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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

he tried to bunt the first pitch for some reason and popped out to CF on the 3rd pitch.

Thats a pretty disciplined at bat for that piece of shit. God I can't wait until he's gone
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Jaxbuck;1730223; said:
he tried to bunt the first pitch for some reason and popped out to CF on the 3rd pitch.

Thats a pretty disciplined at bat for that piece of shit. God I can't wait until he's gone

I won't be. He is the best defensive second baseman in baseball, and has actually been a pretty good leadoff hitter. He just isn't the best with runners in scoring position. Of course for Dusty that means bat him 4th for over a month.
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At least Bray does his job. His stuff is getting downright nasty. I have liked him since before the Reds acquired him from Washington. I thought he could have been a future closer at the time. Too bad he has trouble staying healthy.
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Nearly every one of em swing at the first pitch.

Brilliant game by Travis Wood! :bow:

The young pitching on this team is just awesome. If we had a manager with any semblance of a brain, I would be completely ecstatic about the Reds future. As it is, I'm cautiously optimistic.

So many games we've given away late this season. On the same note though we've stolen just as many or more. I want to complain, but I'll just take the blessings we've been given this year and have my beer and shut up.

C'mon now Reds, get a run in and lets get the hell out of here!
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From RZ, a link to the sabermetric view of sac bunting.


I personally think its a case by case thing but in general the small ball/over management slaves like Dusty completely over do it.

Last night with #6 hitter on 2nd and 7, 8, P due up you don't give away #7's out because they aren't going to give #8 anything to hit with a pitcher behind him.

The second time was slightly more understandable but it still goes against my grain to give away an out and the 20+ % chance the hitter gets a single, or better, for that minuscule increase in scoring percentage.
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Top 4 down 1-0.

Bases loaded, no outs, Gomes and Bruce turn 2 AB's into 3 outs, they fail to score a run. :shake:

Their genetic predisposition to losing is really starting to show.
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