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Should semipro/college players be paid, or allowed to sell their stuff? (NIL and Revenue Sharing)

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"Right now, it really is the Wild, Wild West,” the anonymous athletic director told CBS Sports. “If you're [Miami coach] Jim Larranaga, how are you trying to coach that team? With Isaiah Wong [whose NIL agent requested a new deal after Nigel Pack was paid more in NIL], you are really an NBA coach. You haven't heard from Coach Larranaga. You haven't from [AD Dan Radakovich], and you haven't heard from the sport program administrator for men's basketball. The only person you've heard from is [Miami booster and collective chief] John Ruiz and his agent."

Just sayin': Da U sure seems to be the "poster school" for NIL abuse/violations.....:nod:
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The NCAA can't even govern it's own members. Now it's going to try and influence what non member organizations (these collectives) do?

They have no power to make anyone cooperate with an investigation and if they force it, they know they are on shaky legal ground and will be sued by the kids agent, and others, almost immediately.

This is all fluff. It means nothing unless a school is dumb enough to cooperate.
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Notre Dame's Mike Brey says college basketball, football coaches should stop complaining about NIL

Amid a significant outcry from coaches and a new NCAA push toward regulating name, image and likeness deals, Notre Dame basketball coach Mike Brey has a message for his colleagues upset with an often chaotic process.

"[Coaches] have got to stop complaining," Brey said Tuesday at the ACC's annual spring meetings. "This is the world we're in, and last time I checked, we make pretty good money. So everybody should shut up and adjust."

Entire article: https://www.espn.com/mens-college-b...ketball-football-coaches-stop-complaining-nil
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"This is the world we're in, and last time I checked, we make pretty good money. So everybody should shut up and adjust."

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Notre Dame's Mike Brey says college basketball, football coaches should stop complaining about NIL

Amid a significant outcry from coaches and a new NCAA push toward regulating name, image and likeness deals, Notre Dame basketball coach Mike Brey has a message for his colleagues upset with an often chaotic process.

"[Coaches] have got to stop complaining," Brey said Tuesday at the ACC's annual spring meetings. "This is the world we're in, and last time I checked, we make pretty good money. So everybody should shut up and adjust."

Entire article: https://www.espn.com/mens-college-b...ketball-football-coaches-stop-complaining-nil

LOL. Was anybody talking about coaches salaries, Mike?

What’s that got to do with the price of tea in China?
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LOL. Was anybody talking about coaches salaries, Mike?

What’s that got to do with the price of tea in China?

I can assure you that a number of coaches are worried that some of their players may earn more money than they will. And they have issues with it, because they still want to look at the kids as "amateurs" knowing full well these kids haven't been amateurs since they were playing JV(or in some cases middle school).
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I can assure you that a number of coaches are worried that some of their players may earn more money than they will. And they have issues with it, because they still want to look at the kids as "amateurs" knowing full well these kids haven't been amateurs since they were playing JV(or in some cases middle school).

That could be true. But I’m not sure that’s the context he was using there.
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