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Should semipro/college players be paid, or allowed to sell their stuff? (NIL and Revenue Sharing)

I have to believe that the ipads will be under university "ownership" at all times. Sooooo, what are the penalties for surfing to certain sites that would result in disciplinary action including termination were a normal employee to do so on a university owned computer?
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New to the iPad discussion but is The Ohio State University the first university to offer iPad's to all of their athletes on scholarship and what if the athlete already has one that he purchased on his own. Does he/she get one:huh: or what:confused:
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LitlBuck;2159406; said:
New to the iPad discussion but is The Ohio State University the first university to offer iPad's to all of their athletes on scholarship and what if the athlete already has one that he purchased on his own. Does he/she get one:huh: or what:confused:

The university is merely loaning the iPads to the SAs. Im sure if a SA already has an iPad, as long as it has the software needed to video chat (for the above mentioned tutor sessions), Im sure they could use their own.

Not sure what would happen if an SA were to keep the iPad, I would think a lein would be placed against receiving their grades, like campus parking tickets.
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Tanner;2242828; said:
Hate to see that happen to Lattimore (again)

These kids either need to be allowed to go pro after high school or they need to get paid in college

If anything, they need to drop the limit to declare for the draft to Sophomore year. Paying players in college is stupid, they get full rides. Going pro after high school is stupid, they would never be ready. This isn't the NBA where raw talent warrants big pay days. You have to be good at what you do, and be physically ready to take a beating on Sundays.
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TooTallMenardo;2242833; said:
If anything, they need to drop the limit to declare for the draft to Sophomore year. Paying players in college is stupid, they get full rides. Going pro after high school is stupid, they would never be ready. This isn't the NBA where raw talent warrants big pay days. You have to be good at what you do, and be physically ready to take a beating on Sundays.

"A full ride" is nowhere near adequate compensation for how much they make for their bosses and how dangerous what they do is.

Raw talent doesn't equal a pay day if you play football, only if you do literally anything else?

Noone is saying they need to get 25 carries a game as an 18 year old. If they aren't ready they should be developed. They should just be paid during that development, not be given room and board and free history classes.
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Tanner;2242854; said:
"A full ride" is nowhere near adequate compensation for how much they make for their bosses and how dangerous what they do is.

Raw talent doesn't equal a pay day if you play football, only if you do literally anything else?

Noone is saying they need to get 25 carries a game as an 18 year old. If they aren't ready they should be developed. They should just be paid during that development, not be given room and board and free history classes.

My broke ass tends to disagree with your first statement. I had a friend throw away a full-ride scholarship for football, and now he's kicking himself in the ass right now.

On your second point, that's what I'm trying to say... The NFL isn't the NBA.

Biggest problem with developing players in the NFL is roster limits. They don't need 5-10 players taking up roster space because they are developing. The NFL doesn't have the benefit of a minor league system, where they can just call up their best prospects at any given time. I'm sorry, but going pro straight out of high school just isn't smart when it comes to football.
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Tanner;2242854; said:
"A full ride" is nowhere near adequate compensation for how much they make for their bosses and how dangerous what they do is.

Raw talent doesn't equal a pay day if you play football, only if you do literally anything else?

Noone is saying they need to get 25 carries a game as an 18 year old. If they aren't ready they should be developed. They should just be paid during that development, not be given room and board and free history classes.

Ahh man not the college athletes should be paid discussion
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TooTallMenardo;2242866; said:
My broke ass tends to disagree with your first statement. I had a friend throw away a full-ride scholarship for football, and now he's kicking himself in the ass right now.

On your second point, that's what I'm trying to say... The NFL isn't the NBA.

Biggest problem with developing players in the NFL is roster limits. They don't need 5-10 players taking up roster space because they are developing. The NFL doesn't have the benefit of a minor league system, where they can just call up their best prospects at any given time. I'm sorry, but going pro straight out of high school just isn't smart when it comes to football.

I understand that's what your trying to say. I just don't think it makes sense. (No offense.)

NFL roster limit is an entirely arbitrary number. There's no reason teams can't have more guys on their teams, whether it's on the active roster, or the practice squad, etc. And why couldn't each team have a minor league team if that was the best solution, for that matter?

These are adults with a marketable skill. This is America. The fact that they aren't able to use that skill professionally is ludicrous. Bottom line.
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Tanner;2242888; said:
I understand that's what your trying to say. I just don't think it makes sense. (No offense.)

NFL roster limit is an entirely arbitrary number. There's no reason teams can't have more guys on their teams, whether it's on the active roster, or the practice squad, etc. And why couldn't each team have a minor league team if that was the best solution, for that matter?

These are adults with a marketable skill. This is America. The fact that they aren't able to use that skill professionally is ludicrous. Bottom line.

:lol: lost all credibility, and that statement is outrageous.

Anyways, SC scores to go back up by 2 TDs
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Tanner;2242888; said:
I understand that's what your trying to say. I just don't think it makes sense. (No offense.)

NFL roster limit is an entirely arbitrary number. There's no reason teams can't have more guys on their teams, whether it's on the active roster, or the practice squad, etc. And why couldn't each team have a minor league team if that was the best solution, for that matter?

These are adults with a marketable skill. This is America. The fact that they aren't able to use that skill professionally is ludicrous. Bottom line.

Bottom line, 18 year old kids don't belong in the NFL... If they did, the rule would have changed, and they would be allowed to enter the draft straight out of HS. They aren't ready for the speed of the NFL, Lattimore's leg would have been ripped off had that been Jerome Harrison hitting him. So the argument you are trying to make here just isn't logical.
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