We shouldn't forget some of the urban migration issues. The Rust Belt and Northeast quadrant have been slower growing in recent decades, with many areas experiencing negative growth, and there has been a lot of migration of skilled and highly-educated people to the South and West, even if one wouldn't guess that from some of the posters that make their way here.
Job migration has been a major influence on migration and slow demographic growth. Some states in this area have been bleeding jobs for years.
Michigan has been particularly hard hit. Wisconsin, Illinois and Western Pennsylvania also have lost many quality jobs.
This has an underlying effect on donations to a university, alumni support, and other issues that can have a long-term effect on a University and its sports programs, by affecting quality of life and the overall attractiveness of employment at a university. For instance, relative quality of life can affect the choices that coaches, sports administrators and others make.
Let us be honest. The winter weather sucks in the Midwest, with the traditional 200 cold, cloudy, drizzly days in November and early December every year. But in the past, the great jobs and living standard made that seem pretty inconsequential. These days, job quality is no longer a competitive advantage for the Northern states. And that has a lot of knock-on effects. Know anyone trying to sell a house in Ann Arbor or Detroit these days? I do, and it's not pretty.
Columbus has always been an innovative cutting-edge economy. Three decades ago it was the original "research triangle" (see the comments in Alvin Toffler's "Future Shock" about Columbus). Columbus has lost a lot of that edge in recent years but it remains a very healthy economy offering very high quality of life, as this "top cities to live in" polls show.
Ohio State's problem is that many surrounding states where Big Ten schools are located are having problems, especially Michigan (not to mention the food shortage in South Bend). Iowa and other agricultural states will be feeling the pinch big time in coming years, unless biofuel initiatives boost agriculture more.
The Big Ten remains a major conference with some of the world's leading universities. It will reassert that position in coming years in major sports when this brief down-cycle ends. However, Big Ten universities need to remind their government stakeholders that more needs to be done to create quality jobs (it's low taxes and less bureaucracy for business start-ups, stupid).