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Some BCS facts for your SEC friends

BuckeyeCrazy107;1046951; said:
Definitely. And from what I could tell from last night's Sugar Bowl, the Dome is not that loud.
I don't know what game you were watching. Every single hit on Colt Brennan was loud.

Speaking of which, did you see Brennan get blown up on an option pitch? I've seen a lot of people reference how we need to do that against teams like Illinois. And, I have to admit, that seems really really effective.
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daveeb;1046965; said:
I don't know what game you were watching. Every single hit on Colt Brennan was loud.

Speaking of which, did you see Brennan get blown up on an option pitch? I've seen a lot of people reference how we need to do that against teams like Illinois. And, I have to admit, that seems really really effective.

Brennan suuuure was introduced to real time football last night, oooouch. I think he was exposed as the overrated system QB that he is. With that said, I hate it when they say things like this game just proves the miracle that Boise State game last year was. In my opinion, that is BS... GA/Hawaii was an overwhelmingly good matchup for UGA.
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DCBuckeye07;1046969; said:
Brennan suuuure was introduced to real time football last night, oooouch.

Anyone who watched some of Hawaii's games this year, in which they struggled with the likes of San Jose St. and Louisiana Tech, should not be that surprised that Georgia ran them out of the stadium last night.
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DCBuckeye07;1046969; said:
Brennan suuuure was introduced to real time football last night, oooouch. I think he was exposed as the overrated system QB that he is.

I'd agree except he spent most of the game on his ass.

The "exposing" was that the Hawaii can't match-up in the trenches against top level competition.

The rest may be true... but... I don't think we know that.
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buckeyesin07;1046973; said:
Anyone who watched some of Hawaii's games this year, in which they struggled with the likes of San Jose St. and Louisiana Tech, should not be that surprised that Georgia ran them out of the stadium last night.

I have a little pet peeve about watching football after 3am.
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BuckeyeCrazy107;1046951; said:
Definitely. And from what I could tell from last night's Sugar Bowl, the Dome is not that loud.

I was there and it was loud. Here is a quote from Brennan.

"We got here and we tried as hard as we could to keep it as normal as we're used to, but it just seemed like we weren't used to this kind of venue," Brennan said. "We weren't used to the crowd noise. We couldn't get our audibles."
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LSUTyga73;1046159; said:
Hmm....I guess you didn't watch the Virginia Tech game this year. We beat them 48-7. They ended up pretty well I would say, right behind us in the rankings.

And then you proceeded to get beat at home by an unranked Arkansas team that just got their asses handed to them by Missouri.
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Geaux Tigers;1047008; said:
I was there and it was loud. Here is a quote from Brennan.

?We got here and we tried as hard as we could to keep it as normal as we?re used to, but it just seemed like we weren?t used to this kind of venue,? Brennan said. ?We weren?t used to the crowd noise. We couldn?t get our audibles.?

Well its a good thing we played at happy valley and handled PSU, although you probably wont hear mark may-types mentioning that.
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DCBuckeye07;1046969; said:
Brennan suuuure was introduced to real time football last night, oooouch. I think he was exposed as the overrated system QB that he is. With that said, I hate it when they say things like this game just proves the miracle that Boise State game last year was. In my opinion, that is BS... GA/Hawaii was an overwhelmingly good matchup for UGA.

Brennan wasn't exposed as much as his O-line was. same with Troy last year. he's still a good QB, but that don't mean jack when you''re running for your life and getting the snot kicked out of you all night long.
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Geaux Tigers;1047008; said:
I was there and it was loud. Here is a quote from Brennan.

?We got here and we tried as hard as we could to keep it as normal as we?re used to, but it just seemed like we weren?t used to this kind of venue,? Brennan said. ?We weren?t used to the crowd noise. We couldn?t get our audibles.?

Compared to 45,000 seat Aloha Stadium, which has huge gaps between stands for wind flow (and thus noise escapes), any large enclosed venue would be loud.
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LightningRod;1047061; said:
Do you believe that LSU will have an advantage over the Buckeyes on account of crowd noise in the Dome? Do you think this year's OSU team might have played in a few venues that were as loud if not louder than what they will face in the Dome?
Eh, it's only one venue, but they play there several times a year. :wink2:

Actually, PSU, from what I understand, can be quite loud. As can Camp Randall (Didn't play there this year, just saying). I'm told U-Dub is possibly the loudest in the nation (owing to the construction of it).
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1047074; said:
Eh, it's only one venue, but they play there several times a year. :wink2:

Actually, PSU, from what I understand, can be quite loud. As can Camp Randall (Didn't play there this year, just saying). I'm told U-Dub is possibly the loudest in the nation (owing to the construction of it).

I'll agree, we play in places as tough as they come in the nation. Unfortunately the UofW faithful didnt get up as much as they usually do for that game. Did you see USC when they went in there? That place was reeeally loud.
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