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Should semipro/college players be paid, or allowed to sell their stuff? (NIL and Revenue Sharing)

Yeah. I liked my pot deals in a dark back alley back in the day. Something just so pure about the illegality and constant threat of violence. These new, regulated, legal dispensaries are the devil.


It's a shame that these kids are no longer getting paid by men with integrity like Hugh Freeze and Nevin Shapiro because these dirty NIL deals aren't providing them with prostitutes and blow on yachts.
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It's a shame that these kids are no longer getting paid by men with integrity like Hugh Freeze and Nevin Shapiro because these dirty NIL deals aren't providing them with prostitutes and blow on yachts.

That's what I'm sayin'. If these kids aren't getting hookers and blow on yachts then why do they even play?
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That's what I'm sayin'. If these kids aren't getting hookers and blow on yachts then why do they even play?

Co-eds and weed in Dodge Chargers?




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Boy I really feel bad for … .the New Mexico’s/ NMSt/ Umass’s of college football.. they are about to get hammered…

Wait until the first kid loses eligibility, and some/all of his seven figure NIL deal, because of NCAA bylaws/enforcement. The line of lawyers waiting to take that case and sue the NCAA's balls off will stretch around the block.

NCAA knows this so enforcement of these new, proposed, NIL guidelines will be worse than before. They know their entire house of cards (anti trust exemption) is going to be in the cross hairs if they do that to someone.

So yes, they will nail some 19 year old water polo player from New Mexico State you made $75 off a YouTube add before they signed with the school but they won't go after one swinging dick in the P5.
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Wait until the first kid loses eligibility, and some/all of his seven figure NIL deal, because of NCAA bylaws/enforcement. The line of lawyers waiting to take that case and sue the NCAA's balls off will stretch around the block.

NCAA knows this so enforcement of these new, proposed, NIL guidelines will be worse than before. They know their entire house of cards (anti trust exemption) is going to be in the cross hairs if they do that to someone.

So yes, they will nail some 19 year old water polo player from New Mexico State you made $75 off a YouTube add before they signed with the school but they won't go after one swinging dick in the P5.

I think in states that allow high school NIL deals it could get a lot more complicated and much more difficult to enforce.
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This could get messy.

As a reminder of the unanimous SCOTUS ruling that started all of this...(bold is mine)

The SCOTUS upheld a district court ruling

Monday’s decision in NCAA v. Alston ended a dispute that began seven years ago as a class action filed against the NCAA and the major athletic conferences by the athletes who play Division I football and basketball. The athletes contended in their complaint that the NCAA’s restrictions on eligibility and compensation violate federal antitrust laws by barring the athletes from receiving fair-market compensation for their labor. A federal district court in California agreed in part: It ruled that the NCAA could restrict benefits that are unrelated to education (such as cash salaries), but it barred the NCAA from limiting education-related benefits. After the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit upheld that decision, the NCAA and the athletic conferences went to the Supreme Court, which late last year agreed to take up the case.

so before the NCAA and the schools try and redefine what is and isn't a benefit related to education, they were given this little warning shot....

.......Justice Brett Kavanaugh joined the court’s opinion in full, but he also wrote a separate concurring opinion in which he questioned the legality of the remaining restrictions on benefits for college athletes. He made clear that although those restrictions were not before the court in this case, Monday’s ruling established a framework for future challenges to the restrictions – and, he wrote, there are “serious questions” about whether those rules “can pass muster” under that framework. Kavanaugh, an avid sports fan who coaches his daughters’ basketball teams and unsuccessfully tried out for the varsity basketball team while an undergraduate at Yale, acknowledged that college athletics includes “important traditions that have become part of the fabric of America.” But, he warned, the “NCAA is not above the law.”

The schools and the NCAA took their best shot, appealed all the way to the Supreme Court and were not only told to fuck off, they were issued a "don't make us come back in there" kind of warning.

I'm not a lawyer but this seems a pretty clear message to the schools/NCAA consortium that they should probably not try and do anything that could be construed as restricting a persons ability to earn a fair wage for their labor.
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