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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

Reds pitching will have given up just 2 runs in their last 19 innings pitched...and they will have two 'L's to show for it...why, oh dear God, WHY did I let myself get fucking sucked into caring about the Reds again??????????
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Lead down to 1 game and will expire shortly after the break. All joking aside, stick a fork in them, they're done.

They should still break .500 and have a lot of good young talent going forward. They just aren't good enough yet.

-They desperately need a legit TOR starter/Ace.
-The pen needs a complete makeover from the arms that can't break into the rotation next year and if that's Volquez and or Chapman so be it. Of course Cordero will be the highly paid vet closer and if Dustys the manager we all know what that means.
-They need to see what they have in Janish at SS. Its hard to tell if his bat really has come around or not because Dusty insists on playing Orlando Pattvaras everyday, and batting him 2nd, no matter how bad he is.
-LF could be upgraded, I'm not sold on Gomes but the bigger thing is if you are going to carry the sub standard OBP of Stubbs in CF you have to get leadoff production out of SS or LF. Maybe spend some money this off season for Carl Crawford?
-Of course taking the manager out back and shooting him would help but I've pretty much put that one with the scUM/ND meteor as things that should happen in a just world but will never happen in this one.
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MLB: Crunching the scheduling numbers shows the Reds with the best path to the playoffs - ESPN

Buster Olney ranks the contenders (17 teams with winning records at the break) 1-17 by order of schedule difficulty. Cardinals are 16th, Reds are 17th, -- obviously, since they're both in the same shitty division. Reds have the easiest 2nd half schedule in all of MLB for playoff contenders.

17. Cincinnati Reds
Games remaining against teams with records over .500: 25
Home games: 35 of 72
Conversation piece: Look, it can't get much better than this for the Reds. They finish the first half of the season leading the division, and they have the easiest finishing schedule in the big leagues. This is who they play from Sept. 10 through Sept. 22, as they make their push for the playoffs -- Pittsburgh, Arizona, Houston and Milwaukee.

And think, there is a good possibility that by the time the Reds play those teams in September, Haren, Drew, Oswalt, Hart, and Fielder could all be dealt off of their clubs.

As for the Phillies series, that was a downer and sour way to head into the break, but the Reds did go .500 on that difficult 14-game finishing run everybody was concerned about and played the Phillies about as well as one could hope over seven of those games. 4 of the 7 against the Phils went extra innings, 4 were decided by 1 run, and both teams' bullpens blew saves. Despite the sweep, the Reds played really well in a series that felt like a playoff series against the team that has represented the NL in the last two World Series. The Phillies were without Utley and Palanco, while the Reds played without Rolen, Hernandez, or Hanigan for several of those games, plus started two AAA emergency callups to face Halliday and Hamels.

Clearly Cordero has become the elephant in the room. I don't know what the Reds can do with him given his contract. On the plus side, the Phillies have Brad Lidge, so if the Reds can win the Central and get to the Phillies in the playoffs, they've got a punchers chance. Lidge and Cordero with the NL pennant on the line ... eek!

The Reds went 5-for-35 in the 4-game series with RiSP, yet they were still walking the tightrope of going 3-1 instead of 0-4. I don't think I'm ready to throw in the towel yet. Cincinnati has holes, but so does every single other team in the National League.
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I guess I should say, I'm not trying to brush off getting swept by the Phillies on the road or polish that turd, but damn ... this years Redlegs couldn't possibly have had that go any worse. After Votto, Cairo and Corky Miller were the Reds most consistent players. That probably won't happen again.

Mad props to Corky Miller. He may not be much as a hitter but he's quick as a cat for a fat guy and did an awesome job handling the starters.
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Jaxbuck;1730442; said:
Lead down to 1 game and will expire shortly after the break. All joking aside, stick a fork in them, they're done.

They should still break .500 and have a lot of good young talent going forward. They just aren't good enough yet.

-They desperately need a legit TOR starter/Ace.
-The pen needs a complete makeover from the arms that can't break into the rotation next year and if that's Volquez and or Chapman so be it. Of course Cordero will be the highly paid vet closer and if Dustys the manager we all know what that means.
-They need to see what they have in Janish at SS. Its hard to tell if his bat really has come around or not because Dusty insists on playing Orlando Pattvaras everyday, and batting him 2nd, no matter how bad he is.
-LF could be upgraded, I'm not sold on Gomes but the bigger thing is if you are going to carry the sub standard OBP of Stubbs in CF you have to get leadoff production out of SS or LF. Maybe spend some money this off season for Carl Crawford?
-Of course taking the manager out back and shooting him would help but I've pretty much put that one with the scUM/ND meteor as things that should happen in a just world but will never happen in this one.

Didn't you JUST say that 3 or so weeks ago? Why not just watch what happens next?? That's twice now you've lost hope in this team. We have Volquez coming back shortly after the break, and potentially Chapman coming out of the bullpen this year if we absolutely need him. I wasn't giving up on them after the Mariners series (because they suck ass on the West Coast), and I'm not giving up on them after being swept by the 2 time defending NL Champions (more often than not, we blow against them)..
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Didn't you JUST say that 3 or so weeks ago? Why not just watch what happens next?? That's twice now you've lost hope in this team. We have Volquez coming back shortly after the break, and potentially Chapman coming out of the bullpen this year if we absolutely need him. I wasn't giving up on them after the Mariners series (because they suck ass on the West Coast), and I'm not giving up on them after being swept by the 2 time defending NL Champions (more often than not, we blow against them)..
Try to keep up :wink:
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Buckeye89Fan;1731069; said:
Didn't you JUST say that 3 or so weeks ago? Why not just watch what happens next?? That's twice now you've lost hope in this team. We have Volquez coming back shortly after the break, and potentially Chapman coming out of the bullpen this year if we absolutely need him. I wasn't giving up on them after the Mariners series (because they suck ass on the West Coast), and I'm not giving up on them after being swept by the 2 time defending NL Champions (more often than not, we blow against them)..

BuckeyeNation27;1731088; said:
Try to keep up :wink:

Listen to BN27, he's pre med.

BTW, they suck balls. No way they can possibly win the central. None.
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Stylish Brandon Phillips flashes substance, too | cincinnati.com | Cincinnati.Com

"Rolen says he talked to you about your home run trot," I say to Phillips. Phillips, who loves style, occasionally will put a little flavor in his jog after a homer.

"He did," Phillips says. "I was hitting in front of him. He was like, 'Hey, BP, just so you know. If I get hit (with a pitch) because you pimped a home run, me and you are going to have to talk.' That's all I needed to know."

You might have noticed Phillips making a more modest way 'round the bases, after going deep.

Most would see Joey Votto as the Reds Most Valuable Player, and Rolen as their Most Important. As Votto noted, when informed of Phillips' self appraisal, "I think we should get Rick (Stowe, Reds clubhouse manager) to shift me over to (Phillips') side of the clubhouse, so I can learn how to love myself more."
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Votto is God.

“I don’t like the Cubs,” Votto said. “And I’m not going to pat anybody with a Cubs uniform on the back. But because he made that really cool play, it turned out to be a really cool experience. I’m really glad we got the win today.”

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nr4HNzZq0z0&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - CHECK HOW MEAN JOEY VOTTO IS TO KIDS!!!!![/ame]
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Buckeye89Fan;1731069; said:
Didn't you JUST say that 3 or so weeks ago? Why not just watch what happens next?? That's twice now you've lost hope in this team. We have Volquez coming back shortly after the break, and potentially Chapman coming out of the bullpen this year if we absolutely need him. I wasn't giving up on them after the Mariners series (because they suck ass on the West Coast), and I'm not giving up on them after being swept by the 2 time defending NL Champions (more often than not, we blow against them)..

DO NOT get Jax off his rant. Jax is pissed, and it's time to make another run. I want the dirtiest dirty post he can come up with about how it's time to wither. I eat that shit up. Please don't take those away. They have been sparking wins. Wins are good.

EDDIE GGGG27;1732373; said:
Votto is God.

?I don?t like the Cubs,? Votto said. ?And I?m not going to pat anybody with a Cubs uniform on the back. But because he made that really cool play, it turned out to be a really cool experience. I?m really glad we got the win today.?


CookyPuss;1732436; said:
Joey Votto is now officially my favorite player of all-time. :bow:

Loved it.
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