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Should semipro/college players be paid, or allowed to sell their stuff? (NIL and Revenue Sharing)

BUCKYLE;1922972; said:
:lol: Tell it to the SEC.

Who is making the NFL give signing bonuses? It's an enticement to sign. If a reg student has the ability, you bet your [censored]ing ass a company in their field will hire them after two years in college. I'm sure everyone that works for EA Sports had to wait three years before turning pro. :lol:
Quit ducking the damn questions Kyle.

Have you seen Thor?
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jwinslow;1922944; said:
To cover their housing costs, which they can spend how they please (they can live in a tent if they'd like).

They aren't getting allowances to cover their movie outings, mall purchases or music gear.

Now I'm not arguing that CFB players are broke, but stipends are enough for shelter in addition to their tuition, equipment & eating help.

Should we keep a complete list?
Free tuition
Free books
Free food
Free shelter
Free tutoring
Free nutrition education
Free gym access & physical fitness training

Thousands (yes thousands) of dollars worth of free electronics, clothing & other assorted comfort items each Dec/Jan...of course that's only for the 70 teams (& climbing) that go to a bowl.

OMG their housing money means they wouldn't have any extra cash if they don't budget well!

The horror.

If only athletes had it cushy like those grad students who bring millions of dollars to the University yet receive no compensation for their work.
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Muck;1922994; said:
Should we keep a complete list?
Free tuition
Free books
Free food
Free shelter
Free tutoring
Free nutrition education
Free gym access & physical fitness training

Thousands (yes thousands) of dollars worth of free electronics, clothing & other assorted comfort items each Dec/Jan...of course that's only for the 70 teams (& climbing) that go to a bowl.

OMG their housing money means they wouldn't have any extra cash if they don't budget well!

The horror.

If only athletes had it cushy like those grad students who bring millions of dollars to the University yet receive no compensation for their work.

Since we are running a tab now. I'd also like to see the debt difference created while in college between the two(joe v joe). A lot of people are still working to pay off loans. I know that isn't an athlete's fault that they aren't working for awhile to pay off loans,but it's not something that should be so easily overlooked. It's been this way forever.That doesn't make the system perfect by any means,but doesn't mean just because this situation has become a more obvious problem,that it HAS to be changed to benefit the players. They are still getting benefits normal people don't.
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MililaniBuckeye;1922850; said:
And then you'd have all the top-flight recruits going to the schools whose boosters will pay the most for their bull[Mark May], which is precisely what the NCAA is trying to avoid.
Yeah. Because that's an entirely different list from where they currently go. :lol:
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Jaxbuck;1922899; said:
If athletes can sell their swag, like Mili said, it will take about a nanosecond for a big booster like the ones being investigated at Auburn to decide they'll pay XX dollars for an autographed jersey of HS recruit Y next year when said autograph is on their schools jersey.

Dad then picks up the phone and asks OSU how much their boosters would be willing to pay for hot shots autograph on their jersey next year.

etc etc etc and it would be 100% legal.
This is all correct. And I fail to see what problem there is. Just capitalism at work.
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BUCKYLE;1922945; said:
So kids on academic schollies can't earn?

Not by selling others peoples trademark/copyright/patent protected intellectual property they can't.

It all comes back to this really. OSU owns the IP, they can do with it as they please. Athletes do not own the IP, they can only do with it what the owner allows.

If a judge changes the rules (Oscar Robertson law suit comes to mind) then great, till then its like I keep saying....Welcome to the real world kids, its better to be the hammer than the nail. Make the most you can of your time as the nail and if it bothers you that deeply either quit or let it be motivation to push yourself to achieve hammer status some day.
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BUCKYLE;1922692; said:
They don't get a paycheck. It would be like my job giving me a paycheck next year for the work I'm doing today.
All other students are free to earn whatever they can with the skills they have.

Most of the other students are paying for their tuition, room and board, and books. They earn what they can, when they can as they also have classes to attend just like the football players. Many leave school with several thousand dollars of loans on their backs when they graduate, if they graduate. Tell them football players aren't being compensated for being a member of The Ohio State Buckeyes. I would've loved to have that deal had I been good enough to play football at that level.
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Jake;1923080; said:
Most of the other students are paying for their tuition, room and board, and books. They earn what they can, when they can as they also have classes to attend just like the football players. Many leave school with several thousand dollars of loans on their backs when they graduate, if they graduate. Tell them football players aren't being compensated for being a member of The Ohio State Buckeyes. I would've loved to have that deal had I been good enough to play football at that level.
I'm sure football players have all kinds of free time. :lol:
The lack of knowledge here concerning the commitment it actually takes to start for tOSU while maintaining a GPA just high enough to stay elligible is mind boggling. I know, I know, summer workouts aren't mandatory. :lol:

I get what Jax is saying about tOSU owning the rights to the jerseys, etc. And Jax...forget the jerseys for a minute...what about selling the bowl game swag? Thing is, and I don't know for sure...but I'm willing to bet that the NCAA wouldn't allow TP to sell his Fiesta Bowl Xbox for retail. That's what's really getting me. Not as much the jerseys, but the shit that "official sponsors" give the kids.

I don't think Billy Mays owned the patent to Oxy Clean, but he was paid well to sell that shit. tOSU has different spokespersons every four years that make their product far more valuable than it would have been. I know, I know, they get a free education and food. :lol:

Anyone here willing to trade the next four years of salary for a dorm room and some books? :p
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BUCKYLE;1923178; said:
I don't think Billy Mays owned the patent to Oxy Clean, but he was paid well to sell that shit.

Billy Mays did own the patent to OxyClean, and to half the other crap he sold. I met him a few times, and trust me, he was exactly like you see him in the commercials. Unfortunately, his nose got him into a bit of....trouble.

Never got a phone call from the NCAA, nor a single email from the University of Nebraska. Still waiting.
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