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Some BCS facts for your SEC friends

billmac91;1019580; said:
If I'm reading what you're trying to say accurately, I think you may have misunderstood that statistic.

In head-to-head games against the SEC in the BCS Era (1998-present) the Big 10 is 13-11 against the SEC.

I guess missing out on a BCS game doesn't mean much in accordance with that statistic. I think the point is, head-to-head the Big 10 has more than held its own against the SEC, which you'd never get from listening to the national media.

If I'm pointing out something you already understood, I apologize.

Yep, I misunderstood that one. I took it mean BCS bowl appearances. Thanks for correcting that.

BengalsAndBucks;1019594; said:
But it in fact helps your record in the series, because a team that would have otherwise been BCS bound gets bumped down to one of the top non-BCS games, and most of the SEC top non-BCS games are paired up with the Big Ten. Therefore, a better-than-its-bowl-game SEC team plays a Big 10 team that is about equal to its bowl game, and presents an inherent mismatch. I am not saying that this happens regularly, but it has happened and skewed the results, albeit slightly.

Sometimes we get bumped farther than that. In '05, we went into the SEC CG with 1 loss an a (very) outside shot at the MNC game. Uga beat us (pretty handily) and we dropped all the way to the Peach (SEC 5th place team) because the other SEC bowls handed out their invites before the SEC CG.
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Nice Stats!

Thanks for the stats you posted, I actually have to give your conference more respect now. But how many of those wins against the SEC did YOUR team contribute to in bowl games?:huh: If you look at the NC's your conf. holds, there is no doubt that y'all USED TO BE a VERY good conference. I guess now that the 85 scholarship rule does not allow schools to just gobble up all available talent, the playing field has been leveled. USC has done a great job but programs such as yours, UM, Bama,and ND are just no longer the BIG BOYS. The mighty Miami and FSU are also down. Now ALL the afore mentioned programs live off hype from their past achievements. LSU and OSU will be a tough hard fought game. Either team has a good chance of winning. But Florida will thoroughly dismantle UM in their bowl game. UF is our 4th best team but it won't look like it. I can't wait to see how UM's D does against Tebow. :lol::lol::lol: Look at Va Tech, they are representing the ACC and got absolutely destroyed by LSU. That really makes the ACC look horrible as well. tOSU gets a shot at redemption after last year's debacle. Good Luck!
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Not sure what I think of your post, so I will go down it point by point.

We have always had trouble with the SEC in bowl games, 0-8 to be precise. The only thing I really like about this current matchup is that we're going against a more "big 10" style, smash mouth, win in the trenches. Urban Meyer put together a game plan last year that I hated, but I appreciate so much. No running backs, no tight ends, he lined up receivers then had them move into those positions at the line of scrimmage, it was genius, but it's what he was known for at Utah, his ability to put together a game that no one could prepare for. Top that off with the fact that our O-line was a lot worse than I thought, I mean most of us knew there was some holes there but Troy could move around pretty fast to make the most of it, but the speed of Floridas d-line was through so fast that he couldn't even compensate for that.

I can't say we've been the "Big Boys" in a long time, We haven't been to the rose bowl since 1997, and until Tressel we were pretty much considered to get good talent but unable to win big games. That was the John Cooper era.

Miamis loss in 2002 pretty much did them in, I don't know how a loss in the NC game could do that much damage but somehow it did, Florida has taken advantage of them being down and taken recruits that previously would have gone to Miami for that "good chance" at a national title, honestly, even after the Football and Basketball NC losses I still like UF more than Miami, but I think that says more about how much I hate Miami.

Yeah, UM doesn't stand much of a chance, the real problem I have seen with Michigan is they refuse to adapt for newer offenses, and it shows. Tebow will have a field day.

Ok, now for the Va-Tech thing, don't take this as taking anything away from your victory against them, but I think there was a lot of factors. First off, they are a different team now than in the beginning of the season, as are most teams, but that school has gone through some tough times and when you see interrviews with players and they are asking "what's the emotion like around campus after the shooting?" instead of "how did you guys hold them on that fourth and one?" it gets to players heads, I still think LSU wins that game, even if they are prepared but I think if all that sadness wasn't going on they may have brought a little more to the field.

This thread was more made because we got tired of hearing how the "SEC OWNS THE BIG 10" and some stats came out to show, look, we're not a weak conference, we're going through some down years, we'll rebuild and be strong again, for now, everyone enjoy it while you can.
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LSUTIGAH!;1019722; said:
Thanks for the stats you posted, I actually have to give your conference more respect now. But how many of those wins against the SEC did YOUR team contribute to in bowl games?:huh: If you look at the NC's your conf. holds, there is no doubt that y'all USED TO BE a VERY good conference. I guess now that the 85 scholarship rule does not allow schools to just gobble up all available talent, the playing field has been leveled. USC has done a great job but programs such as yours, UM, Bama,and ND are just no longer the BIG BOYS. The mighty Miami and FSU are also down. Now ALL the afore mentioned programs live off hype from their past achievements. LSU and OSU will be a tough hard fought game. Either team has a good chance of winning. But Florida will thoroughly dismantle UM in their bowl game. UF is our 4th best team but it won't look like it. I can't wait to see how UM's D does against Tebow. :lol::lol::lol: Look at Va Tech, they are representing the ACC and got absolutely destroyed by LSU. That really makes the ACC look horrible as well. tOSU gets a shot at redemption after last year's debacle. Good Luck!
Yes, we just can't compete as a program with all the other schools with the most players in the NFL and 3 championship game appearances since 2002. Great post.
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Pheasant;1019756; said:
Yes, we just can't compete as a program with all the other schools with the most players in the NFL and 3 championship game appearances since 2002. Great post.

We may be forth best, but every Tiger I know was hoping that it would not be a rematch in the Atlanta.
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LSUTIGAH!;1019722; said:
USC has done a great job but programs such as yours, UM, Bama,and ND are just no longer the BIG BOYS. The mighty Miami and FSU are also down. Now ALL the afore mentioned programs live off hype from their past achievements.

LSUTIGAH!;1019722; said:
LSU and OSU will be a tough hard fought game. Either team has a good chance of winning.

If tOSU is not one of the "BIG BOYS" anymore...yet the game with LSU, obviously a BIG BOY in your opinion, could go either way...does that mean LSU is a BIG BOY?

Who are the BIG BOYS?

LSU does not live off of its past? Strange. I thought the past is why the perceived top tier programs have such intense, incredible fanbases.

I thought college football success was cyclical...

I honestly thought I remembered a time not too long ago when USC, tOSU, LSU, and Oklahoma were irrelevant the same way ND, FSU, and Miami are now. Ironically, those positions were basically switched from then to now...

I'm not sure who should or would be considered BIG BOYS without their past....Hawaii is undefeated, are they a juggernaut in the making? TCU had a good run a few years ago, SMU pre-death penalty was a terror, and hell, some Ivy League schools used to beat everyone's ass.

Hell, the Big Ten had a down year...nobody is denying that. However, I just don't see any substance in your post...its a flatout, commonplace, shortcut-to-thinking...nothing more. In 5 years, the SEC could be suffering the same mediocrity the ACC and Big 10 found this year. Ironically, when the ACC was formed, it was supposed to be the "super conference."

Strange how that carousel spins eh? Grab the brass ring while you can...once you pass it up, you might have to wait a little while to come back around.
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Gatorubet;1019763; said:
We may be forth best, but every Tiger I know was hoping that it would not be a rematch in the Atlanta.

I really wanted y'all again. In the worst way possible. Our game with y'all reminded me a lot of our game with UGA in '03. UGA controlled that game most of the way, but we took the lead with 2 minutes to go, and needed 1 last D-stand to win. Everyone said we couldn't do it again. That UGA was the better team, etc. Don't kow what the National perception was this year, but locally we heard all the same things after the UF game. I waned that rematch more than any game I could remember in a long time.
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Bluegras Buck-i;1019813; said:
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but when an entire region's existance revolves around football and there's so much money at stake, the SEC will finds ways to field the best teams.

I don't think it's a conspiracy. It's no big secret that next year (if all goes well) will be the 1st in something like 20 + years that no SEC school is under any NCAA sanctions what so ever
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Nutriaitch;1019637; said:
Yep, I misunderstood that one. I took it mean BCS bowl appearances. Thanks for correcting that.

Sometimes we get bumped farther than that. In '05, we went into the SEC CG with 1 loss an a (very) outside shot at the MNC game. Uga beat us (pretty handily) and we dropped all the way to the Peach (SEC 5th place team) because the other SEC bowls handed out their invites before the SEC CG.

But that pine-tar-and-razor-blades enema that you gave the 'Canes in that game started them on their current slide; something for which 118 I-A teams are grateful.

But one does wonder if the NCAA hasn't been sleeping on the job a bit lately.
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Pheasant;1019854; said:
You shouldn't count those before they hatch...

As long as the doors to Bama are still open, there's always the chance they'll get nailed again.

DaddyBigBucks;1019863; said:
But that pine-tar-and-razor-blades enema that you gave the 'Canes in that game started them on their current slide; something for which 118 I-A teams are grateful.

It was our pleasure. Those guys were complete pricks in every sense of the word.
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DaddyBigBucks;1019863; said:
But that pine-tar-and-razor-blades enema that you gave the 'Canes in that game started them on their current slide; something for which 118 I-A teams are grateful.

But one does wonder if the NCAA hasn't been sleeping on the job a bit lately.

My prediction is that teflon Bobby and FSU are about to go down in a big way over improper tutoring....or at least I hope so.
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Gatorubet;1019906; said:
My prediction is that teflon Bobby and FSU are about to go down in a big way over improper tutoring....or at least I hope so.

Is that why they're announcing that Jimbo is going to take over whenever Bobby steps down? I found it strange to announce that only a day or two after Bowden signed an extension.
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