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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

Yeah, Indiana pushed them to three OTs. Indiana also pushed the Bucks to a fourth-quarter-hold-your-breath finish and their offense shredded the Buck's D.
Yeah, they lost to MSU on a play that exceeds Doug Flutie or Holy Buckeye for "miracle" status.
Oh and that same Sparty team beat the Bucks in Columbus.

Hairball had his hat handed to him in AA by the Bucks, but that was an angry OSU team and an angry coaching staff. A combination of a team that had not played up to their skill level most of the season and a staff that had not solved problems that were evident from game one. They paid a huge price for that the previous week.

If the bowl games proved anything it was that Sparty and Iowa were no better than second or third best in the Big Ten and that there is a huge talent gap between #1 and the rest of the conference.

I don't see Michigan losing more than one game until they come to Columbus because Colorado and the rest of the Big Ten are not that good. A team with a good defense and a QB who doesn't throw interceptions or put the ball on the ground - like say, Shoelaces and Tom Harmon's ghost - can go through that schedule with 10 wins - it's when they reach Columbus that the gap will become apparent.

What about Minny snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?

They played 3 good teams last year (top 25ish from FO rankings) and lost to all 3. The best win, by those rankings, was BYU (top 40ish)...at home..at noon/9 am for BYU body clocks. That was all with exceptional play from the QB position.

The OL is still the same, the RB's are the same and the newest QB (whoever it is) does not even have the track record Ruddock had going into last year. If the starter is Speight, his track record to date has been flatly abysmal.

Maybe a game manager QB can get through that schedule with 10 wins, maybe it can't but what if they get TO prone QB play? What if they get something much less than Ruddocks high 60's completion % and 3,000 yards when teams stack the box? The OOC part of their schedule is laughably weak but they won't be able to just line up and manball Wisky to death no matter how weak Wisky's QB may be himself. Penn State could be a sleeper with a new OC and the QB we saw in the Bowl game last year.

Depending on the quality of the QB play you could make the same argument of being able to win every game with having a chance to lose (almost) every game.
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Someone just needs to get in his ear about how he's less of a man for running away from the ultimate coaching challenge in the NFL.
Someone...like maybe his brother?

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Someone just needs to get in his ear about how he's less of a man for running away from the ultimate coaching challenge in the NFL.

You know how many other voices you'd be competing with in the ear of that crazy bastard?

I think the safest bet when dealing with insane people is just to keep your distance and let the insanity do the work for you.
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Rome's take on Jimmay's latest media gaffe. For the clones.

Radio show host Jim Rome took Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh to task on Tuesday for abruptly ending a media session Monday night after being asked about three freshmen who were absent from the team photo.

Harbaugh said two of the three were suspended and the matter was being handled internally. He cut things short after being asked to identify the two and the length of the suspensions.

Rome, on his “The Jim Rome Show” Tuesday, said the questions were fair and called it a “jerk move” by Harbaugh to end the news conference. The show host ranted at length about Harbaugh and played the exchange several times.

“Maybe you forgot over the summer that it’s their job to cover your team, not asking you what your favorite Drake album is,” Rome said on his show. “Just like they’re not there to write another tired story about your latest throwback jersey, or your Walmart khakis, or your latest shirtless photo from satellite camp, or another (attack) on the SEC.

“They’re not on your staff, they do not work for the university. You preside over an alleged national power. If you suspend guys, reporters are going to ask you about it. They’re just doing their job, so you should do yours and answer the question.”

Rome said Harbaugh is just as “miserable” as he was in San Francisco.

“If anybody thought this was going to be a kinder, gentler Harbaugh since he went home to Ann Arbor to rescue the football program, make no mistake, it’s the same exact guy,” Rome said. “Nothing’s changed. Same guy. Same insanely intense dude that got run from Frisco, because he was miserable. He runs way too hot and he was wearing people out. Don’t get it twisted now. Great coach. Unbelievable coach. I’m sure he’ll do a great job there. But when you have a coach who wins as he wins and nobody is ever sorry to see him leave, that tells you a little something about that guy.”

Harbaugh won’t finish his career at Michigan, Rome said.

“So with that 10-win season in the rear view, God help anybody who asks him who his starting quarterback is going to be,” Rome said. “Or how come he can’t beat Urban Meyer, or when he’s going to beat Urban Meyer, or why he pulled a scholarship from a recruit. Good luck with any of that.

“Michigan fan will love this guy for winning. They’ll love him even more if he gets around to beating Michigan State, and even more than that, if he can finally find a way to get over Ohio State. But anybody who thinks Harbaugh is wired to grow old in that job is kidding themselves. Enjoy it while it lasts, because even though it’s his alma mater, it probably won’t. This cat runs way too hot. If he can’t get through an August press session, media session, when they’re asking him about guys that are not in a team photo, this guy’s not going to last long.”
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Give me a press pass for one, just one, fucking presser.

Coach Harbaugh, is it true that Danny Bonaduce knocked up your ex-wife while you were holding a clipboard in Buffalo on a Monday night and that the redheaded spawn of that unholy coupling is currently serving as your tight ends coach?

Coach Harbaugh, it's no secret that you've killed a hooker or three in your time. What's your preferred method of disposal? Are you an acid in the bathtub kind of guy or do you kick it old school with a hacksaw and a bag of lime?
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