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Some BCS facts for your SEC friends

You forgot to factor in the Southern Speed radar. Multiply all SEC 40 times by .90 and then you will see how we stack up :!

You just don't get it, we are S-L-O-W. All things Buckeye revolve around the Florida game!
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Gatorubet;1016537; said:
Nah Bama - he doesn't just live in SEC country - he's lived this year in the heart of Gator Country, as Jacksonville is Gator homer central. :biggrin:

Face it - Jax was very bad in a former life.:tongue2:
Gainesville is worse ;(
(Actually, there are surprisingly a TON of ohio state fans in gainesville. I have at least one in almost all of my classes (in highschool)).
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xcrunner;1016905; said:
Gainesville is worse ;(
(Actually, there are surprisingly a TON of ohio state fans in gainesville. I have at least one in almost all of my classes (in highschool)).

Well at least 2 kids per class are smart enough to pass the FCAT. Thats improvement for florida high schools.:wink2:
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Best Buckeye;1017146; said:
what did you think about the above speed chart by BGriff ?

First, let me say that I do think the speed thing is a myth.

A better way to do the comparison though, would be to put Our RB's along side of y'all LB's , WR's vs DB's etc. It doesn't matter much who has faster wideouts, rather what team gets an advantage in these areas.
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Nutriaitch;1017207; said:
First, let me say that I do think the speed thing is a myth.

A better way to do the comparison though, would be to put Our RB's along side of y'all LB's , WR's vs DB's etc. It doesn't matter much who has faster wideouts, rather what team gets an advantage in these areas.

Straight line speed, I contend, has so very little to do with football. Eddie George was never considered a burner, and yet he rarely got caught once he got away. Contrasted with Pepe Pearson, who was alleged to be speedy Gonzalez, and he'd get caught regularly.... (Not that you know who Pearson is..)

Anyway, the "speed" component, to me, has SO much more to do with quick muscle reflex and explosiveness than 40 times. Florida's DEs last year were not "Faster" in some made up race against that clock, (Well, they may have been, I guess) they were faster getting off the ball... first step quickness.

But.. all that said, NFL GMs seem to put a lot of stock in 40 times... so...

As for your observation re: DBs, LBs and RBs WRs... in major college programs, it's pretty much a wash, I'd figure. Yeah, you'll have your guy who is just blistering fast. We had that in Ginn, you have it in Holloway. But, pound for pound, we're talking about freaks of nature and they're all pretty much the same...
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1017217; said:
Anyway, the "speed" component, to me, has SO much more to do with quick muscle reflex and explosiveness than 40 times. Florida's DEs last year were not "Faster" in some made up race against that clock, (Well, they may have been, I guess) they were faster getting off the ball... first step quickness.

I agree, the 40 is very mis leading. Keiland Williams' 40 time on the chart looks a little high to me. When he gets in space, he's rarely if ever caught from behind. But, we have to get him the ball with a hole, because he's not great at making one for himself like Hester is.

Now Trindon is just a freak. We all though Xavier Carter was fast (our former Wide-out who quit football to train for the Olympics), but Trindon broke his school record for the 100m 3 times already. Dude is unreal fast. He's surprisingly tough for somebody so small though. He can take a hit and get right back up.
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BGriffBuckeye;1016712; said:
Alright, well Herbie brought it up last night. He said if you put our 40 times next to those of the LSU players without names you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Well to that, Mark May said w/o a doubt you could, mainly because of Trindon Holliday. So, thought I would bring back the chart I made in an earlier SEC vs. Big10 thread, but just show LSU vs. Ohio State now that these are the only ones that really matter.

Anybody know Mark May's email or where I can find so I can send make him eat some crow? :)

It seems like I've posted this before, but that stuff is total horseshit.

Are those estimates, hand timed runs, or did someone throw darts at a donkey to come up with them?

Trindon Holloway or Trindon Holliday?

Is Maurice Wells really faster than Brandon Saine (in the 40, because it would be laughable to suggest he would be faster in the 100)...cuz I really, really doubt it.

Are LSU's CB's really slower than James Laurinaitis?

If Trindon Holliday (5'5", 160 lbs.) runs a 10.08 hundred meters, and Brandon Saine (6'1", 220 lbs.) runs a 10.38 100 meters, who's faster on a football field in full pads, long grass (ok, field turf) and carrying a football?

More importantly, how often do any of these guys run 40 meters in a straight line on one play?
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