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Should semipro/college players be paid, or allowed to sell their stuff? (NIL and Revenue Sharing)

I also think it'll settle down in a few years. Lots of changes occurred all at once (Transfer Portal & NIL). That's a recipe for upheaval and chaos.

Do you think it'll settle down organically? Or will it take some sort of regulation(Something like NIL salary caps modeled after the NFL/pros)?
I think it settles organically when the Drew Rosenhaus’ of the world realize they can negotiate better and bigger deals and only take 4%, all while getting clients in their portfolios earlier, where they can then target the ones that have better future earning potential. A list agents have the benefit of vertical integration. LeBron’s son will be a particularly informative test case.

The A list agents right now are watching, observing, and letting everyone else make the first-mover mistakes. The early bird gets the worm… But the second mouse gets the cheese.
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Top College Football Star Jordan Addison Mulls Transfer In Major Test Of New NCAA NIL Rule

The new NCAA Name, Image, Likeness rule (NIL) that allows college athletes to monetize themselves could be at a crossroads. Top college receiver Jordan Addison is reportedly mulling a transfer from Pittsburgh amid rumors of massive booster blandishments from top football programs.

Addison won the Biletnikoff Award as the country’s top wide receiver in 2021, and is considered one of the most prominent college players targeted for next year’s NFL draft. His decision to transfer would be viewed as a marketing test for the value of a college football star, which could set off a huge bidding war for talent that goes beyond anything previously seen (or unseen) under more restrictive rules.

Typically, college football transfers are players disgruntled with their lack of playing time, or moving to be closer to home. In Addison’s case, any move would be viewed as akin to professional sports free agency, with a bidding war abetted by college program boosters eager to see their teams pick off top stars.

Pitt coach Pat Narduzzi reportedly called new USC coach Lincoln Riley to complain about alleged tampering with Addison.

Addison just completed his sophomore season. He faces a Sunday, May 1 deadline to enter the transfer portal and remain eligible for the fall football season.

USC has taken 15 transfers since Riley’s hire.

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Wait until NIL gets approved at the high school level. Talk about insanity.

Parents already get incentives to send their kids to particular schools for sports. May as well make NIL legal. Over the past few decades we've seen a massive spike in kids transferring HSs multiple times, whether its due to shoe deals, or feeding a kid through a HS to get to a particular college or coach. None of this stuff is new
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Per the report, the unnamed rising star would be paid $350,000 “almost immediately” and then receive monthly payments that would increase to more than $2 million a year when the athlete is on campus. In exchange, he will make public appearances and play a role in social media promotions as well as participate in other NIL activities.

It looks like he would have to stay 4 years to get all $8M.
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This is the "death of sport x" because of free agency talk I grew up listening to in the 70's.

You want to keep the players you develop? Pay them the going market rate.

Can't afford market rate? Then we'll have a major league and minor league system.

All this irrational hand wringing over the death of CFB is fucking stupid.
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The best are those who say, "I know the big programs have been paying players illegally behind-the-scenes for years, but something just doesn't feel right about this NIL stuff..."

Yeah. I liked my pot deals in a dark back alley back in the day. Something just so pure about the illegality and constant threat of violence. These new, regulated, legal dispensaries are the devil.
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