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Some BCS facts for your SEC friends

smoney47;967005; said:
I believe you are wrong about some of the numbers. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought when the Colts picked Gonzo it moved the Buckeyes into the #1 spot for all time 1st round draft picks.

I thought we were as well but the numbers came straight from wwww.drafthistory.com. If someone has better/more complete numbers I'd love to see them.
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smoney47;967005; said:
I believe you are wrong about some of the numbers. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought when the Colts picked Gonzo it moved the Buckeyes into the #1 spot for all time 1st round draft picks.

Bill Lucas;967012; said:
I thought we were as well but the numbers came straight from wwww.drafthistory.com. If someone has better/more complete numbers I'd love to see them.

I don't know where to find the "more accurate" numbers. I just know that ESPN was saying Ohio State moves into the #1 spot. What time-frame are you using for your numbers? If you're using "all-time" numbers, maybe ESPN is using just the results since the draft went to a 12-round draft, or 14-round draft, or whatever the draft is, nowadays. Or maybe its the other way around.

Edit: looking at that web site, it looks like the draft dropped to 12 rounds in 1977, then down to 8 rounds in 1992 or 1993, then down to 7 rounds in 1994. It's been 7 rounds since then. (At least, that's what it lists for each year. If there are more rounds than 7, it doesn't have them listed.) I'd guess that you're using all-time first-round draft picks, while ESPN's statistics go back to one of those years, for some reason. It doesn't make sense to me, as a first-round draft pick is still a first-round draft pick, regardless of how many rounds you have.
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Zurp;967503; said:
I don't know where to find the "more accurate" numbers. I just know that ESPN was saying Ohio State moves into the #1 spot. What time-frame are you using for your numbers? If you're using "all-time" numbers, maybe ESPN is using just the results since the draft went to a 12-round draft, or 14-round draft, or whatever the draft is, nowadays. Or maybe its the other way around.

Edit: looking at that web site, it looks like the draft dropped to 12 rounds in 1977, then down to 8 rounds in 1992 or 1993, then down to 7 rounds in 1994. It's been 7 rounds since then. (At least, that's what it lists for each year. If there are more rounds than 7, it doesn't have them listed.) I'd guess that you're using all-time first-round draft picks, while ESPN's statistics go back to one of those years, for some reason. It doesn't make sense to me, as a first-round draft pick is still a first-round draft pick, regardless of how many rounds you have.

What ESPN said during the Minnesota OSU game was that Ohio State was #1 in 1st round draft picks since 2003. That's what they were meaning.
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I'll have to dig it up but it wasn't since 2003. The two 1st rounders this past draft gave us the #1 spot all time in 1st round draft selections over USC.

Also we still hold a record for the 7 round draft by having 14 players drafted in one year.
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I think it is comical and very contradicting when the SEC fans say we are #1 because of our reputation and name. Well, when you (the SEC) have 11 of 12 teams in your conference with 2 losses, and one ranked 3 loss team (Auburn), that is because of your name (SEC) and the media bias towards the conference.

I also think it is funny, while I was cruising around GatorSportsForum.com that they think we would only beat Ole Miss, Mississippi, and Vandy (there may have been one more, though) and become a bottom feeder in their conference. Really? They are basing everything off of one game and fail to realize the Penn St. and Wisconsin bowl games of last year... I guess they just never happened. Also, by the this logic, it would seem as though the SEC would be owned by the Big 12 because of Florida epic loss to Nebraska back in 1995, right? Which, I believe was a worse drubbing than ours last year.

Also, when going back and looking at the Citrus/Capital One Bowl series between the 2 conferences, it seems as though since 2000 (since they claim this is such a "what have you done for me lately" society where only recent success matters even though the glory college football is based around tradition and history :crazy:) the Big Ten is 5-3 with a win over Florida by Michigan State 37-34.

They also seem to think that SEC teams run faster than Big 10 teams can think. Well, take a look at this from LSU's incredible defensive speed when compared to ours (these times were taken from Rivals when they were recruits, so some may be faster now... I couldn't find Rahim Allen on Rivals):

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muffler dragon;967823; said:
Is there a link or data pool for this anywhere?

Big Ten vs. SEC

Indiana 26-21
Illinois 2-6
Iowa 4-3
Michigan 19-5
Michigan State 5-6
Minnesota 5-3
Northwestern 2-5
Ohio State 7-10
Penn State 16-16
Purdue 4-5
Wisconsin 4-7

Total 94-87

When I want this information I normally use college football data warehouse.
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Whats rich is the headlines you get after last Saturday. The bloody SEC? Vandy beat up on South Carolina who beat up on Kentucky who beat LSU who beat Florida? If you can loose to Vandy you are not so good.

The picture is just as schewed in the Big Ten, we don't know when someone is going to loose or win, except in the case of Ohio State, and yet we are having pillow fights?

All I can pray for is the opportunity to face LSU in the championship. I know there isn't a good chance that they win out but I am hoping.

OBTW didn't know if you caught this but when we take our place at the top the headlines read when will OSU lose? How presumptuous is that. As if because nobody else can stay consistent we should be considered in the same light. A championship this year will be much more sweet than a championship would have been in the last.
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