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Reds tidbits (2010 season)

What a cocksucking disaster Dusty is. Just a fucking disaster. He has no fucking clue how to manage a game. Just a worthless piece of shit. Unfuckingbelievable that they have had multiple 9th inning collapses this year and he has been the reason each fucking time. Just terrible
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txbuckeye1983;1729796; said:
What a cocksucking disaster Dusty is. Just a fucking disaster. He has no fucking clue how to manage a game. Just a worthless piece of shit. Unfuckingbelievable that they have had multiple 9th inning collapses this year and he has been the reason each fucking time. Just terrible

Actually, this one was my wife's fault. She looks at the 7-1 score and says, "I guess they didn't want to have another extra innings game like last night." She accepted responsibility and apologized.
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CookyPuss;1729801; said:
Actually, this one was my wife's fault. She looks at the 7-1 score and says, "I guess they didn't want to have another extra innings game like last night." She accepted responsibility and apologized.

You wife could have managed the 9th inning better than Dusty, so she's off the hook.
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