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Some BCS facts for your SEC friends

ScarletStorms;968191; said:
Whats rich is the headlines you get after last Saturday. The bloody SEC? Vandy beat up on South Carolina who beat up on Kentucky who beat LSU who beat Florida? If you can loose to Vandy you are not so good.

The picture is just as schewed in the Big Ten, we don't know when someone is going to loose or win, except in the case of Ohio State, and yet we are having pillow fights?

All I can pray for is the opportunity to face LSU in the championship. I know there isn't a good chance that they win out but I am hoping.

OBTW didn't know if you caught this but when we take our place at the top the headlines read when will OSU lose? How presumptuous is that. As if because nobody else can stay consistent we should be considered in the same light. A championship this year will be much more sweet than a championship last year.

Obviously S. Carolina was so drained from its previous SEC games that it couldn't handle Vandy, that's all. :) The SEC is just soooooooooooooo tough....What trash
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SNIPER26;968196; said:
Obviously S. Carolina was so drained from its previous SEC games that it couldn't handle Vandy, that's all. :) The SEC is just soooooooooooooo tough....What trash

O yah. did you see that quote from Devin Hester the running back of LSU. "After an SEC battle it feels like you went to war" What is he insinuating? They have faced Mid Tennessee, Tulane, and a depleted Virginia Tech.

I don't know when the SEC became fashionable but when it starts to effect the polls it is affecting us all.
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Bill Lucas;966997; said:
I made the following post in response to an SEC poster on a Porsche forum that I frequent. Just more info for ya'll against those that rail against the Big 10. Apologies for any poor formatting.

Now let's look at an evaluation of talent by the NFL over time. The first round draft choices by schools. This information was gleaned from www.drafthistory.com.

There's some interesting information here. No SEC team. has had over 40 NFL first round draft choices. So much for having more talent than everyone else.

Secondly, a look at the first round choices by school and year shows the demise of Notre Dame and the down years that Oklahoma, Nebraska and others have endured. There is a direct correllation to record, rankings and the absence of (or plethora of) NFL first round draft choices.

Here's the list. My apologies if I missed any elite programs (don't think I did) or if your favorite school was omitted from my list.

USC 67 NFL first round draft choices
Ohio State 63 NFL first round draft choices
Miami Florida 60 NFL first round draft choices
Notre Dame 59 NFL first round draft choices
Texas 40 NFL first round draft choices
Oklahoma 39 NFL first round draft choices
Michigan 38 NFL first round draft choices
Florida 38 NFL first round draft choices
Tennessee 37 NFL first round draft choices
Alabama 36 NFL first round draft choices
Penn State 34 NFL first round draft choices
FSU 33 NFL first round draft choices
Nebraska 32 NFL first round draft choices
Michigan State 31 NFL first round draft choices
LSU 30 NFL first round draft choices
UCLA 29 NFL first round draft choices
Georgia 25 NFL first round draft choices
Auburn 24 NFL first round draft choices

I think the numbers speak for themselves here. I also did first round choices since 1990 for these schools. A couple of interesting things here. Florida State football really didn?t exist prior to Bobby Bowden. 26 of FSU?s 33 first round choices came since 1990. Miami, Fl on the other hand has produced 36 of their 60 first rounders since 1990. They have a better history of producing NFL talent than FSU. The numbers break down as follows:

Miami, FL 36 since 1990
Ohio State 28 since 1990
FSU 26 since 1990
Tennessee 20 since 1990
USC 19 since 1990
Florida 17 since 1990
Texas 17 since 1990
Penn State 16 since 1990
Michigan 16 since 1990
Georgia 14 since 1990
*Notre Dame 13 since 1990
LSU 12 since 1990
Nebraska 10 since 1990
UCLA 10 since 1990
Oklahoma 9 since 1990
Auburn 9 since 1990
Michigan State 8 since 1990
Alabama 8 since 1990

*Notre Dame has 4 first round draft choices since 1994. A severe drop in talent.

Again, the numbers speak for themselves. There are a few schools that clearly produce more NFL first rounders over time and in recent history.

According to your post, the SEC does have more talent than anyone else. 190 first rounders to 166 from the big 10, of the schools you listed.
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ScarletStorms;968205; said:
O yah. did you see that quote from Devin Hester the running back of LSU. "After an SEC battle it feels like you went to war" What is he insinuating? They have faced Mid Tennessee, Tulane, and a depleted Virginia Tech.

I don't know when the SEC became fashionable but when it starts to effect the polls it is affecting us all.

Jacob Hester, but yeah I heard that.

Mind you, SEC players also feel like they went to war when they try to read a book or do anything classroom related, so I don't know how much stock you can put into that
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Speed numbers may be conservative...

Excellent work, BGriff. But I think the Rivals numbers you quoted are players' 40 times coming out of high school. I.e., these are 40 times BEFORE Butch Reynolds got a hold of them. The word is, is that he can help knock up to a tenth and a half off of them, depending on the athlete's form. For example, I could have sworn I have seen Anderson Russell timed at 4.4 in the 40. So your point remains--if not even is made stronger!

BGriffBuckeye;967590; said:
I think it is comical and very contradicting when the SEC fans say we are #1 because of our reputation and name. Well, when you (the SEC) have 11 of 12 teams in your conference with 2 losses, and one ranked 3 loss team (Auburn), that is because of your name (SEC) and the media bias towards the conference.

I also think it is funny, while I was cruising around GatorSportsForum.com that they think we would only beat Ole Miss, Mississippi, and Vandy (there may have been one more, though) and become a bottom feeder in their conference. Really? They are basing everything off of one game and fail to realize the Penn St. and Wisconsin bowl games of last year... I guess they just never happened. Also, by the this logic, it would seem as though the SEC would be owned by the Big 12 because of Florida epic loss to Nebraska back in 1995, right? Which, I believe was a worse drubbing than ours last year.

Also, when going back and looking at the Citrus/Capital One Bowl series between the 2 conferences, it seems as though since 2000 (since they claim this is such a "what have you done for me lately" society where only recent success matters even though the glory college football is based around tradition and history :crazy:) the Big Ten is 5-3 with a win over Florida by Michigan State 37-34.

They also seem to think that SEC teams run faster than Big 10 teams can think. Well, take a look at this from LSU's incredible defensive speed when compared to ours (these times were taken from Rivals when they were recruits, so some may be faster now... I couldn't find Rahim Allen on Rivals):

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graveyard.roses;968259; said:
According to your post, the SEC does have more talent than anyone else. 190 first rounders to 166 from the big 10, of the schools you listed.

When you account for the fact that there are more SEC teams than Big10 teams, the numbers are practically identical.

smoney47;967005; said:
I believe you are wrong about some of the numbers. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought when the Colts picked Gonzo it moved the Buckeyes into the #1 spot for all time 1st round draft picks.

I think this is all the result of a mistake by a newspaper, which put USC's # of first round picks at 65 and not 67.
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graveyard.roses;968259; said:
According to your post, the SEC does have more talent than anyone else. 190 first rounders to 166 from the big 10, of the schools you listed.
Of all schools in the conferences respective, the totals over that period are:
SEC - 208 first rounders
Big 10 - 190 First Rounders

Assessed on a per team basis over that period this equates to
Big 10 - 17.27 1st rounders per team.
SEC - 17.33 1st rounders per team.

A stunning 0.06 player per team advantage. :tongue2:
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sandgk;968284; said:
Of all schools in the conferences respective, the totals over that period are:
SEC - 208 first rounders
Big 10 - 190 First Rounders

Assessed on a per team basis over that period this equates to
Big 10 - 17.27 1st rounders per team.
SEC - 17.33 1st rounders per team.

A stunning 0.06 player per team advantage. :tongue2:

yeah, but that is a .06 player with Southern speed.
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graveyard.roses;968259; said:
According to your post, the SEC does have more talent than anyone else. 190 first rounders to 166 from the big 10, of the schools you listed.

Guess again. I only listed 4 Big Ten 10 and 6 SEC teams. I also listed the perennial "elite" SEC teams. Teams like Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin have had a nice number of high draft choices in the past 15 years and in their respective histories.
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BGriffBuckeye;967590; said:
They also seem to think that SEC teams run faster than Big 10 teams can think. Well, take a look at this from LSU's incredible defensive speed when compared to ours (these times were taken from Rivals when they were recruits, so some may be faster now... I couldn't find Rahim Allen on Rivals):


Nice table--thanks. Is there a comparison of offensive starters, as well? LSU's Hester is listed at 4.58 here. LSU Roster
Chris Wells, by comparison, is listed at 4.47 in the 40. Can't find a list of Buckeyes' 40's.
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methomps;968274; said:
When you account for the fact that there are more SEC teams than Big10 teams, the numbers are practically identical.

... Because of that, I would be interested to see the data adjusted to account for only the past 14 years. By going back further the Big Ten inherits Penn State's glory days, which are almost all before they ever joined the Big Ten in 1993. The 12-team SEC also was formed in 1992, though the addition of South Carolina and Arkansas hasn't brought in much in this time frame.

SNIPER26 said:
I'm surprised we've pimp smacked the SEC as bad as we have.

19-5-1 is misleading ... you're only 9-5 against teams not named Vanderbilt. :tongue2:
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Dryden;969168; said:
... Because of that, I would be interested to see the data adjusted to account for only the past 14 years. By going back further the Big Ten inherits Penn State's glory days, which are almost all before they ever joined the Big Ten in 1993. The 12-team SEC also was formed in 1992, though the addition of South Carolina and Arkansas hasn't brought in much in this time frame.

19-5-1 is misleading ... you're only 9-5 against teams not named Vanderbilt. :tongue2:

And in dog years, we have a seven year dominance over the Big 10....:slappy:
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SNIPER26;968261; said:
Jacob Hester, but yeah I heard that.

Mind you, SEC players also feel like they went to war when they try to read a book or do anything classroom related, so I don't know how much stock you can put into that

Sir - are you by implication castigating the Harvard of the South?? Then I must say....

quit fucking around and eat this cookie!
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