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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

What's really funny about the whole deal is that this week I've been rubbernecking the STLToday forums, the Cardinals fans have been bitching about how sick they are of 30 minute long half-innings while Tony LaRussa runs out arm after arm for one batter to get matchups. They want a manager that will let the bullpen go for a three-out inning, and I want a manager that has the common sense to go "Captain Hook" on a guys ass and run out the most favorable matchup.

Think the Cards would trade managers straight up?
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I'd ask for someone to explain to me why Dusty insisted on attempting to squeeze a complete game out of our best pitcher so far this year, with a 5/6 run lead, when we are going to have to shut him down at some point. Surely getting him out after 7 and saving those innings to hopefully contribute to him pitching an extra game down the road would be worthwhile? I know he was dealing and the bullpen has been sketchy at points, but really? I would ask, but surely no one can explain this idiocy. Nights like tonight remind me why I should've slapped myself in the face when I was beginning to jump on the 'extend Dusty! we're in 1st!!11!!!' bandwagon a week or two ago.
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BuckeyeNation27;1728373; said:
Going to Philly 2morrow.....your boys better not make me regret this.

CookyPuss;1729793; said:
Mother fuck that mother fucking mother fucker. There is no mother fucking reason to have a mother fucking rookie pitching the mother fucking 9th inning of a mother fucking 7-1 mother fucking game.
that's about how I felt. my brother leaned over the ledge in 301 to see into the bullpen, and reported that Cordero was warming up. that's when I knew it was over.

god damn he's a stupid manager.
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My .02:

-Not enough difference making talent on this team to overcome the 5 or so wins Dusty is sure to give away every year. Good clubhouse guy, horrible tactical manager.

Team needs ranked:
-bullpen in general
-TOR starter

-No good way to fix the first two right now, it would take a massive overpayment. Maybe see if you could get Aardsma back? I just don't know that you can fix the bullpen at this stage.
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X Buckeyes07 X;1729872; said:
I'd ask for someone to explain to me why Dusty insisted on attempting to squeeze a complete game out of our best pitcher so far this year, with a 5/6 run lead, when we are going to have to shut him down at some point. Surely getting him out after 7 and saving those innings to hopefully contribute to him pitching an extra game down the road would be worthwhile? I know he was dealing and the bullpen has been sketchy at points, but really? I would ask, but surely no one can explain this idiocy. Nights like tonight remind me why I should've slapped myself in the face when I was beginning to jump on the 'extend Dusty! we're in 1st!!11!!!' bandwagon a week or two ago.

Well even if you let him start the 9th, you have someone up in the bullpen so when there are 2 on with 1 out and a run in, you yank him.

Leake should have NEVER faced Greg Dobbs and I said that last night BEFORE he hit the homer. That was the PERFECT spot for Arthur Rhodes.
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I don't think there was any reason for Leake to be on the mound to start the 9th at all. As has already been said, his innings are being limited anyway. Why add to his workload in a game that should've been in hand? It's a high risk, low reward move.
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I don't think there was any reason for Leake to be on the mound to start the 9th at all. As has already been said, his innings are being limited anyway. Why add to his workload in a game that should've been in hand? It's a high risk, low reward move.
That.....and the guy they had warming up in the pen was the closer. So you're going to keep Leake out there until he gives up 3 runs, and then bring in the closer? That wouldn't work even if your closer was good.....let alone the piece of shit they have. Why wasn't Rhoades warming up at the start of the 9th if you must keep Leake out there to get his CG?

I'm this mad about it and the Reds aren't even my favorite team. What a moron.
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