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Some BCS facts for your SEC friends

jwinslow;1031187; said:
And we'd love to have Texas, athletically and academically. Ok, just for the women :biggrin:

Yeah, I like Texas as well. I want to kick Miss State out of the SEC West and replace them with Texas or Texas A&M. In the SEC East, I want to kick out Vanderbilt, and replace them with Miami or Florida State.
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JohnLSU;1031176; said:
Looking at NFL caliber, the SEC is the best conference in college football. But, at the same time, looking at NFL caliber, OSU's program is much better than any single team in the SEC. Ohio State is one hell of a program, and Tressel is a living legend as a college football coach.
Thanks for the kind words on Tressel JohnLSU.

On the NFL Caliber issue that raises an interesting question - remember that head count of players on NFL rosters?

Beginning 2007 264 SEC players on NFL rosters, 236 from the Big 10.
Per team average 22 per team SEC -- 21.5 per team average Big 10.

Interesting I think in light of the resounding cat-calls about the Big 10 from the peanut gallery that is the media.

Wonder, how may players per team emanate from, say the ACC (counting all Miami players as their's by inheritance is the cleanest way to count it), from the Big East, or the Pac 10 for instance?
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JohnLSU;1031195; said:
Yeah, I like Texas as well. I want to kick Miss State out of the SEC West and replace them with Texas or Texas A&M. In the SEC East, I want to kick out Vanderbilt, and replace them with Miami or Florida State.

How exactly woud ATM be an upgrade over MSU? And actually, I'm thankful the SEC isn't the home of Thug U or Miami, we have enough problems staying in line without them.
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Nutriaitch;1031442; said:
How exactly woud ATM be an upgrade over MSU? And actually, I'm thankful the SEC isn't the home of Thug U or Miami, we have enough problems staying in line without them.

I can't see why the SEC would want any of these teams with the exception of Texas. Miami, FSU and A & M really don't improve the conference that much in comparison to all the trouble they would bring with them like you mention. Hell in my opinion Miss. St. is a team that in another year or two is going to REALLY turn the corner, they started this year, and are only going to get better with Croom in charge. Texas would be an interesting story though, it is pretty common knowledge that they don't feel like they have found their place in the Big 12. Before this season started there was talk about how Texas would fit into the Big 10 in the future. Would create a setup just like the SEC, two divisions with a conference championship game. Don't know that a Texas move out of the Big 12 will happen but it sure doesn't seem like the University would be the ones' against it. Just some food for thought, sure would be interesting if Texas came out and proclaimed a desire to move to a new conference.
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I can't see why you would want anymore big time teams in your conference. I know everybody would like the see thier conference with nothing but good teams in them but that is a tall order to ask kids to try and go undefeated or a few losses in a conference like that. You need some cream puffs now and then.
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Lockup;1031840; said:
I can't see why you would want anymore big time teams in your conference. I know everybody would like the see thier conference with nothing but good teams in them but that is a tall order to ask kids to try and go undefeated or a few losses in a conference like that. You need some cream puffs now and then.
That's why we keep Ole Piss around.
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I'll completely update this fucker after our game but as of right now:

First 10 years of the BCS in head to head matchups on the fucking field

B10 14 - SEC 12

Once again I ask the simple question no SEC homer or national media type can answer.

How is this humanly possible given the assumed superiority of the SEC? How can a conference of big, slow, plodding football players come out ahead vs the faster, quicker, more athletic genetic supermen that are SEC players?
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Jaxbuck;1045706; said:
B10 14 - SEC 12

Is this updated for Florida-Michigan?

Jaxbuck;1045706; said:
How is this humanly possible given the assumed superiority of the SEC? How can a conference of big, slow, plodding football players come out ahead vs the faster, quicker, more athletic genetic supermen that are SEC players?

Even I know that answer. Or, should I say "answers."

1. 41-14!!!!
2. 0-8!!!!
3. Youngstown State, Akron, Kent State.

I know that none of them has anything to do with your question, but those are the things I often hear from SEC fans. Here's a possible answer that might pass for a "real" answer: The SEC teams only care about the SEC championship and the national championship. Capitol One Bowl and Outback Bowl are neither, and are not counted for anything.
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Jaxbuck;1045706; said:
I'll completely update this fucker after our game but as of right now:

First 10 years of the BCS in head to head matchups on the fucking field

B10 14 - SEC 12

Once again I ask the simple question no SEC homer or national media type can answer.

How is this humanly possible given the assumed superiority of the SEC? How can a conference of big, slow, plodding football players come out ahead vs the faster, quicker, more athletic genetic supermen that are SEC players?
Get the hell out of here with your "logic" :shake:. There's no room for that in this debate. The media says the SEC is better, so it's true.
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Zurp;1045725; said:

Is this updated for Florida-Michigan?

Even I know that answer. Or, should I say "answers."

1. 41-14!!!!
2. 0-8!!!!
3. Youngstown State, Akron, Kent State.

I know that none of them has anything to do with your question, but those are the things I often hear from SEC fans. Here's a possible answer that might pass for a "real" answer: The SEC teams only care about the SEC championship and the national championship. Capitol One Bowl and Outback Bowl are neither, and are not counted for anything.

Who the hell did LSU play OOC? Middle Tenn., Tulane, and Louisiana Tech! Come on. We have one off year from our usual tough OOC schedule and the want to cry like a bunch of little girls. Let me know when LSU, scratch that, let me know when ANY SEC team schedules the likes of Texas, NoCal, and Miami Florida. Also, let me know when an SEC school actually plays outside of their region against any decent opponent. What a joke! I've never heard bigger cry babies.
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smoney47;1046131; said:
Also, let me know when an SEC school actually plays outside of their region against any decent opponent.

UT went to play Cal at Cal this year and took a beating. Arkansas went to USC a couple years back and had the same result.

Our Bowl game debacle last year was one of the few bright spots for the SEC outside of their region.
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smoney47;1046131; said:
Who the hell did LSU play OOC? Middle Tenn., Tulane, and Louisiana Tech! Come on. We have one off year from our usual tough OOC schedule and the want to cry like a bunch of little girls. Let me know when LSU, scratch that, let me know when ANY SEC team schedules the likes of Texas, NoCal, and Miami Florida. Also, let me know when an SEC school actually plays outside of their region against any decent opponent. What a joke! I've never heard bigger cry babies.

Hmm....I guess you didn't watch the Virginia Tech game this year. We beat them 48-7. They ended up pretty well I would say, right behind us in the rankings. We played a home and home with them, playing in Blacksburg in 2002 but VT had to pull out of the original 2004 game in Baton Rouge and delayed it to 2007.

We have played at Arizona in 2003, @Arizona State in 05. Nothing really stellar like you guys had/have with Texas/USC/Miami but I don't think you can bash LSU about not scheduling out of conference. UGA & UF are the guys you wanna go after.
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Jaxbuck;1046140; said:
UT went to play Cal at Cal this year and took a beating. Arkansas went to USC a couple years back and had the same result.
Same with Auburn.

I applaud those teams for stepping to the plate, but the results weren't that great.
Our Bowl game debacle last year was one of the few bright spots for the SEC outside of their region.
Which they didn't schedule. Also the ONLY time they've left the SEC region in a decade.
We have played at Arizona in 2003, @Arizona State in 05. Nothing really stellar like you guys had/have with Texas/USC/Miami but I don't think you can bash LSU about not scheduling out of conference. UGA & UF are the guys you wanna go after.
That's decent. I'll keep my beef with UF and UGA, as you suggested.

I seem to remember the ASU game being serious trouble for LSU... back to the 'out of region' argument (Va Tech is pretty close to the 'region', but a quality opp).
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Jaxbuck;1046140; said:
UT went to play Cal at Cal this year and took a beating. Arkansas went to USC a couple years back and had the same result.

Our Bowl game debacle last year was one of the few bright spots for the SEC outside of their region.

Ok, let me rephrase that. Let me know when an SEC big boy like Florida, LSU, Georgia or Auburn do it then since that is where I hear most of the crying from. (not so much from Auburn fans) I believe when Florida went to Arizona to play us last year that was the second time in a decade that they played outside their region. Also, when do the Bucks get to play for a national championship in Dayton.
Lets take a look at the Big Ten bowl games.
Michigan played Florida in Florida
Purdue played Central Michigan in Michigan
Penn State played Texas A@M in Texas
Ohio State plays LSU in Louisiana (about 30-45 from their campus)
Illinois played USC in California
Does anyone see a trend here? I don't want to sound like sour grapes but damn. The "warm weather" arguement will only go so far. If you ask me thats staking the odds against the Big Ten and of course the SEC will never acknowledge any of this.
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