big East 100m Championship the preivious spring...

Of course that sounds impressive... and... I think this was mentioned in some presser... and... one of the Ohio State Players replied, "Oh, I didn't know that, whatever, I bet they don't have anyone as fast as Drew Carter... "

I don't remember the times... but... turns out Carter finished 6th or 7th in the Big Ten 100m....not too bad... of course, as it happens Johnson's winning time in the Big East wouldn't have qualified him for the Big 10 finals.

I'm sure it was a "down" year for Miami sprinters. :lol:
Good story.

The obvious follow-up is that it was clearly a down year for Miami sprinters, as Sean Taylor was also one of those 4.4-guys that ran track for Miami ...

You know, the same Sean Taylor that Maurice Clarett -- he of spectacularly awful NFL Combine fame, a kid we would all later learn could drink a 40 faster than he could run one -- ran down from behind.

Honestly, I think that '99 team that beat OSU in the Kickoff Classic was better than the '02 Canes team. The '01 title team was the best overall, but that '99 squad was loaded too (Bubba Franks, Najeh Davenport, Santana Moss, etc ...)
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To keep it simple I always just get back to how many guys a team is putting in the NFL because quite simply the most biased and ignorant understand the NFL isn't in the business of drafting slow football players.

OSU has put 34 guys in the NFL n the past 4 drafts alone, 10 being 1st rounders. I'm sorry but only the most biased would attempt to argue that means anything other than OSU has had an ass load of talent playing football here the past 4 years. You simply can't argue with an average of 9 guys a year getting drafted.
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Gatorubet;970133; said:
Course, comparing fullback (Hester and Tebow) times to halfbacks times, and putting Harvin (who carries the ball more as a slot back than a wr) as a wr instead of a back will skew the numbers, just as having four LSU backs to three of TOSU and UF, etc.

To me it is all bullshit. We are all - at the top of our conferences - vitually indistinguishable from a talent standpoint. From where we sit talent wise, it is game day strategy, injuries, emotion...and luck...that will determine a winner when teams like this meet.

But I applaud your decision to leave out the speedy Ohio State offensive tackle times:biggrin:

A couple things to combat your points:

I could have left off Trindon Holliday if you wanted me too, since he does not get many touches out of the back field. These are mainly the top rushers for each school, and yes it includes Hester, a guy Florida got to know real well this year. If you wanted me to do only RBs that get X amount of carries, we win again, thus I "helped out" the SEC by throwing in Holliday for LSU and James/Tebow for Florida. The reason there are difference in the # of backs involved is becuase Ohio State only uses 3 main guys at the position, while LSU uses more and Florida only uses one true RB, but also calls a lot of plays for Tebow too.

Of course this is bullshit according to you, it disproves a lot of the "SEC speed" talk. How often to Offensive Tackles get out and run by the way? Nibody talks about the OL when arguing for "SEC speed", it is always the skill position players.
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BGriffBuckeye;970187; said:
A couple things to combat your points:

I could have left off Trindon Holliday if you wanted me too, since he does not get many touches out of the back field. These are mainly the top rushers for each school, and yes it includes Hester, a guy Florida got to know real well this year. If you wanted me to do only RBs that get X amount of carries, we win again, thus I "helped out" the SEC by throwing in Holliday for LSU and James/Tebow for Florida. The reason there are difference in the # of backs involved is becuase Ohio State only uses 3 main guys at the position, while LSU uses more and Florida only uses one true RB, but also calls a lot of plays for Tebow too.

Of course this is bullshit according to you, it disproves a lot of the "SEC speed" talk. How often to Offensive Tackles get out and run by the way? Nibody talks about the OL when arguing for "SEC speed", it is always the skill position players.

He meant that it is all bullshit in that LSU, Florida, and OSU are all comparable in speed and talent. Not that its bullshit that the SEC isnt faster. And the OT thing was a joke. Relax a bit.
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Gatorubet;970133; said:
To me it is all bullshit. We are all - at the top of our conferences - vitually indistinguishable from a talent standpoint.
Damn straight. I was watching our game against MSU this past weekend and can't count how many times I said, "Damn, Boeckman runs just like Tim Tebow!"

I mean ... they're indistinguishable!

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Dryden;970193; said:
Damn straight. I was watching our game against MSU this past weekend and can't count how many times I said, "Damn, Boeckman runs just like Tim Tebow!"

I mean ... they're indistinguishable!


Hmmm... I'm trying to decide if I could even say "indistinguishable" by the end of an Ohio State game...
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