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Some BCS facts for your SEC friends

Muck;921960; said:
Indiana vs Kentucky all time:


Are we talking historical or the lifetime of the current players, or the BCS era here?

Only the former is a Big-10 edge. The latter two favor Kentucky. And as much as I appreciate tradition (Brown has more MNCs than UF) I tend to rank the recent more important as the past. I mean, we're talking now, are we not, or at least since the fifth year seniors first came to school?

I hear ya Muck, but are leather helmet games between Kentucky and Indiana really relevant to the current conference strength?

I wish we could reserve one game a year for two years, with a start date five years away, and have a Big-10/SEC Conference match up from top to bottom, based upon the prior year's standings. A true home and home between the two full conferences. What a great thing that would be, and the fans (me anyway) would go nuts!! We'd get a chance to visit some great venues, and to see matchups we never get to see. They could make an "UN-Civil War" TV package for ESPN, showing and replaying all the games.

And then after the yelling subsided, we'd all await the next year's revenge at our stadium. Sweet Jesus, I'd love it. :biggrin:
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goodguy;921951; said:
w ---- 2006 ---- Penn State ---- 4 ---- Tennessee ---- 5
w ---- 2006 ---- Wisconsin ---- 3 ---- Arkansas ---- 3
l ---- 2006 ---- Ohio State ---- 1 ---- Florida ---- 1

I've point out or have observed others point out to SEC fan that Arkansas (the second best SEC team) and Tennessee both lost to Big Ten teams. Same response is given "yeah....but........SEC blah blah...... " But what about Wisconsin and Penn State beating SEC teams. "yeah...... but......SEC blah blah...top to bottom blah blah....

If your top teams are 1-2 against the Big Ten, how are you better TOP to bottom? hmmmm

I meant the phrase as "overall", and more specifically, the two conferences' top teams both being equal, but the SEC bottom being more of a threat to the SEC top that the Big-10 bottom was to the Big-10 top as far as upsets and the "on any given day" thing. Not meant as a slight. I just think that your lower tier teams are more of a sure "W" when you play them than our lower tier teams are a "W" when we play them. They mostly all scare the crap out of me on any given Satuday. Could be wrong, as I do not follow your games as much as ours.
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Gatorubet;922084; said:
I meant the phrase as "overall", and more specifically, the two conferences' top teams both being equal, but the SEC bottom being more of a threat to the SEC top that the Big-10 bottom was to the Big-10 top as far as upsets and the "on any given day" thing. Not meant as a slight. I just think that your lower tier teams are more of a sure "W" when you play them than our lower tier teams are a "W" when we play them. They mostly all scare the crap out of me on any given Satuday. Could be wrong, as I do not follow your games as much as ours.
I think anyone on this board respects that no matter how bad Purdue, Illinois, Michigan St, Northwestern and Minnesota are, they're never easy outs. All of these teams have been to bowl games this decade, and each has traditionally had an offensive style, call it a 'gimmick' if you choose, that makes them incredibly difficult to defense. Minnesota's running game under Glen Mason was always good -- Alabama and Arkansas both have bowl losses to them in the past five years that emphasize that point.

Indiana is traditionally the only 'sure thing' for the heavyweights, and that appeared to begin changing when Terry Hoeppner (RIP) took over. Cam Cameron and Gerry DiNardo made a real mess of that program. When Hoep took over in 2005, Indiana didn't even have 85 scholarship players, despite having 85 scholarships to give. It wasn't like they were on probation or anything. That situation was an absolute train wreck.

I think there are some good coaches at some of these programs now that will balance the conference a little further in the next three to four years. Zook will undoubtedly have Illinois loaded for next season, it's a question of whether or not he can do anything with it (I'm sure you appreciate and understand that). :wink2: Mark Dantonio instantly gives Michigan State credibility as well.

As for the top, I would put Ohio State, Wisconsin, and Penn State against any other conferences' Top 3 any day. I have no comment on Michigan or Iowa at this time. :biggrin:
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Gatorubet;922060; said:
I wish we could reserve one game a year for two years, with a start date five years away, and have a Big-10/SEC Conference match up from top to bottom, based upon the prior year's standings. A true home and home between the two full conferences. What a great thing that would be, and the fans (me anyway) would go nuts!! We'd get a chance to visit some great venues, and to see matchups we never get to see. They could make an "UN-Civil War" TV package for ESPN, showing and replaying all the games.

And then after the yelling subsided, we'd all await the next year's revenge at our stadium. Sweet Jesus, I'd love it. :biggrin:

You mean just like Big 10 basketball already does with the ACC?
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and I quote...

"USC beats Auburn 23-0 in 2003? That wasn't one of Auburn's better teams. Auburn goes 12-0 the next year and gets left out of the BCS title game? A crime against humanity"

So if tOSU runs the table (and I mean +10 points vs Wisc, Mich, Purdue & Penn) and we get left out of the title game.... would that be a crime against humanity too? --- this guys a fucktard.
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Here's the link from above cut and pasted. I absolutely love this response. The SEC is by far the most myopic conference in the country. The war has been over for years yu'all, how bout learning about the rest the country. There's a great big world out there try looking.

I am so tired of hearing SEC fans say that "the second-best Pac-10 team beat the fourth-best SEC team" when Cal beat Tennessee. Is that all they got?
--Joe, Sacramento
Joe, Joe, Joe. So blissfully na?ve. If there's two things I've learned during my time on this beat, it's that the SEC is positively, indisputably the greatest conference in the history of mankind, and little things like logic, facts and common sense have no bearing whatsoever on this distinction.
Tennessee beats Cal last year? Yet another feather in the SEC's cap. Cal beats Tennessee this year? Completely irrelevant. USC beats Auburn 23-0 in 2003? That wasn't one of Auburn's better teams. Auburn goes 12-0 the next year and gets left out of the BCS title game? A crime against humanity, seeing as the Tigers obviously would have beaten the Trojans. Big East champion Louisville comes within an offsides call of edging SEC champ Florida out of last year's BCS title game? Exhibit A why the whole system needs to be blown up. The fact that Big East champion West Virginia beat SEC champion Georgia in the Sugar Bowl just a year earlier? Eh -- the Dawgs weren't up for that game. Les Miles calls out USC's "soft" Pac-10 schedule? Well ... duh. But wouldn't that make SEC divisional champion Arkansas -- whom the Trojans beat 50-14 just a year earlier -- even softer? No, because Darren McFadden wasn't healthy, and he's obviously capable of producing 36 points on his own. Florida beating Ohio State like a rented mule in last year's title game? Indisputable confirmation that the Big Ten can't hold a candle to the SEC. The fact SEC teams lost their other two bowl games against Big Ten foes? Never happened.
So basically, Joe, I wouldn't waste your time with one of those futile debates. Just accept the SEC's eternal superiority for what it is and we can all go back to watching The Pick-Up Artist in peace.
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SparkyOSU;922027; said:
SI.com - Writers - College Football Mailbag (cont.) - Wednesday September 5, 2007 2:56PM


Remeber to read sarcrasm in his response to this question:

Stewart's answer???? Just read it!!!!:slappy:OH MY!!!!

Bestbuck36;922626; said:
I believe you totally missed the point of that article. The word is Sarcasm. :wink2:

I tried to warn a brother about the Sarcasm!!!!
Buckeneye;922611; said:
and I quote...

"USC beats Auburn 23-0 in 2003? That wasn't one of Auburn's better teams. Auburn goes 12-0 the next year and gets left out of the BCS title game? A crime against humanity"

So if tOSU runs the table (and I mean +10 points vs Wisc, Mich, Purdue & Penn) and we get left out of the title game.... would that be a crime against humanity too? --- this guys a fucktard.
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Bucknut24;922597; said:
i was having an argument with about 4 sec guys the other day, and as soon as i said those stats....they all shut up and we didn't talk about big 10 vs sec the rest of the time....it was great

If it helped one guy in one argument it was well worth the time it took to put it all together.

I'm not going to say fuck the SEC, I say fuck stupid people no matter their conference affiliation.
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More Ammo vs. the SEC

I made the following post in response to an SEC poster on a Porsche forum that I frequent. Just more info for ya'll against those that rail against the Big 10. Apologies for any poor formatting.

Now let's look at an evaluation of talent by the NFL over time. The first round draft choices by schools. This information was gleaned from www.drafthistory.com.

There's some interesting information here. No SEC team. has had over 40 NFL first round draft choices. So much for having more talent than everyone else.

Secondly, a look at the first round choices by school and year shows the demise of Notre Dame and the down years that Oklahoma, Nebraska and others have endured. There is a direct correllation to record, rankings and the absence of (or plethora of) NFL first round draft choices.

Here's the list. My apologies if I missed any elite programs (don't think I did) or if your favorite school was omitted from my list.

USC 67 NFL first round draft choices
Ohio State 63 NFL first round draft choices
Miami Florida 60 NFL first round draft choices
Notre Dame 59 NFL first round draft choices
Texas 40 NFL first round draft choices
Oklahoma 39 NFL first round draft choices
Michigan 38 NFL first round draft choices
Florida 38 NFL first round draft choices
Tennessee 37 NFL first round draft choices
Alabama 36 NFL first round draft choices
Penn State 34 NFL first round draft choices
FSU 33 NFL first round draft choices
Nebraska 32 NFL first round draft choices
Michigan State 31 NFL first round draft choices
LSU 30 NFL first round draft choices
UCLA 29 NFL first round draft choices
Georgia 25 NFL first round draft choices
Auburn 24 NFL first round draft choices

I think the numbers speak for themselves here. I also did first round choices since 1990 for these schools. A couple of interesting things here. Florida State football really didn?t exist prior to Bobby Bowden. 26 of FSU?s 33 first round choices came since 1990. Miami, Fl on the other hand has produced 36 of their 60 first rounders since 1990. They have a better history of producing NFL talent than FSU. The numbers break down as follows:

Miami, FL 36 since 1990
Ohio State 28 since 1990
FSU 26 since 1990
Tennessee 20 since 1990
USC 19 since 1990
Florida 17 since 1990
Texas 17 since 1990
Penn State 16 since 1990
Michigan 16 since 1990
Georgia 14 since 1990
*Notre Dame 13 since 1990
LSU 12 since 1990
Nebraska 10 since 1990
UCLA 10 since 1990
Oklahoma 9 since 1990
Auburn 9 since 1990
Michigan State 8 since 1990
Alabama 8 since 1990

*Notre Dame has 4 first round draft choices since 1994. A severe drop in talent.

Again, the numbers speak for themselves. There are a few schools that clearly produce more NFL first rounders over time and in recent history.
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