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Should semipro/college players be paid, or allowed to sell their stuff? (NIL and Revenue Sharing)

BUCKYLE;1923178; said:
I'm sure football players have all kinds of free time. :lol:
The lack of knowledge here concerning the commitment it actually takes to start for tOSU while maintaining a GPA just high enough to stay elligible is mind boggling. I know, I know, summer workouts aren't mandatory. :lol:

The lack of reading comprehension here is mindboggling. At no point did I suggest football players should get a part time job, nor did I question the time commitment of the football players. :lol: I guess some things are a little more complex than jokes about beards and Natty Light. :lol:

Anyone here willing to trade the next four years of salary for a dorm room and some books? :p

Let's see, the typical part-time "salary" earned by an 18-21 year old kid versus free tuition, room and board, and books?

Assuming they work 30 hours a week at minimum wage they can gross a cool $11,000 a year. Conversely, tuition, R & B, and books are over $20,000 a year in-state, over $30,000/year for out of state students, and you leave school debt free.

I'll bet 100% of all 18-21 year old full time students would make that trade. :p
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Kristi Dosh's take...

Problems with Paying College Athletes

I recently attended a conference where I heard a very intelligent attorney contradict himself over the course of an afternoon. His diametrically opposed opinions are ones I think are not uncommon amongst college football fans. Early on in the day, he admonished college athletic departments for relying on direct institutional support and state government subsidies to in order to operate in the black. Later that afternoon, he made the case for why college athletes should be paid.

I?m not sure you can have it both ways.

The first question I ask people when they say college athletes should be paid is: where is the money going to come from? If you?re unaware, the NCAA released data showing that only 14 programs are turning a profit without having to rely on institutional support (like student fees or a check cut directly from the university coffers).

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Jake;1923336; said:
The lack of reading comprehension here is mindboggling. At no point did I suggest football players should get a part time job, nor did I question the time commitment of the football players. :lol: I guess some things are a little more complex t'han jokes about beards and Natty Light. :lol:

Let's see, the typical part-time "salary" earned by an 18-21 year old kid versus free tuition, room and board, and books?

Assuming they work 30 hours a week at minimum wage they can gross a cool $11,000 a year. Conversely, tuition, R & B, and books are over $20,000 a year in-state, over $30,000/year for out of state students, and you leave school debt free.

I'll bet 100% of all 18-21 year old full time students would make that trade. :p

You said that regular students earn "what they can, when they can". The point is football players don't have the "when", and are forbidden from the "what".
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BUCKYLE;1923478; said:
You said that regular students earn "what they can, when they can". The point is football players don't have the "when", and are forbidden from the "what".

They also have a free ride.

Regular students earn 'what they can' because they have to pay for pesky things like tuition, housing, food, books & beer.

Athletes get all of those for free.
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Muck;1923489; said:
They also have a free ride.

Regular students earn 'what they can' because they have to pay for pesky things like tuition, housing, food, books & beer.

Athletes get all of those for free.

Walk-Ons? Scout teamers? What about guys on academic schollies? I'm sure they are prohibited from making money off their skills while in college also.

I really don't think CFB players should get a paycheck. Just don't think selling their shit should be a big deal, so long as they aren't selling a dime for a dollar.
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Jake;1923336; said:
Assuming they work 30 hours a week at minimum wage they can gross a cool $11,000 a year. Conversely, tuition, R & B, and books are over $20,000 a year in-state, over $30,000/year for out of state students, and you leave school debt free.

I'll bet 100% of all 18-21 year old full time students would make that trade. :p
or course they would. The OSU players spend 30+ hrs straight on a road game trip.
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BUCKYLE;1923492; said:
We get it Mili. The players are evil. You'd beat all of them up. You were much smarter and cooler when you were their age, and you swam with honu way back then.

No, I just didn't put the premier college football program in the country at risk because I wanted free tattoos. Play by the rules or risk getting bitten...it's a pretty fucking simple concept, really...
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MililaniBuckeye;1923512; said:
No, I just didn't put the premier college football program in the country at risk because I wanted free tattoos. Play by the rules or risk getting bitten...it's a pretty fucking simple concept, really...


This isn't the yahoo thread holmes. I get that you are angry. In the future, do you think players should be paid or allowed to sell their trinkets provided to them by organizations that reap the benefits of their hard work?

I patiently await your nonsensical, angry, off topic response. :biggrin:
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BUCKYLE;1923178; said:
I get what Jax is saying about tOSU owning the rights to the jerseys, etc. And Jax...forget the jerseys for a minute...what about selling the bowl game swag? Thing is, and I don't know for sure...but I'm willing to bet that the NCAA wouldn't allow TP to sell his Fiesta Bowl Xbox for retail. That's what's really getting me. Not as much the jerseys, but the shit that "official sponsors" give the kids.

I don't think Billy Mays owned the patent to Oxy Clean, but he was paid well to sell that shit. tOSU has different spokespersons every four years that make their product far more valuable than it would have been. I know, I know, they get a free education and food. :lol:

Anyone here willing to trade the next four years of salary for a dorm room and some books? :p

Well selling the Bowl swag is opening the same Pandora's box (drink!!) nanoseconds after its NCAA legal enterprising boosters are going to find a way to make it clear to prospect X that his future used Bowl swag will be worth more to him if he comes to play for their team. Dad then legally holds an open cry auction for the rights to buy hot shot recruits future Bowl swag. Then about 1-2 years later you are going to get the first case of Dad suing a booster because he didn't pay up and some smart lawyer type like Atticus Ubet finding a good reason to sue the school while he's at it.

You think these kids are taken advantage of now, let that come to pass and watch the shenanigans.

As far as the salesman's salary thing goes, lets be real and put the cost of a 4 year degree at about $100K. That's what they are getting paid, they know its deferred going into it so the analogy to an uncompensated adult is apples to oranges. They are working a 40+ hr a week job and getting paid about 25K a year in total comp with some fantastic benefits. The upside is they can parlay that job into a better than average lifetime income stream if they play their cards right and that's got nothing to do with playing in the NFL.

Nothings perfect but its a pretty sweet gig. Starving kids in China would be happy to take it. :wink2:
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Jake;1923336; said:
The lack of reading comprehension here is mindboggling.

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