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Should semipro/college players be paid, or allowed to sell their stuff? (NIL and Revenue Sharing)

Ryan Day, Chris Holtmann embrace changing landscape at Ohio State's 'The Foundation' event

The question was lobbed from the suit coat-clad crowd tucked neatly into the Pfahl Conference Center.

Seated on top of a makeshift stage on the second floor of the Blackwell Inn on Ohio State’s campus, football coach Ryan Day and men’s basketball coach Chris Holtmann were participating in a question-and-answer session. Gazing into the crowd, host Cardale Jones pointed to the man who had a request. Around him, 27 packed tables to the tune of at least $500 a seat awaited either their chance to ask a question or to bid on live auction experiences.

This question, though, was intercepted by athletic director Gene Smith, seated near the front of the room. What else, the man asked, can fans do to better support The Foundation, Ohio State’s collective that helps Buckeyes capitalize on their name, image and likeness rights?

Smith had a quick response.

“I would encourage you to tell other people that it’s OK for anyone that you know or any business – and I don’t care how big or how small, whatever it is – let them know it’s OK,” Smith said. “I can give you countless examples of businesses we all know that started out uncomfortable and now they’ve gotten to a point where they actually are doing deals. In our space in Columbus, with all these corporations and businesses, we need to be as creative as we can and help our student-athletes get deals, small and big.”
It’s a new space, and one Schottenstein and Smith praised Day and Holtmann for embracing.

“It was great, because I feel like that shows the appreciation of the NIL world and the way we affected it directly on their programs in the last 3-4 months,” Schottenstein said of their attendance. “I think that NIL is a forever-changing landscape. They’ve got to embrace the change, which I think they are. I think they show steps in that with coming here and supporting this event tonight knowing that this is eventually going to benefit their teams.”

Entire article: https://www.dispatch.com/story/spor...-gala/65414883007/?utm_campaign=snd-autopilot
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Months ago some here were lecturing everyone about how (many, they said) other schools had in-house NIL firms and Ohio State was dangerously behind the times.

Somehow it is being reported that USCe is the first such team, and it's just happening now.

Pardon the ESPN LINK; if Rittenberg wasn't the one to break this story, let me know and I'll be glad to edit this and change the link.

(I heard about this on 97.1 the fan on-line and this was the only thing I found in the first few pages of the search)
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There’s now the infamous story of Warren High School’s Nico Iamaleava, the five-star recruit behind a potential $8 million NIL deal. It’s not been officially confirmed he is the recruit behind the reported deal with Tennessee collective Spyre Sports Group. But within just 10 days of the deal being signed, the Long Beach, California, native committed to Tennessee.

When Herbstreit was playing at Ohio State, he wasn’t able to make a dollar off his own autograph. Now the five-star quarterback recruit is believed to be making $8 million to go play in SEC Country. Herbstreit’s biggest issue with the situation isn’t making a knock on the athlete — he’s thinking about what it means for college football.

“How can an adult with a good conscience say this is awesome for the sport?” he said. “What’s going to happen when the kid from [Warren], as an example? Hopefully, he’s a great player. But, with the reports about [him receiving] three years, $8 million, what if he doesn’t? What if he struggles? What happens then? I mean, that’s gonna happen eventually. How are those guys in Knoxville gonna feel about that? How’s it gonna go over in a locker room, you know?”
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We will likely see a few more situations like this as NIL filters down into the high schools.


It is likely behind a paywall. Top SDE for 2024, signs an NIL deal and moves to California. The deal falls apart, he is not eligible under California rules, and he is not playing.
Yeah, NIL got voted down in OH, and some family's have talked about moving to other states. But things are murky with NIL HS rules, that will be shut down by many states
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Gene Smith put out a statement. Eventually, OSU will have a hard time getting kids out of Texas and California. Why go to OSU when you can stay home and make more $$$?


Bureaucrat is gonna bureaucrat.

The NCAA guidance line is priceless. Gives you pretty good insight into why our NIL collectives are behind imo. They are taking their lead from the University/Smith.
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Gene Smith put out a statement. Eventually, OSU will have a hard time getting kids out of Texas and California. Why go to OSU when you can stay home and make more $$$?

Never been a fan of Gene Smith. Ever since the self-imposed penalties in 2011 and him basically saying the NCAA should be happy. Cost us a NC in Urban's first year, in my opinion.

I'm confident Notre Shame man will screw the pooch on NIL too.
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Never been a fan of Gene Smith. Ever since the self-imposed penalties in 2011 and him basically saying the NCAA should be happy. Cost us a NC in Urban's first year, in my opinion.

That's a nice story, but it took all the Bucks had to escape Purdue in the Shoe that year. They weren't ready to take down the Saban machine.

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