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Should semipro/college players be paid, or allowed to sell their stuff? (NIL and Revenue Sharing)

The fact that many get set up with summer jobs thru the university (not talking Oklahoma no-show jobs, but real jobs) is a huge benefit to the kids in this economy. You can bet whatever jobs are set up will not be an onerous and low paying as many of the jobs I worked while in college: shelf reader (sorting books by Dewey system number) at the library, security guard, late shift liquor store clerk, various fast food stuff.
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BB73;2109008; said:
An interesting piece by Ramzy on the NCAA's rules and those that have broken them.

Some insightful points and some that missed the boat. I did love this quote:

College football as you know it is basically a leviathan of rules constructed to perpetuate a myth of amateurism. These games are not played by the open student body population anymore.
That about sums it up.
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Gatorubet;2148755; said:
Some insightful points and some that missed the boat. I did love this quote:
These games are not played by the open student body population anymore.

Not directed at Ubet, but rather the article writer. College sports have not been played by "the open student body population" for decades. Athletes in every single sport in college are recruited and not plucked out of the general student body.
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OHSportsFan;2158319; said:

Re: The iPads will be available to the student-athletes on an issuance and retrieval basis.

I ass/u/me this is within the NCAA rules. The next logical step is to have the players' missed classes on video and the tutors on Skype. Basically they would be able attend (missed) classes their hotel room, etc.

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ScriptOhio;2158369; said:
Re: The iPads will be available to the student-athletes on an issuance and retrieval basis.

I ass/u/me this is within the NCAA rules. The next logical step is to have the players' missed classes on video and the tutors on Skype. Basically they would be able attend (missed) classes their hotel room, etc.


Talk about opening a can of worms from an academic integrity standpoint, it's good to give them the access to materials, but they better keep a leash on this.
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JBaney45;2158373; said:
Talk about opening a can of worms from an academic integrity standpoint, it's good to give them the access to materials, but they better keep a leash on this.

As long as the players:

1. do their own work (homework reports & papers, etc.),

2. take the tests themselves,

3. and earn the grades they are given (i.e. same grading system/criteria applied to the players that applies to the other students in the same classes, etc.).

There shouldn't be any more problems than there are now.
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MililaniBuckeye;2158354; said:
Not directed at Ubet, but rather the article writer. College sports have not been played by "the open student body population" for decades. Athletes in every single sport in college are recruited and not plucked out of the general student body.

Which begs the question...even leaving out all those wrestlers, swimmers, volleyball & softball players that are randomly pulled from the 'open student body population does Ramzy consider students in the Ohio State honors program or those who have received highly competitive academic scholarships also to not be part of that same group?

11W is a great place to find recruiting info lifted from behind a pay-wall but it's editorial content is message board blabbering masquerading as IMPORTANT BUSINESS.
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ScriptOhio;2158376; said:
As long as the players:

1. do their own work (homework reports & papers, etc.),

Well this is key, you don't want players skyping with tutors..not suggesting that this would be allowed to take place but you just have to keep in mind.

When I was involved, the tutoring sessions were all monitored, you were to meet within the realm of the tutoring area, students and tutors were logged in and out for sessions, records detailing the sessions were kept, you were within at least reasonably open view at all times, the sessions took place either out in the open atrium or in rooms that have only partially obstructed glass where someone on the academic staff could peak in if necessary. You don't want to open up opportunities for "foul play" to take place by opening up a bunch of contact that would not be easily monitored.
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MililaniBuckeye;2158354; said:
Not directed at Ubet, but rather the article writer. College sports have not been played by "the open student body population" for decades. Athletes in every single sport in college are recruited and not plucked out of the general student body.

Muck;2158377; said:
Which begs the question...even leaving out all those wrestlers, swimmers, volleyball & softball players that are randomly pulled from the 'open student body population does Ramzy consider students in the Ohio State honors program or those who have received highly competitive academic scholarships also to not be part of that same group?

I think MilianiBuckeye is correct, the "wrestlers, swimmers, volleyball & softball players" are recruited and on scholarship too. In some cases they may only have a partical athletic scholarship and/or one based on economic need; however, they are not just pulled from the "student body population".
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JBaney45;2158381; said:
Well this is key, you don't want players skyping with tutors..not suggesting that this would be allowed to take place but you just have to keep in mind.

When I was involved, the tutoring sessions were all monitored, you were to meet within the realm of the tutoring area and nowhere else (students and tutors were logged in and out for sessions, records detailing the sessions were kept). You don't want to open up opportunities for "foul play" to take place by opening up a bunch of contact that would not be easily monitored.

You are correct , tutoring must be controlled. Just make sure the tutors only skype from the "official tutoring area" with the proper monitoring in place.
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ScriptOhio;2158382; said:
I think MilianiBuckeye is correct,...

Are you under the impression that I was disagreeing with him?

...wanders off to adjust sarcasm meter.

Seriously though I was in full agreement with Mili. Any kid who is accepted into a university via a different selection process is not part of the 'open student body'. Singling out football players is just selection bias meant to push an agenda.

We've all gone around on this issue before and the real solution is the same as it has ever been (and it is not one that the 'pay football players!' mob likes at all).

Remove the NFL's use of the NCAA as a developmental league. Run it just like baseball. Draft kids out of HS. They can then decide whether to play in the pros or go to college. The same goes for basketball.

Hooray free market.
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