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SimPLLLLLLLe Jim "6-13" Harbaugh (B1G Suspenders McKhakiPants, Cheater Cheater Booger Eater)

Jesus, could ESPN to Harbaugh = CNN to Trump (even before Trump somehow got to where he is) in terms of excessive coverage.

The fascination of watching the result of sticking a camera in the face of an autistic will end sooner rather than later.

Even for a group as ignorant as sportswriters and scUM fans.
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Harbaugh is their Tressel.
So Harfbrau is going to go 9-1 against Ohio State? :roll1:

The comparison was that Harfbrau may get great recruiting classes and may end up with seasons that are great overall (10+ wins, some victories in big bowls) but with get his ass handed to him by Ohio State just like Cooper had some great recruiting classes, seasons, and teams, but got his ass handed to him by Michigan.
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You don't have to be an expert in reading body language to know what those coaches really think.

Jim McElwain sealed the deal and had me in stitches over here. I think Meyer is the only one that managed to keep a straight face that didn't give away much at all. The rest all wanted say "insane" and you could tell it.

Also, Kevin Wilson was really trying to hold back. It took all he had to not say something "bad." :lol:
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Jim McElwain sealed the deal and had me in stitches over here. I think Meyer is the only one that managed to keep a straight face that didn't give away much at all. The rest all wanted say "insane" and you could tell it.

Also, Kevin Wilson was really trying to hold back. It took all he had to not say something "bad." :lol:

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So Harfbrau is going to go 9-1 against Ohio State? :roll1:

The comparison was that Harfbrau may get great recruiting classes and may end up with seasons that are great overall (10+ wins, some victories in big bowls) but with get his ass handed to him by Ohio State just like Cooper had some great recruiting classes, seasons, and teams, but got his ass handed to him by Michigan.
Fine, he's the worst aspects of both Tressel (mundane offense, sometimes outclassed by elite national programs) and Cooper (ignores local recruiting, horrendous against rivals).
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