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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

I'll always remember the Carol Burnett show skit.


Thanks for saving me the trouble of looking it up. :biggrin:

Best. Gag. Ever.
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Their schedule this year is garbage.

@MSU, @OSU being the only two real challenges.

@Iowa looks like the next toughest game, with Wisconsin and Penn State at home early in the season being possible wild cards.

I have no idea what to expect from Wisconsin, and I expect Penn State to be hot garbage on offense (and in general), especially that early in the year.

I see them going 9-3 or 10-2 pretty easily.

Their fanbase will lose their shit, when they win 9-10 gms this year. This is a bad season to make any comparisons for Hairball, because honestly, scUM will be a pretty good team. And he has players that buy into his lunacy. I will hold off on talking shit about the Hairball until after this season, because his confidence(as well as the fans and admin's) will be at an all time high after this year, but he will be in for a let down the year after, IMO.

He's so bat shit crazy, that I honestly think that he wants this type of attention. He's been doing this stuff since he was coaching the 49ers and it worked to a degree to keep him employed enough for the antics to be enough to stomach. His antics will be beloved in Ann Arbor as long as he keeps winning and occasionally beats a rival(it'll take nothing short of a miracle to beat Meyer, but thats why The Game is The Game). scUM is too desperate to be relevant again, that they're eating all of this attention up. Off of one season, scUM fans are walking around with their noses up once again. It would take an utter catastrophe for Hairball to be fired, he'll leave wayyyy before that happens. I still don't see him staying past 5yrs. The NFL will be a big lure back, IMO
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Their fanbase will lose their [Mark May], when they win 9-10 gms this year. This is a bad season to make any comparisons for Hairball, because honestly, scUM will be a pretty good team. And he has players that buy into his lunacy. I will hold off on talking [Mark May] about the Hairball until after this season, because his confidence(as well as the fans and admin's) will be at an all time high after this year, but he will be in for a let down the year after, IMO.

He's so bat [Mark May] crazy, that I honestly think that he wants this type of attention. He's been doing this stuff since he was coaching the 49ers and it worked to a degree to keep him employed enough for the antics to be enough to stomach. His antics will be beloved in Ann Arbor as long as he keeps winning and occasionally beats a rival(it'll take nothing short of a miracle to beat Meyer, but thats why The Game is The Game). scUM is too desperate to be relevant again, that they're eating all of this attention up. Off of one season, scUM fans are walking around with their noses up once again. It would take an utter catastrophe for Hairball to be fired, he'll leave wayyyy before that happens. I still don't see him staying past 5yrs. The NFL will be a big lure back, IMO

I'm kind of the opposite opinion on both. I don't think the '16 team will be anywhere near as good as it's being hyped to be and I think he will stay at scUM a long time.

His "quirkiness" wore out his welcome in SF so fast they couldn't get rid of him fast enough and I think that 4 year cycle of players will keep his act from getting to bad (at least for them). I think the alumni/University power broker types will put up with his bullshit for quite a while if he gets them back to winning 9-10 games a year and beats a rival every now and again. They aren't just invested in the JimBo as savior narrative, they are committed. Firing him means admitting they were wrong, the program isn't what they think and might not ever be again. That won't be an easy leap for anyone up there.

We shall see I guess.
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Their fanbase will lose their [Mark May], when they win 9-10 gms this year. This is a bad season to make any comparisons for Hairball, because honestly, scUM will be a pretty good team. And he has players that buy into his lunacy. I will hold off on talking [Mark May] about the Hairball until after this season, because his confidence(as well as the fans and admin's) will be at an all time high after this year, but he will be in for a let down the year after, IMO.

He's so bat [Mark May] crazy, that I honestly think that he wants this type of attention. He's been doing this stuff since he was coaching the 49ers and it worked to a degree to keep him employed enough for the antics to be enough to stomach. His antics will be beloved in Ann Arbor as long as he keeps winning and occasionally beats a rival(it'll take nothing short of a miracle to beat Meyer, but thats why The Game is The Game). scUM is too desperate to be relevant again, that they're eating all of this attention up. Off of one season, scUM fans are walking around with their noses up once again. It would take an utter catastrophe for Hairball to be fired, he'll leave wayyyy before that happens. I still don't see him staying past 5yrs. The NFL will be a big lure back, IMO
Good players? Who? Their defense got shredded last year, and there isn't much there to improve on that, maybe Gary in the middle, but will he even be ready? And their offense is a mess. O line is still horrendous and yet they are being touted as a potential playoff team? College football must be really weak this year for that to actually happen. They won't make it through their schedule with less than two losses.
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I'm kind of the opposite opinion on both. I don't think the '16 team will be anywhere near as good as it's being hyped to be and I think he will stay at scUM a long time.

His "quirkiness" wore out his welcome in SF so fast they couldn't get rid of him fast enough and I think that 4 year cycle of players will keep his act from getting to bad (at least for them). I think the alumni/University power broker types will put up with his bull[Mark May] for quite a while if he gets them back to winning 9-10 games a year and beats a rival every now and again. They aren't just invested in the JimBo as savior narrative, they are committed. Firing him means admitting they were wrong, the program isn't what they think and might not ever be again. That won't be an easy leap for anyone up there.

We shall see I guess.
I fully agree that scUM is fully invested in the Hairball act, and I said so in my previous post. He'll be worshiped if he consistently gets 9-10 wins and beats MSU or OSU once every so often. But I think Hairball will grow tired of the college game(recruiting, coaching kids, etc) and want to rejoin the NFL game. I think that Super Bowl win his brother has will always eat at him. No matter winning an NC or not, it still ain't a Super Bowl, and I think he knows that and that MAY lure him back to the pros.

But true, we shall see

Good players? Who? Their defense got shredded last year, and there isn't much there to improve on that, maybe Gary in the middle, but will he even be ready? And their offense is a mess. O line is still horrendous and yet they are being touted as a potential playoff team? College football must be really weak this year for that to actually happen. They won't make it through their schedule with less than two losses.
Dude, if they only lose 2 games that makes them 10-2, lose 3 at worst and they're 9-3, that's exactly what I said they'll be... I'm not saying that they're a playoff team or that their dominant, but let's not make it seem like in his first year he didn't do more for scUM football than the last 10yrs. Not saying it's on tOSU or even MSU's level, but it says something.

My main point, is that anyone who's watched football and seen Hairball coach since San Fran, know that he's crazy and loves attention. None of what he's doing is much of a surprise if you watched him in the NFL game. Every coach hated him there too. He doesn't care, he only cares about his players. He better hope those players continue to buy into him, because his antics will become a nuisance if they start to lose and his craziness continues. That's why I think Meyer and Dantanio are far better coaches. They don't need gimmicks to recruit or coach
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I fully agree that scUM is fully invested in the Hairball act, and I said so in my previous post. He'll be worshiped if he consistently gets 9-10 wins and beats MSU or OSU once every so often. But I think Hairball will grow tired of the college game(recruiting, coaching kids, etc) and want to rejoin the NFL game. I think that Super Bowl win his brother has will always eat at him. No matter winning an NC or not, it still ain't a Super Bowl, and I think he knows that and that MAY lure him back to the pros.

But true, we shall see

Dude, if they only lose 2 games that makes them 10-2, lose 3 at worst and they're 9-3, that's exactly what I said they'll be... I'm not saying that they're a playoff team or that their dominant, but let's not make it seem like in his first year he didn't do more for scUM football than the last 10yrs. Not saying it's on tOSU or even MSU's level, but it says something.

My main point, is that anyone who's watched football and seen Hairball coach since San Fran, know that he's crazy and loves attention. None of what he's doing is much of a surprise if you watched him in the NFL game. Every coach hated him there too. He doesn't care, he only cares about his players. He better hope those players continue to buy into him, because his antics will become a nuisance if they start to lose and his craziness continues. That's why I think Meyer and Dantanio are far better coaches. They don't need gimmicks to recruit or coach

Don't put it past that boring plodding offense to drop one they expect to win. It took everything they had to beat fucking Indiana and Minnesota in the second half of last season. I'm just saying 10-2 is their ceiling, one or two more losses and the Harbaugh honeymoon begins to die down a bit.
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Every year I've followed football I sit here in the summer and think of the season win and loss totals and what that will be like for the fan base and with every passing year I realize it is just impossible to tell.

Each game gets scrutinized for a week, there are huge swings of emotions that make it impossible to tell what 2/3/4 losses will mean to a program and its fan base.

Odds are *ichigan will lose 2 to 4 games next year but we won't know how they react until we see who they lose to and in what manner they lose.

If they lose more than 4 then Katy bar the door, it will get ugly up there quick. Lose less than 2 and they are making rainman statues, of that much I am certain.
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Harbaugh is their Tressel.

He will grind their lesser opponents to dust with boring offense and stellar defense while hanging tough with elite teams sometimes and getting embarrassed by them sometimes.

Fortunately in this scenario Ohio State will be the team doing the embarrassing under Meyer... which still works perfectly for the analogy considering a certain game we'd all like to forget.

I don't think he'll be able to replicate the Defenses put out by the likes of Dantonio, Heacock, and Fickell.
There's also no talent pool for him to put a fence around.
Harbaugh is also coming in as a vaunted Savior, while Tressel's hiring - especially nationally - was met with a collective "Who?"

As awful as Cooper was in the last 2 games of the season I still remember his firing and the hiring of Tressel as being seen as a huge gamble and somewhat controversial. For all his failings, Cooper did keep Ohio State nationally relevant and produced a Heisman, a Pro Hall of Famer and a smattering of other players who stuck in the NFL for a long time - Galloway and Springs were at least 10 years (a testament to his under-performance in big games).
And there were a lot of questions at the time on whether Tressel would be able to build on that.
As an aside... this is also why the Cooper:Harbro comparison doesn't fly. And the Cooper:RichRod/Hoke comparisons are right out. He'll need to keep scUM in top-10 end-of-season rankings... preseason doesn't count. Thus far the national relevance he's brought to scUM has been entirely in the form of gimmicks rather than on-field results.

I get where you're coming from, but I just can't meld the images of Senatorial Sweatervest to Shirtless Tree-Climbing Sleepover Khakis. I can't.
Thanks for saving me the trouble of looking it up. :biggrin:

Best. Gag. Ever.

I shamelessly looked it up

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Yeah, Indiana pushed them to three OTs. Indiana also pushed the Bucks to a fourth-quarter-hold-your-breath finish and their offense shredded the Buck's D.
Yeah, they lost to MSU on a play that exceeds Doug Flutie or Holy Buckeye for "miracle" status.
Oh and that same Sparty team beat the Bucks in Columbus.

Hairball had his hat handed to him in AA by the Bucks, but that was an angry OSU team and an angry coaching staff. A combination of a team that had not played up to their skill level most of the season and a staff that had not solved problems that were evident from game one. They paid a huge price for that the previous week.

If the bowl games proved anything it was that Sparty and Iowa were no better than second or third best in the Big Ten and that there is a huge talent gap between #1 and the rest of the conference.

I don't see Michigan losing more than one game until they come to Columbus because Colorado and the rest of the Big Ten are not that good. A team with a good defense and a QB who doesn't throw interceptions or put the ball on the ground - like say, Shoelaces and Tom Harmon's ghost - can go through that schedule with 10 wins - it's when they reach Columbus that the gap will become apparent.
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Yeah, Indiana pushed them to three OTs. Indiana also pushed the Bucks to a fourth-quarter-hold-your-breath finish and their offense shredded the Buck's D.
Yeah, they lost to MSU on a play that exceeds Doug Flutie or Holy Buckeye for "miracle" status.
Oh and that same Sparty team beat the Bucks in Columbus.

Hairball had his hat handed to him in AA by the Bucks, but that was an angry OSU team and an angry coaching staff. A combination of a team that had not played up to their skill level most of the season and a staff that had not solved problems that were evident from game one. They paid a huge price for that the previous week.

If the bowl games proved anything it was that Sparty and Iowa were no better than second or third best in the Big Ten and that there is a huge talent gap between #1 and the rest of the conference.

I don't see Michigan losing more than one game until they come to Columbus because Colorado and the rest of the Big Ten are not that good. A team with a good defense and a QB who doesn't throw interceptions or put the ball on the ground - like say, Shoelaces and Tom Harmon's ghost - can go through that schedule with 10 wins - it's when they reach Columbus that the gap will become apparent.
Difference being, one took place in the beginning of October while Ohio State was still somehow trying to figure out who they wanted as their QB, and the other took place in the middle of November.
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