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Some BCS facts for your SEC friends

smoney47;1046131; said:
Who the hell did LSU play OOC? Middle Tenn., Tulane, and Louisiana Tech! Come on. We have one off year from our usual tough OOC schedule and the want to cry like a bunch of little girls. Let me know when LSU, scratch that, let me know when ANY SEC team schedules the likes of Texas, NoCal, and Miami Florida. Also, let me know when an SEC school actually plays outside of their region against any decent opponent. What a joke! I've never heard bigger cry babies.
I believe you left Virginia Tech, the #3 ranked team in the country, off of your list. Which was a return game to finish a home & home series.

While I agree somewhat to your point that the SEC doesn't schedule many away OOC games, LSU did go to Arizona last season and pound them. I know Arizona isn't exactly a powerhouse:biggrin:, but they are in a BCS conference, and they have beat Oregon 2 seasons in a row(of course, Dixon was out for this season's contest). Tennessee's played Cal the last 2 season's, Arkansas has played USCw and Texas in recent years. I believe Auburn got blown out by USCw in the last couple of years as well. What I'm saying, is that while traditionally SEC teams haven't done a great job of scheduling OOC games, this trend is starting to change.

*edit -- Damn, I'm slow. Must be spending too much time on a Big Ten board. :lol:

*edit #2 -- LSU's game against Arizona last season was at home, not on the road as I stated above. I think this was also a return game for a home & home series.
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jwinslow;1046166; said:
I seem to remember the ASU game being serious trouble for LSU... back to the 'out of region' argument (Va Tech is pretty close to the 'region', but a quality opp).

It was a tough game, it was Bo Pelini's first game as DC and the ASU QB tore us a new one in our secondary. Not to make excuses but it was our first game after Katrina, an emotionally packed game with former presidents Bush and Clinton in attendance. We won on a 4th down TD with a minute to go.

But yeah, I think I read somewhere that Florida hasn't left their state for an OOC game in a long time or something.
LSU fans can't really bash on OSU for playing Youngstown St. because it is where Tressel coached and LSU did play Western Illinois in 2003, who is a quality team, and Appalachian State (Yes, that App state) in 05.
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smoney47;1046169; said:
Ok, let me rephrase that. Let me know when an SEC big boy like Florida, LSU, Georgia or Auburn do it then since that is where I hear most of the crying from. (not so much from Auburn fans) I believe when Florida went to Arizona to play us last year that was the second time in a decade that they played outside their region. Also, when do the Bucks get to play for a national championship in Dayton.
Lets take a look at the Big Ten bowl games.
Michigan played Florida in Florida
Purdue played Central Michigan in Michigan
Penn State played Texas A@M in Texas
Ohio State plays LSU in Louisiana (about 30-45 from their campus)
Illinois played USC in California
Does anyone see a trend here? I don't want to sound like sour grapes but damn. The "warm weather" arguement will only go so far. If you ask me thats staking the odds against the Big Ten and of course the SEC will never acknowledge any of this.

LSU and Auburn have traveled out of region and have scheduled quality teams at home.

Who wants to go to Dayton? are you kidding me?
If you ask anyone who actually attends the games where they would rather have a bowl game, Snowy Ohio or Sunny Florida, who do you think they would pick?
I have some friends in some Big 10 marching bands and they are all psyched about going to Florida or Arizona over break for their bowl games.
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LSUTyga73;1046206; said:
LSU and Auburn have traveled out of region and have scheduled quality teams at home.

Who wants to go to Dayton? are you kidding me?
If you ask anyone who actually attends the games where they would rather have a bowl game, Snowy Ohio or Sunny Florida, who do you think they would pick?
I have some friends in some Big 10 marching bands and they are all psyched about going to Florida or Arizona over break for their bowl games.

I agree. Who wouldn't want to go to warm weather. What I am saying is it is a huge advantage. Just pointing out that I don't believe many LSU fans would be too happy if this game was a half hour from the OSU campus. Just an unfair advantage is all.
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smoney47;1046131; said:
Who the hell did LSU play OOC? Middle Tenn., Tulane, and Louisiana Tech! Come on. We have one off year from our usual tough OOC schedule and the want to cry like a bunch of little girls. Let me know when LSU, scratch that, let me know when ANY SEC team schedules the likes of Texas, NoCal, and Miami Florida. Also, let me know when an SEC school actually plays outside of their region against any decent opponent. What a joke! I've never heard bigger cry babies.

This post is pure garbage, and is not well-received on this site.

First, you selectively omitted the team that ended up #1 in more computer polls than either tOSU or LSU. That weakens your point of view considerably.

Second, you sound like a flamer who'd rather toss insults than discuss a topic intelligently. That's not the environment we prefer on BP.

NOTE TO ALL - We've had numerous LSU posters who have made quality contributions to the discussions on this board. We want them to stay around, and for them to feel welcome to discuss football rationally. If anybody wants to flame LSU fans or talk smack, take your nonsense elsewhere; we don't want it on BP.
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jwinslow;1046166; said:
I seem to remember the ASU game being serious trouble for LSU... back to the 'out of region' argument (Va Tech is pretty close to the 'region', but a quality opp).

In all fairness, I wouldn't really count the ASU games as an away game. It was scheduled to be played in Baton Rouge, but was moved during the week leading up to the game due to Katrina.
So yeah, we played them on the road, but we didn't schedule it that way.

smoney47;1046227; said:
What I am saying is it is a huge advantage. Just pointing out that I don't believe many LSU fans would be too happy if this game was a half hour from the OSU campus. Just an unfair advantage is all.

Agreed it is an advantage, but that is more coincidence than anything else. If any of the other 119 D-1 schools made the big game this year, it would be no advantage at all. I don't think you could relocate the game depending on who is in it.
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Nutriaitch;1046682; said:
Agreed it is an advantage, but that is more coincidence than anything else. If any of the other 119 D-1 schools made the big game this year, it would be no advantage at all. I don't think you could relocate the game depending on who is in it.

I agree - it's not like anyone decided that the NC game should be in New Orleans based on the teams involved in the game. It's just the way things are, and there's not much to be done about it. We aren't going to get bowl games moved to Big Ten country without having them played indoors. The southern half of the country will maintain the bowl games, and will often maintain a perceived home-field advantage.
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As anyone who's played a college sport will tell you, home field is nooot that big of an advantage. Its pretty overhyped. More important probably is the way osu adjusts to playing on that turf, LSU will have an advantage here as I think they played at least one game this season (LA tech or something) on this field.
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I'd say home field is an over-valued negative for the visiting team. It still is a nice advantage for the home team to sleep in their bed, practice in their normal facilities, and maintain their normal routine. Going on the road is always a bit more stressful.
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DCBuckeye07;1046705; said:
As anyone who's played a college sport will tell you, home field is nooot that big of an advantage. Its pretty overhyped. More important probably is the way osu adjusts to playing on that turf, LSU will have an advantage here as I think they played at least one game this season (LA tech or something) on this field.

Not that I think you are wrong but I would like to see a former player from a major CFB program come and tell me that home field is not an advantage. I have seen teams that play like different team away then they do at home.

That may be true foe some sports but I would think football and BBall it is a huge advantage.
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Hm, I guess it could be more a factor for certain sports, but as a former hockey player, it wasnt an advantage. My father played D1 basketball, and he also claims its not as big of a deal as everyone says it is. You get out on the field, and typically everything melts away. Although, I could entertain an argument that to some (especially those hyperactive SEC teams) its an advantage.
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DCBuckeye07;1046720; said:
Hm, I guess it could be more a factor for certain sports, but as a former hockey player, it wasnt an advantage. My father played D1 basketball, and he also claims its not as big of a deal as everyone says it is. You get out on the field, and typically everything melts away. Although, I could entertain an argument that to some (especially those hyperactive SEC teams) its an advantage.

I would agree that after the first play you are so focused that you kinda of forget where you are playing. However, if the crowd is rowdy and loud you are smacked right in the face by reality. You have trouble communicating and if you have a bad officiating crew (Thank God they are few in number) they are less likely to call them against the home team.
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